There are several reasons why I wait for the mailman and UPS guy (yes, they both happen to be male in my neighborhood) the way a dog anxiously awaits the Snausages Delivery Truck. Is that how you spell Snausages? Eh, who cares. Anyway, being a writer, everything work related comes to me this way. Usually it’s good. And, as a fan of online shopping, the UPS guy is my version of Santa Claus.
Yesterday, my new MP3 player arrived. Here it is! Now, it may not be the snazziest or most up to date thing out there, but I like it. . .a LOT. The only problem is that I now have to re-download all my cds onto the thing. I also now realize why I should have ripped my music onto my computer when I downloaded it all on my fist brick…I mean, my previous model. At the time, I thought, “Why waste all that hard drive space on my computer when I just want it on my MP3 player?” Once my old player died, I learned the answer to that question. I also felt like a complete idiot when I saw I’ve got over 80 gigs of free space on my computer anyway and my music would have taken up about a quarter of that.
Oh well. Live and learn. Now I just need to figure out how to walk and watch little videos without smacking into anything.
Yesterday, my new MP3 player arrived. Here it is! Now, it may not be the snazziest or most up to date thing out there, but I like it. . .a LOT. The only problem is that I now have to re-download all my cds onto the thing. I also now realize why I should have ripped my music onto my computer when I downloaded it all on my fist brick…I mean, my previous model. At the time, I thought, “Why waste all that hard drive space on my computer when I just want it on my MP3 player?” Once my old player died, I learned the answer to that question. I also felt like a complete idiot when I saw I’ve got over 80 gigs of free space on my computer anyway and my music would have taken up about a quarter of that.
Oh well. Live and learn. Now I just need to figure out how to walk and watch little videos without smacking into anything.