Friday, March 07, 2008

Hungry is the New Full

I read an article today about how empowering the "hungry" feeling can be. Allegedly you can trick your mind into being just as satisfied by the feeling of hunger than the feeling of being full.

Let me first say that I read this article on a full stomach, and I thought it was brilliant. It made so much sense. Feel empowered by hunger, feel in control, let your thoughts wander to things spiritual rather than temporal. Seek not to just fill the void, rather explore the emptiness and discover what it's really hungry for...

It's now 11:00 on a Friday night and I find myself at a very common crossroads. Do I eat again so I can put it in second gear for the weekend, or do I just go to bed? As I sit here exploring my hunger, seeking empowerment, I remember that the Lindsey on the full stomach that read the article earlier today was the same Lindsey who 4 years ago got talked into doing the 10 day "Master Cleanse" fast with my roommate. 10 straight days of nothing but water, lemon juice, organic maple syrup and cayenne pepper. By day 7 I felt a oddly energizing and overwhelming burning sensation in my gut. Was this the feeling of spiritual awareness and empowerment that all the testimonials were talking about? I would later conclude that it was because I had been drinking a battery acid cocktail for a week and I'm pretty sure my intestinal walls were literally a'blaze. I doused that fire with a diet coke and tacos at Chipotle.

ANYHOO - as I'm finishing this blog post in bed with a bowl of cocoa puffs, I'm less inclined to agree that hunger equals spiritual enlightenment and personal freedom and more inclined to feel incredibly blessed and indebted to my creator that after speaking freely in cyberspace I'm going to sleep in a warm bed, satisfied - and with a full stomach.

Gratitude is totally the new full.