Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Happy Holidays 2011

Family Photo August 2011

I have been absent from blogging so long, I almost don't remember how. But, for the sake of the 2011 Holiday Letter and my New Year Resolution to get back to "blogging", I will give it my best.

The update for 2011 should really include 2010, because for two years now, I have ordered Christmas Cards and not sent them. So if you are reading this due to the web address you found on our holiday card, consider yourself one of the chosen few. Chosen that is because you fit one of the categories

1. You are an immediate family member and I sent your Christmas present and threw in a card as an afterthought
2. You live in SoCal and have come to visit us in our new temporary home and pick up your own card, OR
3. You received a some sort of blogland notification that I finally posted something!!! Sorry you did not receive a Christmas Card. Maybe before the year end. :)

So without further ado...

AUDREY (10) Double Digit Diva!!! Audrey has advanced past the little girl years! She got her ears pierced for her birthday and did not even flinch! This year she has worked hard at gymnastics and finished her first competitive season scoring 9's in all four events. Audrey is getting better on the piano and was beginning guitar lessons before we moved. She is a big help to her mom and dad and all her brothers look up to her!

CORBIN (7 1/2) is quite the athlete! This year he played baseball and football and loved both! And he did a good job! Although he says basketball is still on his list to try before he picks a favorite. He has lost several teeth this year and anxiously awaits the arrival of permanent teeth. He is tender hearted and thoughtful and was recognized at school for being an outstanding citizen amongst his peers. Corbin is learning to play the piano and the violin. In true brother fashion, he is the tease of the family that pushes everyone's buttons.

DREW (4 1/2) transformed from a toddler to a boy overnight. He has grown so much physically and mentally this year. He continues to have a contagious personality that draws others to him and makes them laugh. He is so cute and funny from his grin to his antics. He knows all the letters in the alphabet and the sounds they make. He loves computer games and playing with friends. He is a good helper to me when the older two are at school and takes such good care of his little brothers. Drew will go, go, go, insisting he is not tired until finally we catch him "resting" his eyes anywhere, anytime.

JAKE (2 1/2) is happy, mischievous, angelic, devilish, sweet, almost always guilty, and the bound and determine to put me in my grave. 2011 will go down in history as the year Jake quit wearing clothes and became a perpetually lost child. To his credit, he potty-trained himself. However, he undresses for the feat and refuses to put the clothes back on. To MY credit, I have relied more on Heavenly Father to tell me when Jake is in trouble and hope the angels are watching over him until I get to him again. He escapes frequently and has no qualms about his solitude in the great unknown. He has also followed closely in the footsteps of his siblings and his parents in their toddle-years (so we are told.) He makes more messes and is destructive beyond imagination. Brandon and I think we have been "repaid" in full and then some. But who can resist that grin?

FISHER (16 months) is a JOY! He is so happy and sweet we all fight over who gets to snuggle him. And is he ever the SNUGGLER! In this past year, he has learned to crawl, walk, eat, climb, and use his voice to be heard amongst the competition. I am sad he is growing up so fast! (DID EVERYONE GET THAT??? I SAID I WAS SAD!) Let the mourning begin...because he sure fits the "baby" mold perfectly! He's quite the momma's boy but he gets toted around the house by everyone except Jake. (Jake pushes him around, finally glad to be bigger than someone else.) Fisher is quick to give anyone a smile and is so tolerable of most things like being hungry and tired. He truly is a delight!

BRANDON & DIXIE Just about the time we think we have things sorted out enough to make a long term plan, plans change. :) Ahhh, such is life. In late spring, Brandon and I decided to buy some property in Grand Junction, CO, build a house, and stay put for a while. So, this year, I have spent a big chunk of time working on house plans. That is, right up until we determined we would be moving to California. Brandon continues to work for his Aunt and Uncle and enjoys the challenges each new day brings. He now oversees the Warehousing (CA) and Trucking (CO) Businesses for Links Logistics. He manages to fit in fishing, surfing, lots of play time with the kids, and working with the youth at church. I continue to develop my skills as a mother and fit in biking, emotional work, essential oils, and cooking for fun every now and then. Travel has taken a back seat during this stage of our family, though we did escape to New York for Thanksgiving this year. Here we are in Grand Central Station. Good thing we had our phone camera to document the event. :) Something is better than nothing!

We feel very blessed to members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and find great comfort and strength in the gospel. We are grateful to have such wonderful family and friends that enrich our lives and make the future something to look forward too. Our door is always open and hope to have many visitors in our new Southern California location! We plan to live up the time we spend here, because if a pattern is developing, we won't stay put long!!! Come and play with us and enjoy the new year!