Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Shade Blog - Post #2

Today my second "post" is featured on Shade's blog. It's a dinner idea for Valentines...something to do with the kids that they LOVE!!! I've done it twice now so I could take picture for the post, and they were thrilled. The first time I didn't even let them help. It was Brandon's birthday and I had too much cooking! :) But they oohed and aaahhed over the heart shaped pizzas. Next time we made pizza's, they begged for hearts. Cute. Anything to change up the the mix. Although, I had to "fix" Drew's pizza. I didn't think he would eat it with everything he put on it. :)

If you read a little further down, as I did, I saw that I was "FEATURED." Crazy! It's kind of weird and fun at the same time. I don't consider myself a guru in any sense. In fact, the feature has me feeling a bit of pressure to perform. At least she mentioned fast and easy recipes. I've got lots of those. Hope I don't disappoint when I throw in a bit of flare. After cooking so much, most recipes ARE easy b/c you are so familiar with the terminology, even when the recipe doesn't give you the step by step.....Oh well. They mentioned my cookbook. Wonder if anyone will buy it off Amazon.

If you haven't ever made the BBQ pizza, try this recipe. I was pleasantly complimented when my Aunt asked me what restaurant I got it from. She thought it was pretty good.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

My Favorite Cookbook

It's been almost five years since I self-published a cookbook, titled "Kitchen Thyme." Hard to believe it's been that long ago. And, just like childbirth, the memories of the painful experience have been fading and I may even follow through with the second book. But, I'm not making promises. :) When I finished the first, I posted signs behind my computer that read, "Remember what went into publishing this book. DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT DOING ANOTHER ONE ANY TIME SOON." Yet, I'm already at that point where I have recipes scattered everywhere. My computer, random notebooks, shoved in a drawer, in my purse, and on and on and on. Not to mention, friends and family submitted many more recipes a couple years ago when I thought I would start the second book. That was before we moved, had another baby, and got pregnant again! Hormones sure do affect my productivity. :) That and little ones under my feet or on my lap as I type at the computer.

I still consider it progress that I re-ordered "Kitchen Thyme." I have not had any to sell for a few years and didn't want to re-print a book that had so many errors! Besides, I don't mind selling the books, but I don't want to go through the effort of packaging and shipping the books several times a month. Shipping packages at birthdays and Christmas is bad enough. But, after Deseret Book turned me down last year to publish it, I settled for fixing the errors and doing another self-publish. But the best part of all was the book was accepted by Amazon so it is now being sold on and shipped from their facilities. YEAH!!!

I love this book. I love that for the most part, the recipes everyone submitted are practical. They are realistic for families or even throwing parties. I love that I know everyone who submitted, even if I had to pull teeth to get the recipe. It really helps me feel connected to my friends and family that I no longer live close to or see often. But most of all, I love that the recipes I use daily, are in one spot. I cook a lot, but my memory is fading fast!!! I can't remember the measurements and ingredients for nothing! I love when I travel and feel like cooking, I have my recipes at hand - because everyone I visit has the book. I know they are rather selfish reasons, but that's how Kitchen Thyme was born. I hope everyone who has the book has loved it as much as me. And now they can share it with their friends and families because there are plenty to go around!!!

As for book two? I will have to re-read the talk, "Good, Better, Best" by Dallin H. Oaks, to make sure my priorities are in check for this stage in life. :) STILL, if anyone wants to send recipes my way, I'll put them in my electronic file for the next book. It will happen some day.