Here's one for Trump and Farage Supporters (aka Thick Twats).
Now, after all that Pub Rock, its time to get back to (Ab)normality; so we'll start by going straight off into the deep end with a little bit of confrontational liberal-baiting Noise by Human Animal Mike Dando, aka Con-Dom. Not a reference to prophylactic's, but maybe a pun that is supposed to refer to the sexual term (Con)trol and (Dom)ination.......a naughty boy he is too.
Not everyone's cup of tea, Dando's live show's are a primal scream of an in your face confrontation of social Taboo's. The ugly side of the human animal is displayed in all its unpleasant glory.
Its a kind of honesty, which is why a favourite theme is always Nazi Germany, where, like it or not, was home to one of the most Honest Politicians of all time.....yes....uncle Adolf. He is virtually alone in political history as a politician who told you what he was going to do, and then did it,even their propaganda ministry was called "The Propaganda Ministry" for Christs sake!? And everyone was shocked. A bit like a Con-Dom Live Assault. They know whats going to happen, and then they complain, when Mr Dando grabs a audience members crotch mid scream.
Con-Dom explores any kind of social tensions and control: political, religious, racial, with a violent and uncompromising attitude. He is well-known on the industrial scene for his furious ravaging vocals and devastating live performances, in which he turns into a real stage animal.
This stuff is even more relevant 30 years on than back in 1986; when racism was more an underground cult than in post-Brexit Britain, and with the election of Donald Trump as leader of the 'Free' world!!!!????.....did i dream that or is it true? Now, racism is blatantly displayed in public, after it was given the thumbs up by that stupid Referendum campaign and by the intellectual minnows of the pro-Trump movement. They wouldn't like Con-Dom because he encapsulates what they really are.....but with more honesty.
This is definitely real 'Post-Truth' musik, that appeals, positively, or negatively ,direct to the emotions.
Enjoy.....or not, as is most likely the case; I find it quite a cathartic listening experience in short doses.
A Kampf 24:37
B Live Assault 20 26:04
Trainspotter Notes:
"Kampf" recorded at the Midland Group Studio, Nottingham. 12th June, 1985.
"Live Assault 20" recorded at The Council House, Smethick, Birmingham. 13 November, 1985. Includes "The Right Future", "New Holocaust 2", "Even More Racial Hatred" + film "Calling All Aryans".