Today I am that LDS Family Services have decided to hire a lawyer for us to keep Savvy FOR E VER! For more info, click on the Johnson Family Blog link to the right.
Today I am thankful for the holiday season. This year as things a bit tight, it is easy to see the spirit of the season.
Today I am thankful for some of the people I work with at my Denver station. Some of these people are so great to help me with my shifts and kind to me at work.
Today I am thankful for my father in law Jack for providing a place for us to live during this rough time.
Today I am thankful for my fun job. I am in Seattle helping out with our Employee Holiday Reception. I LOVE Alaska Airlines!
Today I am thankful for Tiftin Clegg. She was my trainer when I first started with Alaska Air. Because I was a volunteer for the party, I didn’t get a hotel room so Tiftin let me crash at her honeymoon pad. She is so great (and Ben her Hubby too). I am also thankful for her spirit and love for Alaska Air, it was contagious, and I caught it too.
Thinking about how great it was to be in Seattle, I am thankful for my class mates from training, they are a bunch of fun and great people to know…miss you all!
Today I am thankful that Heavenly Father sent me to this family. I am so blessed to be born as a Bodell kid for so many reasons. 2 things are prevalent in my head today. #1 I am so grateful for my Grandparents. They are such an amazing example of love and spirituality. It is truly an honor to be their Granddaughter. #2 The Bodell family has taken upon themselves to give our family an amazing Christmas. I have been told that part of the magic is that I have no clue who donated the money. I got just one check from the organizer of the gift. I asked if I could know who participated so I could send out thank you notes…but I was told they didn’t want to be named. Thank you seems so small…(boy am I glad that computers can handle tears, otherwise I would have shorted out a while ago)…Thank you seem so small, but I love you all. When I look at this photo I think that each and every one of you helped me out this season. I pray that soon I will be on the giving side of this wonderful magical gift, but as for today, I am honored to be on the receiving side. Merry Christmas