Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Audrey's trip to Utah

For Spring Break, Brandon's mom took the boys to Idaho so Audrey and I could spend some one-on-one time together. She seems like she is growing fast and school takes up a lot of time!!! Don't get me wrong, growing fast right now is good for me, that means the others are following suit and I am excited for the day when all my children will be past three years old. :) But, I want to create memories along the way while building relationships with each one of my children. SO, for the week we went and saw a movie, got pedicures, got our haircuts, and de-junked all the closets and bedrooms. Of course that was her least favorite part. We then headed to Utah for a few days. We caught the tail end of the Draper Temple Open House. This was Audrey's first time in a temple and she said her favorite rooms were the baptistry and celestial room. She thought the bride's room was pretty too.

Once Audrey's friends Grace and Annika were out of school, we took them back to the hotel and let them go swimming for a while. The girls had fun - always the constant battle of three cheifs - but they worked it out without TEARS!!! They must be growing up! Now if we can manage no whining I will know they are completely mature and ready to be college roommates. :)

I told the girls to pose and they seems to have arranged themselves into future Charlie's Angels. I had to laugh.

This was Audrey and Annika's version of the High School Musical pose.

On Saturday, March 14, 2009, both Grace and Annika were baptized members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Audrey thought it was pretty cool and had plenty of questions for the two of them..."Were they scared?" "Was the water warm?" "What did it feel like?"

Audrey sure does miss Grace, her first best friend!!! They have been friends and neighbors since birth. That is, until we moved last summer. Devastation!!! Seven years is a long time to have to up and leave someone. Sorry girls.

Here's a picture of me and Audrey at Grace and Annika's luncheon that followed the baptism. It was nice to be able to experience the event in preparation for her own baptism this summer/fall.