Showing posts with label Sonny Sharrock. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sonny Sharrock. Show all posts

Wednesday, 20 January 2021

Derek Bailey, Fred Frith, Sonny Sharrock, John Zorn, Bill Laswell, Charles K. Noyes ‎– "Improvised Music 1981" (MuWorks Records ‎– MU W 1007) 1992

Sonny Sharrock with some downtown Manhattan artsy fartsy buddies from the IN-crowd. Or as the cognitively dissonant Redneck Trump supporting bastards would have it...Satan musick made by a bunch of Democrat supporting  Athiests and a Nigger,with a pair of Intifa Limey's who want to burn down the Whitehouse again,then spread their communism in the stolen state of Georgia...(the place named after George the Third,rather than Donald the Turd,the man who would be King)....and reinstate the Monarchy! USA,USA,USA!
Whenever I say anything,no matter how satirical;they,(white supremacists,NRA members,and bible belt xians etc) can't get satire,or even know what it is!Any satire,sarchasm,or irony ejaculated in the general direction of these poor manipulated oafs, usually gets one a torrent of potty mouthed abuse.So i'm strongly considering No-Platforming the matter how stupid they make themselves look....along with the guy who keeps writing 'Penis'in the comments section. I'm sure Sonny Sharrock would agree,at least about the Racist fuckers.......Ok Sonny's Ghost, I'll let the 'Penis Guy' back!
Anyway,as those baseball cap wearing cro-maga-non cavemen only listen to Garth Brooks,who is, ironically, playing at Biden's inauguration today; I doubt they'll fine (sic) their way to a Free-Improvisation post on DieorDIY? They'd fight each other to play this record backwards and reveal the satanic messages hidden in the grooves to justify an attempted assasination of the President elect today.Any bunch of fools who can hear the words "You Lost" as "You Won!" shouldn't have any trouble finding a message to rival the "Turn Me On Deadman" that the twats' Twat himsrlf, Michael Mills, found in the Beatles White Album!?....I'm ashamed to be Human.
But blimey! Three improvising guitarists on one record.....that must be
Recorded Live at 'The Kitchen'.....where else? 1981. Even Laswell is suitably subtle.
Altogether now....USA,USA,usa,usa,usa.......suddenly I feel very alone.


1 Untitled 1:21
2 Untitled 5:03
3 Untitled 4:32
4 Untitled 5:48
5 Untitled 6:40
6 Untitled 5:44
7 Untitled 3:48

Tuesday, 19 January 2021

Sonny Sharrock ‎– "Monkey-Pockie-Boo" (BYG Records ‎– 529.337) 1970

You know, I don't have a problem when anyone,upon hearing this record,and hundreds like it, say that its a pile of utter shite. I totally understand.
Yeah, we 'sofistikatid'(sic) music bores (I'm so arrogant that I include myself in that category,but obviously not the boring part) can look down our smug noses at them (and MAGA-non's), alluding to their lack of intellectual depth,and scoff ;but they have a point.
It's not their fault that they haven't been exposed to such a huge volume of music in one's life so the Abstract becomes Pop reflected back at you from a mirror. You don't become entertained by stuff like this from year zero.One has to start with the childrens music, like U2 for example, then take another couple of decades re-learning how to listen to music that sounds like it was actually made by children rather than teenagers trying to be....,here's that word again.... "Sophisticated".
As Picasso said, and I've used this quote quite a few times over the years, "It took four years to learn to paint like Raphael,but a whole lifetime to paint like a child". Not that U2 is the musical equivalent of a work by Raphael, but "Monkey-Pockie-Poo" is certainly a Picasso,although probably more of a automatic painting by Pollock. A conventional piece of music cut up and reassembled  into something primal and challenges the definition of Music.....maybe even defining it as the "utter Shite" that the vast majority of Human kind would have us believe that this is. It helps that I like utter Shite as it happens,and am also a purveyor of the Good-Bad,like The Shaggs for example. This Sharrock outing is Good/Good,rather than Good/Bad. The Shaggs had no clue what they were doing, but there is some obvious thought behind this album at least.It may be just a case of 'Hey!Lets Do What Ornette Coleman does,but with Voice and Guitars",or it may be far deeper?Either way there is a concept involved.Even the adoring Linda looks like she knows what she's doing.Back on wailing vocalisations duty,and there's what seems to be a guest appearence by The Clangers on "27th Day".......but,you know what?There are times when I think I don't know what the fuck I'm going on about,or even why?....don't blame me, i'm writing automatically.....i'm THAT "sofistikatid"!


A 27th Day 16:55
B1 Soon 8:00
B2 Monkey-Pockie-Boo 8:55

Monday, 18 January 2021

Sonny Sharrock ‎– "Black Woman" (Vortex Records ‎– 2014) 1969

A rare breed in the sixties was the "Free Jazz Guitarist".Apart from Sharrock, Bailey, and maybe Keith Rowe, one would be struggling to name any. Nevertheless, Sonny boy was there more or less at the beginning as one of the bright sparks who thought that they could do an Ornette Coleman on the six strings that drew blood. If your fingers don't start bleeding upon hearing this ,like jazz stigmata,then the sound of his wailing missus will do the same to your delicates ,such as ears,wedding tackle and central nervous system. So beware yee uinitiated and start off with Django Rienhart before venturing further.
Not blessed with the same smouldering good looks as Derek Bailey, Sonny was evidently so delighted that he could pull a half-decent bird like Linda,that he put her in the band (normally a disastrous Idea). Husbands usually do this to keep an eye on the wife or girlfriend while they're on tour. Although, in the case of Paul McCartney, I can't believe that his Linda would have been shagging around behind his back somehow,but the demure ones usually turn out to be the most randy,so good oblique thinking there Paul,but not so great on the lack of any musical ability front;can't win 'em all I suppose?
Now, Sonny's Linda fancied herself as a wacky Free Jazz Vocalist,which ,along with standard Jazz Guitar,are the two most horrible sounds known to man; apart from the sound,and i'm probably risking my life by saying this, of Donald Trump having sex one may suggest somewhat warily?
You know that wailing bit in "Dark Side Of The Moon" ......yeah?......well she does that all the way through the album to the point where you just wanna scream SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!
Luckily, the smoulderingly good looking Sonny makes up for this with some inventive guitar abuse which distracts somewhat from reverb drenched Linda's vocal machinations.......ooooya buggar!
There are plenty of pictures of Sonny with a controlling arm around his wife,and putting her in the group gave him feelings of security which were in vain as she left him a few years later......Women huh?
Of course you know Sonny Sharrock was in Last Exit,so one can forgive him his human weaknesses;but he does wear his guitar far too high,like that slap bass fool in Level 42....a trait I cannot abide,no matter how easier it makes chord formation.......who needs chords anyway? Unless its a nice comfy corduroy jacket and matching pantalons.I was once the proud owner of a beige corduroy Levi's Safari suit in the nineties(with a handy boot flare).Very popular at disco's.That's the only chord I know of ,except the cord you plug into the amplifier of course.


A1 Black Woman 5:11
A2 Peanut 9:14
B1 Bialero 4:49
B2 Blind Willy 3:18
B3 Portrait Of Linda In Three Colors, All Black 9:06