Showing posts with label The Jubilets. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Jubilets. Show all posts

Friday, 1 January 2016

The Jubilets - "Looking Forward To A Hearty Breakfast" (Rip Off Tapes - RIP 1) 1981

As the first post of 2016, I figured it should feature the original inspiration behind this blog and a thousand other cassette releases;- the unique, charming but weird, inclusiveness of original UK DIY from 1979 to 1982.
The shear man-hours taken to hand colour the artwork for this hopelessly obscure release is impressive in itself, but also the band included an extensive handwritten letter to explain everything to the purchaser (William), and even included Fifty pence change!?
There were hundreds of these tapes advertised in Sounds and the NME,and i assume this was one of them.
The music is of the The Danny and The Dressmakers, Barron Balls, Scrotum Poles variety. Very limited musical talent and very limited access to musical instruments. Most of the tracks involve only a drum kit playing behind some rather amusing shared vocals.
Its a real time capsule,making many forgotten cultural references,especially about The New Romantics, who they refer to as 'Futurists'.One song describes an average night down the pub in 1981,describing the various Youth Cults as they enter the pub at different times.Very funny, and very culturally interesting at the same time.
Also check out the amended NME Chart included in the package, with The Jubilets inserted at the top of the album and singles charts, and observe the absolute crud that was in the charts of the time.This is why we had an alternative culture, and still have today,probably with even more need than in 1982!?
This tape is an absolute delight,full of charm and youthful enthusiasm. All fully encapsulated in my fav tune on the tape, "Wordy Yippinghood", a joyful rewrite of the Tom Tom Club's classic.Reminds one of the humour one only shares with your closest friends from your youth,and is often lost in the cruel mists of time.
Happy New Year.

DOWNLOAD to accompany a hearty breakfast HERE!