Thursday, May 27, 2010

Produce Co-op

So my friend recently posted on her blog about a produce co-op she participates in. And I am soooo jealous! I wish we had a location where we lived. It's sounds awesome. Here's what she wrote....

I belong to a produce co-op called Bountiful Baskets. You order a basket early in the week and pick it up on Saturday at the pickup location in your town (if you're lucky enough for them to come to your town). It's half fruit and half veggies, and I love it. Everything is so fresh and yummy. The co-op changes things up every week, so you never know what you're going to get. It's fun to watch the kids anticipate what we're going to get each time. We loved the mangos and honeydews, the blueberries, the corn and the pineapple (ok, we love it all, but somethings aren't what I normally would buy in the store)! Every once in a while there's something that my kids have never tried before, and that makes it fun. You can also order extras, like awesome 9-grain bread... So, this last week... for $15 (+a $1.50 handling fee) I got: 3 lbs. of apples, 9 huge bananas, 10 tomatoes, 8 peaches, romaine lettuce, 2 cucumbers, 1 lb. baby carrots, 4 avacados, 4 oranges, 1 lb. strawberries, blackberries, 2 summer squash, and 2 COCONUTS!

Check out the website to see if "Bountiful Baskets" comes to your neck of the woods.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Ladies Track Reunion DATE

O.K. Gals...Here's what I gathered from the few who responded. :)

Until we get through the next few years, we will be BLESSED with expanding families and waistlines. And although I'm sure other challenges are right around the corner, another year may be better suited for a weekend get together. For this year, here's the plan.

TUESDAY, July 27th, 2010 (couple days after 24th July wknd)
6:00 PM BBQ at Dawn Johnson's house in Orem
(Contact me for the address, I don't want to post on a blog)

Husbands and children are optional. :) After all, it's your gab time. More info regarding menu and what to bring will be coming. Message me if you can make it, your email and info, and we'll try to get an updated list going.

Anyway, I gathered bits of news from everyone along the way and posted the info on FB in a private message amongst track girls, but again...this is blogworld and I don't want to compromise any info that people don't want out there! Contact me and I'll send what I have.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Ladies Track Reunion

Fellow tracksters...I know some of you read my blog and do not have a facebook account, so I'm posting this announcement here.

A "reunion" of sorts is overdue! How about planning a weekend at someone's house (hubby and kids may have to vacate.) We rotate each year. Nursing babies welcome, all others stay home. 1. When do we want to get together? (Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter) 2. Where do we want to get together (I'm offering Grand Junction, CO for biking, hiking or possibly Island Park, ID, pending my in-laws approval. :) Any takers????? Send this on to anyone you keep in contact with from our "era." This is for Sprint or Distance Runners (although we may need to plan two menus) JUST KIDDING!!!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Career: MOM

Many times, I find myself writing during “hard” or challenging periods in life. It’s a way I release some of the frustration and see the humor involved. But on occasion, I feel such an overwhelming sense of gratitude for my calling of motherhood, that I want to record my feelings for my posterity’s sake. For my children to know later in life, what a blessing and joy they have been to me.

I have been an official mother for almost a decade. And whereas this position was not one I thought I aspired to, it is the one position in life that has caused the most change and growth for good than any other I have experienced. I attended Women’s Conference in Denver, Colorado last spring and Mark Mabry was one of the speakers. He shared his experience how “Reflections of Christ” came about and the changes he went through to be prepared for such a project. He said, “Honest truth, I didn’t even like photography. I just knew I was suppose to be a photographer.” I had a knee jerk reaction and turned to my neighbor and whispered in a voice louder than I had intended, “I didn’t even like motherhood. I just knew I was suppose to be a mother.”

In my earlier mothering years, I often rationalized that everyone does not become an accountant, or an attorney, or a construction worker. Everyone is drawn to where their interests lie and they pursue that as a career. Many times, altering their course along the way. Yet, half of the population has the ability to be a mother. I don’t know what the statistics are for those that actually become mothers, but I’m sure it’s more than had plans to. How did I get “thrown” into this career when my interests lie elsewhere? For many people, if they do not like their job or profession, they CHANGE. Professions that is.

What I realized, somewhat by accident and mostly by divine intervention, is that if I wanted to enjoy my mothering profession, CHANGE was involved. But it was me that had to change, because I couldn’t leave my profession, even if I tried. And many days I wanted to do just that.

I now have four children and am halfway through the pregnancy of the fifth. I marvel at how much I enjoy my young ones more than the first two. I love to see their development – their learning and growth. I use to feel bad, that maybe the first two got cheated, but really they helped me get to where I’m at – and vice versa. I’m a better mom. One who enjoys her calling more days than I did before, and I have my children to thank. To push me to my limits and be more than I thought possible.

The challenges have not gone away, nor have the messes, tantrums, or sleepless nights. But there is some familiarity in the moments and I know that “this too shall pass.” At times I still cry with overwhelment. And occasionally I escape for moments from the madness just to feel sane and recharge my batteries.

As Mother’s Day approaches, I reflect more on the mothers in my life and I am grateful for their service and love for me. Although I know I was a challenge for my mom at such a young age, I didn’t know how we were helping each other to grow. My child mind did not think in those terms. But my adult mind today can see her sacrifice and endless hours of service that she gave in my behalf. And continues to give. For that, I am grateful. I’m especially thankful for her example to go through the motions when that’s all the energy she had. Because some days are just that…going through the motions. But she did it for her kids and I know I can too. In the thankless moments of motherhood, my heart is turned towards my mom, and grandmother, and her mother. Thank you mom.

With little ones, the expression of appreciation rarely comes in the form of “Thank You.” Occasionally a hug, or a smile, or even a “love you” will suffice, but the recognition that a mom has gone above and beyond is unnoticed. After all, that’s their job, isn’t it?

That is why I thought Sister Beck’s talk from the recent LDS General Conference address, “And upon the Handmaids in Those Days Will I Pour Out My Spirit,” was so great. She teaches how in an underappreciated career, we should measure our success.

“Good women always have a desire to know if they are succeeding. In a world where the measures of success are often distorted, it is important to seek appreciation and affirmation from proper sources. To paraphrase a list found in Preach My Gospel, we are doing well when we develop attributes of Christ and strive to obey His gospel with exactness. We are doing well when we seek to improve ourselves and do our best. We are doing well when we increase faith and personal righteousness, strengthen families and homes, and seek out and help others who are in need. We know we are successful if we live so that we qualify for, receive, and know how to follow the Spirit. When we have done our very best, we may still experience disappointments, but we will not be disappointed in ourselves. We can feel certain that the Lord is pleased when we feel the Spirit working through us. Peace, joy, and hope are available to those who measure success properly.”

I was also touched by her acknowledgement of the day and age we live today - rushed, hurried, and busied. Our hearts may be in the right place, but there are only so many hours in the day to be SUPERMOM.

“A good woman knows that she does not have enough time, energy, or opportunity to take care of all of the people or do all of the worthy things her heart yearns to do. Life is not calm for most women, and each day seems to require the accomplishment of a million things, most of which are important. But with personal revelation, she can prioritize correctly and navigate this life confidently.”

So, in a quiet moment of peace, I feel the joy and contentment of motherhood. I feel the hope of a bright future. I feel love for my Heavenly Father for entrusting me with His precious children. I am grateful for Audrey, Corbin, Drew, Jake, and whoever else shows up for this adventure. I have the best job in the world.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Recent Recipes

Here are the links to the recipes I have posted on Shade's blog in the last couple months. (Click on the Recipe Title.) The cooking post is every 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month. I'm working on the "art" of presentation and photography. Not my favorite part of the job. But the finished food products? Delicious. Hope you like them as much as I do.

Peanut Butter Brownies

Snack Ideas

Red Potato Salad

Baked Ziti

Jicama Slaw Salad

The Unthinkable

Oooh, what to share, what to share...Sometimes the filter should be in place and it's not. This may be one of those times. Do I really want these events documented for history? Uuuum, well. Some made me laugh. Other's almost made me puke. And then I felt proud that I kept my cool and my cookies. I'm considering it a sign of a strong mother. :)

Event 1 - As we were driving back from school after dropping the kids off for the morning, Drew and Jake were still in their P.J.s. buckled in their car seats. Drew informed me, "Uh-oh. My penis is getting bigger. Where did my little penis go?" "Mom????"

I'm not so sure I signed up to have four boys but here they come, ready or not.

Event 2 - I remember once when Audrey was a baby with acid reflux, I was laying on my back and held her above me right as she decided to share her latest snack. Puke right in my mouth. I thought that was gross.

Well, today "Disgusting Mothering Moments" may have had it's chart topper. Be grateful I didn't have a camera on hand to visually document the event. I was more concerned for the well being of my child.

As I was headed out the door, pushing the clock to be on time for an appointment, Drew had to go potty. I helped him get on the "pot" and headed upstairs to get clothes for both the boys. He usually calls me when he is finished and I go help him clean up. But, in the midst of HURRY, I totally forgot he was even going the bathroom. I came downstairs and started getting him dressed. When I took off his PJ bottoms something rubbed my hand. I was confused? Where did this poop come from? And then I remembered. So I got some wipes, cleaned him up and dressed him.

With Jake's clothes in hand, I went looking for the little cruiser with his newfound freedom of mobility. "Where's Jake?" And then horror struck. I ran to the bathroom to find Jake playing in his favorite toy. The toilet. Poop smeared everywhere. Big pieces on the floor. And what was worse, it was all over his face and in his mouth. Hand in motion with some pee water to rinse.

Needless to say, I was late to my appointment after necessary baths and cleanup.