Shabby Miss Jenn

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Busy, busy, busy

It seems the closer we get to the end of the year, the busier things get. I guess the first update should be about Brooke's birthday. On her actual birthday (19th Oct) we drove into the city and visited the Viaduct area with all the Rugby World Cup displays, spent a couple of hours at the Maritime Museum, and then took the girls to a ceramic painting studio. Our girls love crafty activities, so it was no surprise that they really loved doing this. I've yet to scrap Brooke's creation, but here's Elisa and her star:

We stopped off for a special Bronco's dinner on the way home. It was so lovely being together the whole day (school holidays for the kids, and hubby took the day off work). Brooke's actual party with friends was a few days later. In the past we've told the girls that the 'big' birthdays are 5 and 10, so technically Brooke should have had a relatively small party for her 8th. What started off as a spa/pool party, turned into a pamper party and sleepover with 6 friends (8 including our two). They had a blast though, and I got a real kick out of seeing them all so happy.

I am now busy planning for Elisa's birthday at the end of November. She wants to have an art party. So far we have 12 kids attending (!)

As usual I have been doing a lot of scrapping. Digital Scrapbook Day (DSD) was last weekend, and the SSD designers put out a ton of amazing kits which I was lucky to play with. I scrapped 12 pages in about 5 days, which is way more than usual for me. Here are some pages I've done since my last blog post:

Monday, September 19, 2011

September update

I feel like I've been flat tack this month, but with nothing much to show for it. Working three days a week (9am-3pm) takes a lot more out of your week than you'd think.

Our ward at church split at the beginning of the month, into Mountfort and Weymouth wards. It feels like we're a branch again, there's so few of us at church. Our primary roll halved. Almost everyone has, or will have a calling now. I'm still first counselor in the Primary which is great because I love it there. We don't have a music leader or a secretary yet, so I've been working hard to sort out teacher orientation packs, rolls, contact lists etc, as well as conducting sharing time and music time. Our second counselor is away for 3 weeks, and our President just had her first Sunday with us last week. It'll be nice to get into the groove of a new presidency and have things running smoothly. We're still organising our Primary Sacrament Presentation. It had to be delayed till the end of November because of the ward split and change in presidency.

Home wise, all is good. Brooke and Elisa are great, DH is well, and I'm finding my feet being a part-time working mum.

On the scrapping front, I do have exciting news. I'm now an official "SugarBabe" for Sweet Shoppe Designs!! I knew they were having a creative team call, but didn't think anything about it. They asked the SSD members to nominate the scrappers they thought would best represent their store and promote their products. Could've knocked me down with a feather when I got an email from SSD inviting me onto the team! I was floored, and so honored to be nominated, because I know there were many scrappers hoping for the position, and the sugarbabes are really some of the best in the industry. I was like "Me? Really? You sure you have the right person??" It's a big learning curve, and I feel like the new kid in the class all over again, but I'm having fun playing with the gooorgeous scrapbook kits in the store. It's an awesome team to be on.

It's been so long since I last posted, I have quite a few layouts to catch up on. no particular order......