Showing posts with label David Koresh. Show all posts
Showing posts with label David Koresh. Show all posts

Thursday, 6 June 2019

David Koresh - "Home Recordings 1990-93" (Bootleg) 1993

In downtime on the Ranch, in between shooting at FBI agents, and the odd bit of statutory raping, Dave the Messiah would play a bit of divine pop music. 
Some of it was captured in the foggy medium of ferric oxide cassette tape, which gives these already spooky toons a further ghostly quality that sends chills even further up your spine.
Human beings are bloody dangerous, especially Human beings with delusions of grandeur armed with electric guitar and marshall stack!......that could actually describe a lot of rock and metal acts out there today!
If Koresh was allowed to have a local hit maybe he would have forgot that he was actually 'Jesus' mark 2? He just craved the attention he was denied as a child and lots of compliant women to have sex with...that's all!?....the average life of a Rock Star is it not?
Thankfully Motley Crue made it in the world of shite american FM metal, or we could have had four more Waco's on our hands.....but at least those bastards would have killed themselves and not still be walking the Earth today.


1. Side A (31:49)
2. Side B (40.01)

DOWNLOAD from down on the ranch HERE

Wednesday, 5 June 2019

David Koresh - "Voice Of Fire (Expanded) - The Complete David Koresh" (Bootleg) 1993

Vernon Wayne Howell, otherwise known as David Koresh, or Jesus, thought of himself as a minor rock star,and before he immolated himself ,his many kids,and followers to death in the Davidian Cult HQ in Waco.Where he recorded lots of terrible adult orientated rock numbers for posterity.
When Dave wasn't exercising his exclusive rights to have sex with all the female members of the sect, be they under-age or married, Koresh, plugged in his axe into his massive PA system and wrote some soft rock ballads in tribute to the glory of himself.
Apparently he had a tough childhood, an estranged paedophile for a father,abandoned by mummy, and learning difficulties.So poor lickle Vernon was ripe pickings for the esteem raising possibilities of cult leadership.
Once enthroned at the Davidian ranch HQ, he even got away with attempting to murder his rival for the throne,who was found guilty of murdering another group member. Koresh, got off the attempted murder trial on a technicality, leaving him free to attain living god status, and sing his tunes to an adoring audience of his own children. He fathered over a bakers dozen worth of children, mainly bore by the wives of his followers, and in some cases the children of the very same people.He was free from prosecution because he had the consent of the parents to have sex with their daughters!?.....yep, this was in Texas.
The famous seige began in 1993 with a raid by the  Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms looking for guns...and they found them.Generally in the hands of demented brainwashed cultists shooting in their general direction, killing four agents!
A stand off ensued with the FBI, while our Dave wrote his massive 12 page theological statement about the Seven Seals (whatever they are?),which took days to write,the slowness of which was excused by the fact that he had difficulty spelling......yes thats right, Jesus can't spell!?
Vernon Howell in action.
No, Not Mick Ronson, Its the messiah!

I must warn you that several of the sect's members said that they were recruited by Koresh's music, so, listen with caution,or you too could have your girlfriend,wife, or daughter knocked up by a varifocaled,mullet sporting messiah.Then burned to death in a hopeless face off with the authorities.


1. War Music
2. Waiting So Long
3. Book Of Daniel
4. Sheshonahim
5. Rivers Of Babylon
6. Adam
7. Time
8. I Met A Man
9. Without Him
10.Don't you be a Laocadean
11.The Lonely Man
12.Jesus Loves Me
13.Bookshelf Religion
14.From the Rising Of the Son
15.Three Angels Message
16.Mad Man In Waco
17.Darkness In The Light
18.Waiting On You
19.Songs For Grandpa

DOWNLOAD the wacko from waco HERE!