I wasn't sure how this day would go - Brooke starting school - but I really didn't think it would go this good. Brooke woke up happy and excited, couldn't WAIT to put her school uniform on, and showed no sign of anxiety at all. Being the good Mum that I said I would be, I packed her a nice Bento-style lunch with lots of colour and variety to encourage her to eat more. I also slipped in a little note for her to find at lunchtime. Now this is the first school lunch we've done, so we're still working out things like quantity and volume. If she wants more or less in her lunchbox she'll let me know.
Today she has cucumber flowers, apricots, cheese bells, mini tomatoes, teddy bear biscuits, crackers and some number shaped biscuits.
Dinosaur shaped sandwiches (selection of vegemite, nutella and honey), and a few mini marshmellows and yoghurt pebbles for a treat.
Strawberries from our garden, and an apple.
And it all fits into her new lunchbox. We have a drink that usually fits in here too, but they keep their drink bottles in the class with them, so that's been put in her school bag side pouch. So, not bad huh? It's a far cry from the boring old lunches I used to make, and it makes her feel special. I do the same for Elisa at home for her morning tea and lunch too. It's amazing how much more she will eat when it's presented in a fun way.
Here is our wee poppet drowning in her school uniform:
They can wear any shoes they like, so Brooke chose pink jandals this morning. She wanted Mummy AND Daddy to drop her off at school today, so we all went. I'd expected a few tears at the least, but she was happy as mud to be there, and after putting her bag away and signing in, she gave us all a big kiss and cuddle then sat herself down on the mat with the other kids. Hardly even glanced back at us. She did better than me. As we were walking back to the car I couldn't help a few tears at my little girl being all grown up.
...and with her teacher...
I hope she'll be OK today. She's not used to going a whole day without us - even when she was attending the Playcentre Kiwi Kids session, it was only two and a half hours, not six. Lots of prayers have been said though, so I'm sure she'll be more than fine. We'll see come 3pm.