Monday, September 28, 2009


I would imagine that any mom of small children knows how glorious it is to have a day to play...without her little dependents! For whatever reason all the stars aligned and my friend Diana came to visit for a short weekend. And, considering I recently weened Jake, Brandon was able and willing to watch the kids while we pretended we had no other worries or cares in the world. What a great husband!

We went Mountain Biking on two of my favorite trails in Fruita (Kokopelli - Rustlers and 18 Rd - Primecut to Kesler) and then traveled a short distance to Glenwood Springs to hike Hanging Lake and relaxed in the vapor caves. Here's a few photos from the day.

Just so happened while I was playing, Brandon had unexpected challenges at work that required him to leave town the next day. Glad I got my break! Since he was driving through Burley, ID, he took Drew with him to spend some time with Grandma. (Remove the two-year old from the mix and that's a break in and of itself!!!) Diana and I took the other kids on the Devil's Kitchen hike in the Colorado National Monument right behind our house.

Audery's 8th Birthday

I think I have mentioned before that every four years I do a big party for the kids’ birthdays. The tradition started when I went all out for Audrey’s 4th birthday and recognized as much fun as that was, I couldn’t keep that standard every year. Besides, at that time, I had TWO children. Because I love to do parties, the fun was more for me than Audrey at that age. Although it’s a lot of work and sometimes stress, it brings me a lot of JOY! Just as someone else enjoys scrapbooking, or canning, or gardening, I enjoy throwing parties. To me, the work is worth it.

This year, Audrey chose a “Fairy” theme. We had a hard time deciding on a date for the party because of Brandon’s work schedule, but with four days notice to invite, create, and decorate, I think the party was a huge success! I wouldn’t have wanted to drag it out over longer anyway. As it was, I probably went overboard. But that’s the fun of it! Audrey commented that her party was like a grown-up party. And when her friends arrived (10 of them) I expected more rambunctious behavior. There’s something to be said for setting the atmosphere. The girls came dressed in fairy or party attire and were in awe of the decorations and food. So much so, I wondered if they were even having a good time they were all so polite and calm. I later heard from the mom’s that they girls loved it!

When you decide to do a party with four days notice, you make invites from what you have. Fortunately my supplies of cards I bought years ago has not yet been depleted. I ripped off the ugly flower sticker and replaced it with the fairy picture on these shiny pink cards with matching envelopes. I found the wording for the invite online.

Audrey and I decorated a pop-up tent to look like a fairy garden. The tent barely fit under our back porch area, but it was too hot in the sun and we needed the shade.

With a few connections, we rounded up gobs of pink, yellow, white, and purple floral décor and Toole. The tent alone took five hours. But decorating was a breeze with Audrey’s excitement and help (And Corbin playing at a friends while the little boys took naps.) I was half tempted to invite some of my friends over for a luncheon the following day, just to enjoy the garden a bit longer. The tent looked nice enough from the outside, but you couldn't fully appreciate the ambiance without going inside.

We set the table with little glass plates and teacups for the tea party and then prepared tea sandwiches, fruit, and fancy raspberry lemonade.

Fortunately, friends and family helped out the morning of when I realized my folly in attempting to decorate flower cupcakes and create a bouquet. Not only did it take much longer to frost the cupcakes than I had time for, but the flowers fell right off the sticks. The “bouquet” ended up being flat.

Gratefully Aunt Janet showed up ½ hour before the party was to start and made all the sandwiches and arranged the fruit and veggies. Audrey thought to cut out the tea sandwiches in the shape of hearts (we didn’t have a flower cut-out).

For the craft activity, I made fairy wings and wands and bought flowers, ribbon, and glitter to decorate with. The wings were a bit of a challenge and left blisters on my fingers, but the girls spent a good portion of the party decorating their fairy paraphernalia.

Plus, these were the party gifts so they got to take them home. For the wings, I bent wire hangers into the shape of wings and then pulled tights over each end, cut the tight leg, and tied a knot. Then I tied on some elastic to be used as the shoulder straps.

We played a few party games, like Fairy, Fairy, Freeze (dance like a fairy until the troll turns off the music and then freeze), Lilypad Add-on (add-on game played on the trampoline), and then a memory game using kitchen items served on a party tray. As prizes for the games, I found these cute glass fairies at the dollar store.

The following day, we had family over for dinner and then cake and ice cream. I borrowed a flower cake pan and had fun making this yummy treat! Audrey's favorite cake is chocolate with chocolate frosting.

Here's the birthday girl wishing all her dreams come true!!!

Hopefully it is an event that Audrey will remember until her next big bash…four years from now. ☺ After a few days of birthday events and a last-minute neighborhood party, I felt like my old self...sore feet and exhausted from entertaining. I loved it.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Family Constitution

This was funny. This past week Corbin was learning about the Constitution in school. As one of his homework assigments (I mean, MY homework assignment) he was to write a family constitution. So, I looked the constitution up and tried to format it the same. Basically Corbin told me we had to write the "Rules" of our family. I chuckled to myself and wondered what the RULES were! I let the kids tell me what they thought. Here's what they came up with. Granted, they are not all enforced, nor are they followed - but a mom can always dream!

We the members of the Brandon and Dixie Williams family, in order to learn to work together, establish fairness, insure peace in our home, provide for the growth of each person, and secure the blessings of love and unity to ourselves and posterity, do write this family constitution.

Article I. No whining.
Article II. No climbing or jumping on furniture.
Article III. Eating is allowed only in the kitchen or outside.
Article IV. Finish work before play.
Article V. Wild and roudy behavior is allowed outside only.
Article VI. No television before school.
Article VII. Clean up after yourself.
Article VIII. Talk kindly to one another.
Article IX. Obey parents.
Article X. Be honest and take responsibility for your actions.