Showing posts with label Data-Bank-A. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Data-Bank-A. Show all posts

Thursday, 25 February 2016

Data-Bank-A ‎– "Access Denied" (K.O. City Studio ‎– KO5) 1986

Well, here's a third post for Data-Bank-A,dunno anything else to say about them, so I'll post a picture that sums up my feelings/thoughts on the matter.

Well.If that doesn't make you wanna download this file I dunno what will!?


A1 Access Denied
A2 Stress Factor
A3 Trickle Down
A4 The Range
B1 Etiquette Of Travel
B2 No Mecca
B3 Waiting Room
B4 Once...

DOWNLOAD access accepted HERE!

Saturday, 20 February 2016

Data-Bank-A ‎– "The Citadel" (K.O. City Studio ‎– KO2) 1984

Minimal Synth hits the cheap digital reverb age,and becomes maximal synth instead.Artificial ambience destroyed the spatial claustrophobic simplicity of earlier electronic product.This stuff has been labelled 'Cold Wave' by some record collector geek,and it has some undeniable charm.The dated overuse of reverb,and futurist production gives this a modish generic quality from a dodgy epoch in music making. I imagine major record label bins were crammed full of stuff like this in 1984-5.Your only chance was to release it yourself,which is kinda opposite to the original DIY ethic, where the Record Company bins were full of stuff totally alien to the things the kids were making. So this is DIY by default......but at least it wasn't sullied by those charts.


A1 The Milky Way 4:34
A2 Shapes Of Love 4:47
A3 Echoes Of You 4:28
A4 Signals To Russia 5:14
B1 A Thousand Mondays 4:00
B2 Dead - Weight 5:32
B3 Drug - God 3:56
B4 The Citadel 4:20

DOWNLOAD to your data bank HERE!

Wednesday, 17 February 2016

Data-Bank-A ‎– "Language Barrier" (K.O. City Studio ‎– KO3) 1984

Its 1984, and More Americans are making that Faggot music with Synthesisers. I can imagine a mob of good ol' boys giving that black clad pale youth with eyeliner and fringe, a good kicking;smashing up his Roland SH101, and carving AC/DC on his under developed pectorals.
What better way to react against the NRA (Nationalist Rock of America) than making a synth pop record?
In the dumber parts of this grating country, you took your life in your hands making non-rock music like this. Don't forget this is a place where, in 2016, far more citizens were murdered by the cops than were murdered by Terrorists.They should be bombing the Police stations rather than ISIS in Syria, if they want to defend the American People.
What they wanna do is have more GLBT's than 'Skull and Bones' Paedophiles in their joke of a democratic government.Then, the war would be called OFF,and Texas closed down.
Having said that, I've no idea if Data-Bank-A have any GLBT's,or even 'Skull and Bones' paedophiles within their ranks,nor do I care;but to an inbred cowpoke and his sister/wife, they certainly will sound like they do.
Nor, do they come from Texas.....lucky them.
But, it is a half decent minimal synth tape,and that's worth more than any boneheaded Grunt blowing away some dehumanised Arab kids like its all a PlayStation game.


A1 Language Barrier
A2 Incognito
A3 Megalomania
A4 Saviour Machine
A5 Dog's Life
A6 The Path Least Taken
B1 Distant Ego Channel
B2 No Dub
B3 Outside The Museum
B4 Monestary
B5 Effect Of Movement
B6 Through The Remains...

DOWNLOAD lots of data from the bank,then withdraw your money from your economic terrorist bank,HERE!*

*Whoops! I mentioned Terrorism,so hello to the GCHQ/NSA employee who has to read this the tape instead, its good.