Showing posts with label Consumer Electronics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Consumer Electronics. Show all posts

Friday, 2 February 2018

Various Artists ‎– "Axis Sally" (Broken Flag ‎– BF8) 1983

Axis Sally, for those who didn't know (Or care?),which is most everybody; was the female version of Lord Haw Haw on the Nazi English language propaganda service during world war two.......and you thought this might be a Broken Flag release without any reference to right wing politics in Germany.......well, you were wrong.
Then we look at the track list and see that every track has some reference at least to Nazi's or right wing twits like Senator Joe McCarthy.
Axis Sally, like Lord Haw Haw ,was American......ahh the 'special relationship' between Britain and the USA  rears its non-existent head once more. But at least we (the Brits) got to hang Lord Haw Haw, whereas Axis Sally escaped the Gallows, as many other 'top' Nazis did thanks to a concept of American Justice that has now disappeared.
All this Nazi, Murderer, Sadism stuff ,is designed to confront ourselves with the part of ourselves we would rather not admit to;and to a certain extent it works.Sadly Like when Donald Trump said "You won't find anyone less Racist than me",few people are comfortable at being confronted by this side to their character.
However, these tapes are preaching to the converted, and I doubt Trump and his dim-witted followers would be interested in listening to banks of squealing synths and barked distorted couplets about Nazis....Trump supporters think they aren't Nazis,so this would put them off immediately. Put all this stuff over a country and Western track instead of skin blistering noise, then they may pay long as its in short bursts like TV ads,as they have the attention spans of goldfish with Alzheimers. 

DOWNLOAD excess sally HERE!

Wednesday, 23 November 2016

Various Artists ‎– "Hate's Our Belief" (Aquilifer Sodality ‎– 1AE 03003) 1983

More on our theme celebrating this new age of the Politics of Hate. Another jolly compilation from an enlightened era in comparison to the dawning of this New Dark Age on planet Earth. The inhabitants of which seem to make the same mistakes again and again. Some 'Brexiter'(part of the same 'popular' uprising as Trump) suggested that I learn some history(whatever he meant by that???), but these narrow minded proletarians seem to be doomed to repeat it......and it couldn't happen to a nicer bunch.
So here we have some charming popular themes that were regularly showcased in the recent US election and that absurd Brexit referenDUM; like Sexism, Racism, Sexual Assault, Racial violence, political violence, McCarthyism,Big lies,stupidity,and, oh yeah...stupidity.
Except these themes as used by the artists involved here are meant not only to shock, but also entice critical thought about racism and bigotry.
Those involved in the political nonsense that has let loose the caged monster of intolerance,have no such noble objectives....they actually fucking mean it!!? that is Shocking!


A1 –Sutcliffe Jugend -  Cunt Rape
A2 –Consumer Electronics -Vibro
A3 –The Dadarotator -The Dadarotator
A4 –Mauthausen Orchestra -Return To The Glory
A5 –Ramleh -McCarthy
A6 –Sutcliffe Jugend - Male Supremacy
B1 –Krang - Neurasthenia
B2 –Bruno Cossano - Debacle
B3 –M.B. - Giudizio Finale

Tuesday, 10 November 2015

Iphar Clinic ‎– "Torture Music" (Iphar ‎– 005) 1983

An early Philip Best(Consumer Electronics,Whitehouse etc) single sided C-60 from his Iphar Clinic side project.
A lovely noise indeed, like listening to fingernails being scraped down a close miked blackboard for twenty minutes, harmonising with a choir of dentists drills and steel chairs screeching across the deck of a sinking container ship.
One talent Mr Best seems to certainly possess ,is the ability not to stay around for too long.Quite often staying within the crucial 30 minute barrier so as not to overstay his welcome. A Talent a lot of these noise artists seem to lack. Noise fatigue is a danger for the casual Power Electronics explorer.


1-7 - Untitled

DOWNLOAD some digital torture HERE!

Monday, 9 November 2015

Consumer Electronics ‎– "Crowd Pleaser" (45rpm 12" vinyl - Hand To Mouth 1) 2009

Well, might as well have something from the reactivated version of Consumer Electronics.
This is from 2009,on limited edition vinyl.Its very short but rather ferocious.Philip Best busts several bloodvessels in an attempt to fill the hole left by  an absent Whitehouse.
The fuuuuuming Mr Best is LIVID. Ranting over the usual minimal electronic noise, spitting out words with venomous bitterness and ruthless sarcasm. Edited together like a a machine gun firing out digital spittle in your direction. Like a BNP(British working class nazi's) member confronting an asylum seeker.
Crowd pleaser this probably isn't, except for the small gatherings who loyally turn up for this abuse.The vast majority of the population would run a mile from this onslaught.That is why they are now found touring with Sleaford Mods, who are a more poetic,tuneful, and danceable version of Consumer Electronics basically;but they guarantee a crowd to please, or otherwise. 


A1Hand To Mouth
A3Crowd Pleaser
A4Parking Lot
B1Oily Possibilities

DOWNLOAD this shower of digital spittle HERE!

Wednesday, 4 November 2015

Consumer Electronics ‎– "Leathersex" (Iphar ‎– Iphar 004) 1982

From Total Sex to Leathersex , featuring future Whitehouse member,Philip Best, as his Consumer Electronics project. Still going strong today,frequently seen across europe playing live with the excellent Sleaford Mods!?
This early C-90 is a raw collection of airwave pollution,courtesy of some maltuned Shortwave radio's, producing a kind of fucked up electronic dance music for those employed in the realms of espionage.
Indeed, contained within these collages are hidden,what we now know to be transmissions for, and from, various spying organisations in the Cold war era. Track 14,for example, has a repeated phrase from Strauss's "Blue Danube" played simply, probably by a member of the Stasi,  on some East German electric guitar. This would have been a call sign for some dodgy operative on the opposite side of the Iron Curtain. This cleverly,or accidentally, segues into a drifting transmission of John Lennon's "Mind Games",floating on a sea of morse code and frequency distortion.
(Check out the earlier post of the "Conet Project:recordings of Numbers Stations" for more similar weirdness from the Cold war era)
I used to listen to the strange music of the  short wave radio for hours, and even used it,as we all did in 1980, for the basis of my own early recordings without access to any conventional instruments. The underclass couldn't afford such luxuries as the Gibson guitars and drum kits one saw in the hands of the local 'Punk' band,who were allegedly 'on the Dole'? The real victims of Britain's decaying social structure and economy could only make do with a cassette recorder and a radio to express themselves.
Here we have a fine example of what one could do outside of the middle class rock ghetto.
(Also check out Philip Johnson's "Radio City" for a similar experiment in radio collage).



DOWNLOAD without having to wear a gimp mask HERE!

Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Consumer Electronics - "Public Attack 3" (No Label MJC0182) 1982

An Early live recording/aktion of Philip Best's, pre middle age spread, Consumer Electronics Whitehouse-alike project. He was just a slim teenager when this was made, but still undoubtedly clad in black leather, and just as obnoxious.
This was a kind of Urban Folk music for the cold war generation,reflecting the bleak prospects facing everyone in the eighties; sort of the direct opposite of Wham!. Apparently recorded live at Nailsea School, 21.10.82, its the usual minimal circuit frying electronic noise, with what seems to be a shortwave radio playing at 11 on a marshall stack, entering and exiting the mellée. All this, of course, fronted by the kind of unbridled shouting/screaming you'd expect if you lived next door to a drunken wifebeater.
"Fuck the IRA" is so accurate a simulation of the reaction you'd get at a British National Party meeting/piss-up in a council estate pub, if you mildly suggested that black people actually make a vital contribution to the rich diverse culture of the modern UK; and or maybe the Irish Republicans have a point? This reasonable attitude would inevitably lead to some fat shaven headed member of the underclass confronting you with violent intent, shouting "Fuck the IRA" at the top of his rather unattractive voice.
Basically a BNP member is the same kind of absolute cunt that would be in the IRA if he was irish. Real extermination camp guard fodder, low on intellect, probably psychopathic, and the epitome of the mythical sub-political UnterMensch that makes the shit that they spout a REAL danger.
I must make it clear that one doesn't support the IRA either, one mans freedom fighter is another mans terrorist, and both of them are just another form of oppression forced upon 'us'(what or whoever Us is?), by the same kind of cunts that work in the bureaucratic, not democratic, corridors of power and influence.
You can't trust anyone to be reasonable for longer than it takes to take advantage of it. Its purely a natural Darwinian response, and mostly sub-conscious. We are basically Animals, arrogant ones at that, who invented the word 'civilised', to separate us from our more honest feral cousins.
Which is what I hope track 4, 'Animal' is about.
This hideous racket to me just very accurate modern Folk Music, and far more relevant to real life than those jingly jangly escapists of the industry manufactured Folk Revival.All those rosy cheeked earnest young men with acoustic guitars, part of the brainwashed and beaten generation. Whats wrong with these kids, that they accept all this stealthy shit that's going on? The only time they riot is because they ain't got a plasma HD TV, or 'cus their student fees are too high to get the career they want! What fucking career? Listen to some power electronics from the early 1980's, then they might just see the meat on the end of their fork in its true light!

Track Listing:

Fellatio 5:54
Pricktease 6:13
Fuck the IRA 3:35
Animal 1:20
Rubbersex 5:39
Vibro 1:49
Murman 6:55

DOWNLOAD this public attack HERE!
An Alternative public attack for free HERE!

Male Rape Group - "On to 83" (Broken Flag BF05) 1983

Mmmmm, nice!?
Here we have the charmingly christened ‘Male Rape Group’.Not surprisingly containing Philip Best, no stranger to Taboo challenging and liberal baiting releases like the "White Power" compilation,and the subject matter of his Consumer Electronics/Ramleh tapes.
A sense of humour is prevalent in almost all areas of life in the British Isles, but this seems to have been forgotten when it comes to making Industrial music. Although that other British trait, repressed anger, is here in bucket loads. A Power Electronics ‘supergroup’ ,containing early Whitehouse member, and consumer Electronics / Ramleh geezer Philip Best, with the founder of Ramleh and Mr Broken Flag records himself, Gary Mundy. Its the standard Come Organisation style racket ,of skin peeling overloaded electronics and distorted screamed vocals; no doubt screeching about forced non consensual anal sex, murder or Nazi’s. The perpetrators would no doubt be wearing leather trousers, the odd jackbooted synth abuser standing in the background, and appear to be thoroughly unpleasant chaps. The object of the music, would not be to confront the listener with uncomfortable truths, as they would have us believe; but rather to shock,in an increasingly unshockable world; because they can! There are probably millions of people who would be shocked by this, their plebeian sensibilities offended, leading to angry reactions, and gross acts of violence. This stuff could actually cause a drunken mob of outraged proletarians to start burning books,and opening exhibitions of degenerate art. Then there are the fans who misunderstand this music so much that they begin to believe in what these fellows shout and scream about. Although ideologically dodgy, this 23 minute opus is a very enjoyable, even cathartic, experience; if you like that kind of thing.
Play it loud,once.

Wednesday, 1 January 2014

Ramleh ‎– "We Created It, Let's Take It Over Vol 2" (Pure Records) 1995/1982

If you enjoy sounds like swarms of savage bees fed through a cheap distortion pedal, accompanied by screaming hostages locked in a cellar, with lashings of blunt drill bits ripping through rusty plate steel? Then this is definitely for you. Or, why not spend an hour or so making it yourself? All you need is a crap microphone, a crapper synthesiser, one distortion pedal,one echo/delay unit, and a recording device. Maybe the odd piece of dialogue recorded from some documentary about Nazi's to be interspersed here and there ,feed it all through a cheapo mixer, and twist the eq's a lot.Photocopy a couple of pictures of B-list Nazi's, call your songs after the most obscure concentration camp you can find on the internet, and scream lyrics about the Moors Murderers until you bust a blood vessel. Instant Industrial style power electronics. If you don't want your neighbours to think you are a latent raving serial killer, then maybe you should just content yourself with downloading some stuff that was made thirty years ago. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Ramleh's greatest cassette Hiss, volume two.  

Track Listing:

1 McCarthy 3:37
2 Purge 5:28
3 Drancy 4:18
4 Korpolagnia 4:02
5 A Return To Slavery 4:46
6 Nordhausen 4:45
7 New Force 3:54
8 Phenol 8:27

DOWNLOAD or create and take it over yourself, HERE volume 2!

Ramleh ‎– "We Created It, Let's Take It Over Vol 1" (Pure Records) 1995/1982

Ramleh;- Noise Super group combination of Kleistwahr, Consumer Electronics, and Whitehouse members; but then again aren't all these people in every Power Electronics/noise band from the early eighties? Listening to their records, you could easily be mistaken to think they are all the same record anyway!? Taken in isolation, these works are superb damaged pieces of dysfunctional non-music, that challenge the listener in their very definition as 'Music'; but, I'd struggle to identify the difference between most of them, except maybe Whitehouse, and even they sound a lot like Consumer Electronics, or vice versa. This, three volume, compilation, gathers together the best of the early cassette releases by this anti-super group; in this case from "Onslaught"(Iphar 1982), and "31/05/1962" (Broken Flag 1982). The normal adjectives of vicious atonal dissonant racket applies. Great listening for depressives, and/or angry loners. And, YAAAAAAWN, we get the obligatory Nazi on the info sheet above. I suppose without Nazi's we wouldn't have anything on the TV, no Methadone, and we wouldn't have landed on the moon, so they're not that bad, are they????.........oh, hang on, we didn't land on the moon did we?............Whoever, "we",are!  

Track Listing:
1 Suction 3:13
2 Throatsuck 5:41
3 Deathtoll 4:10
4 Ramleh 5:16
5 Emaciator 4:08
6 Onslaught 3:01
7 Phenol 8:26
8 Fistfuck 6:31

DOWNLOAD,create it,and take it over, HERE (part 1)

Various Artists ‎– "White Power" (Iphar ‎– 011) 1983

Firstly, even though I don't have to explain myself; I am not(!) a fucking Nazi!!!! (Yawny Yawn Yawwwwwn!) As most cheapo satellite stations will testify, Nazi's sell advertising space, to other Nazi's, of the corporative kind. There's nothing that drags in the audience better than a couple of Swastika's pasted ici et la bas! Without Nazi's we wouldn't have anything to watch on TV;not to mention, Metadone, Crystal Meth, Rockets, Hugo Boss, MK Ultra,Nerve Gas,and the Nazi Disneyland of Auchwitz. But, more important than all of that; all the acts on labels like Broken Flag, Iphar, and Come Organisation, wouldn't have anything to sing about, or put on their record covers. Another thing that a starkly displayed Swastika will also guarantee is a large number of hits for this blog, and some Twat(!) complaining that your blog author is either a Fascist, or a Racist,or both! Even though it may not occur to them that Fascism does not necessarily mean Racism. It is usually those who are guilty of haboring these secret beliefs, the finger pointers, who are the Racist Nazi persons. So, don't bother boring me with your predictable 'right on I am' comments,and look in the mirror. Identify that inner Racist/Nazi before deflecting it onto easy targets. Then you can probably try and cure yourself of these ills.(all comments of this type will be deleted it censorship if you will?) As for this excellently offensive cassette, I am always hoping that the flirtation with right wing extremism is just an artistic tool designed for us to confront the darker side of the human condition. This hope is severely tested by the likes of M.B., who is almost definitely a proud Fascist, and Philip Best(Consumer Electronics/Ramleh) looks like he could easily be in the Swingers section of the English Defence League. That said, this compilation, is an exhilarating roller-coaster ride through the best of  extreme Industrial Power Electronics of 1983; a vintage year for such ear bleeding delights. If you're offended by this, then you shouldn't be listening to it, or go and join the fucking Tory/Labour Party or its equivalent, with the rest of the puppets.  

Track Listing:
A1 Ramleh – Fist Fuck
A2 Consumer Electronics – Penisator
A3 Maurizio Bianchi(MB)– Menstruum
B1 Sutcliffe Jugend – Pommerencke
B2 Club Moral – Eating Limbs
B3 Krang Music*– Uro

DOWNLOAD some white power HERE!