Shabby Miss Jenn

Saturday, February 18, 2012

A busy week

It's been a fairly full week, looking back. Elisa started gymnastics on Monday. She absolutely loved it, and asked everyday for the next 5 days if that was the day she was going to gymnastics again. I don't think she gets the concept of "only on Mondays".

Brooke had netball trials on Tuesday, a catch up swim on Wednesday (since her regular lesson was supposed to be Tuesday), and I went to Zumba on Thursday. I also worked 3 days for kindy this week, got my warrant of fitness done on my car, did some grocery shopping and a little house cleaning too.

For Family Home Evening this week our theme was Valentines, and the ways we can show love to each other. Very appropriate this week since Elisa has been not so nice to Brooke on several occasions.  For a fun activity we wrote messages of love or drew pictures to each other. The recipient had to paint over the white crayon in order to reveal the message. The kids loved it, and we ended up with a whole table full of love notes in the end.

Today Brooke went out on her Daddy/daughter date, which was a nature walk. They had a great time, and were away for a good 4 hours. She came back all happy and smiling, and with sore legs from all the walking.

While they were away Elisa and I did our Mummy/daughter date, which was a craft/sewing activity. She started with hand sewing a little felt finger puppet that I found in the $2 shop. It was an easy project, as the pieces were precut, and holes already punched, but she did really well sewing for the first time. From there we moved on to painting and decorating a cardboard butterfly (lots of jewels and sequins), and finished with some puff painting. Her attention span was over by then, so she went out to play with the neighbour kids.

Earlier in the week I received 3 CDs full of Hannah photos. (Yay!) I've been working on her first year album, and had a few gaps that needed filling. In order to get caught up, I utilised quickpages that I have collected over time, or made myself and used in other albums. The first two are QPs I found online, and the 4 after that are my own pages. I won't upload these layouts to the galleries, but I will post them here for family to see. Layouts 7 onwards are original pages I created since the last blog post:

Saturday, February 4, 2012

A scrappy post

Not much to report today. I just thought I'd upload some layouts so you don't have to scroll through epic posts every time.