Showing posts with label Come Org. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Come Org. Show all posts

Friday, 27 February 2015

Leibstandarte SS MB ‎– "Triumph Of The Will" (Come Organisation ‎– WDC 881015) 1981

A fuzzy rumbling noise fest wasn't attention seeking enough for William Bennett,he of Essential Logic, Whitehouse and the Come Organisation. So why not overdub a load of speeches by the higher echelons of the National Socialist and German Workers Party? The logic was essentially to create notoriety, but creatively a pretty uninspiring recipe.
 MB (Maurizio Bianchi) had delivered two of his usual noisy symphonies for  Come Org to release; but Bennett decided to firstly overdub speeches by Goebbels and uncle Adolf,and then add Leibstandarte SS to MB's name. Which I understand was Hitlers personal SS bodyguard unit. This kind of thing could muddy one's reputation!  Largely, it has been seen basically as a bad publicity stunt,and has gone to reside in the bad taste draw. 
Personally, I would have preferred the noise to have been mixed higher and the speeches a lot fact not there at all. I never play this record ,because it just sounds like a record of Nazi Speeches,rather than Industrial noise. A bit of a half-arsed hatchet job if you ask me.


A -Triumph Of The Will (18:32 )

B - To Birkenau (18:44) 

DOWNLOAD a triumph of the will-iam bennett HERE!

Thursday, 20 February 2014

Sutcliffe Jügend - "Campaign" (Come Organisation – WDC 883028) 1982

More Whitehouse related Noise terrorism, with Kevin Tomkins' Sutcliffe Jügend's early cassette "Campaign". And you can bet its refers to murder campaign rather than the Political, or Military, versions of the word. The clues are in the song titles, although all you have to know is its a Come Org release to know, A/ What it sounds like, and B/ what the subject matter will be about. Yep, more extreme sex, murder icon worship, and Sade-isms. Pretty tiresome and quite silly really; but I do love the catharsis of extreme noise to cleanse ones mind of interference. Also it STILL has the ability to make Henry Normal uncomfortable, maybe even angry; this is a rare commodity in the modern 'seen it all, heard it all' society. There will be people who would disagree, and think this is tame ,boring rubbish, but they are liars; to themselves and others, and are part of the problem. Ignore them.
Ladies and Gentleman: Sutcliffe Jügend; uninspired but very effective.

DOWNLOAD these vicious clichés HERE! 
DOWNLOAD from Mediafire HERE!

Tuesday, 31 December 2013

Whitehouse ‎– "Psychopathia Sexualis" (Come Organisation ‎– WDC 883027 1982

Back in 1980, the general population were relatively free from choice and information overload. Horror movies were still frightening, and one had to actively search out music such as this. Consequently music wasn't as devalued as it today, with the advent of the everything now culture of the post-internet world. Murderers were generally seen as horrific figures, but with the torrent of information, and understanding of Human behaviour, we now see these people as pathetic rather than just psychopathic. This lessens the impact of this record for the modern ears somewhat. Having said that, play this record to the most of the population of the iPhone miniverse, and you would still get disturbed looks of classic incomprehension. Yes, musically, it still has the ability to fuck up people's worlds, and make them wanna smash this cassette in fits of ignorant anger. Which is the main aim of Whitehouse's ear piercing noise. Most of the tracks are introduced by some eastern bloc sounding Psycho expert; probably Dr. Richard von Krafft-Ebing*. I dunno if it is he, or Mr Bennett who didn't know the real name of the Boston Strangler(Albert de Salvo). All the other killers get their birth names, except he?! Plenty of Wasp frying synth abuse permeates this tape, accompanying the standard crazed screeching from W. Bennett. There are plenty of uncomfortable moments, and room clearing cacophony;- guaranteed to form the ice at parties, or even better, start a fight amongst the Townies/chavs at the local discothéque. They don't make 'em like this, wait a minute, Whitehouse still make 'em like this. in fact so do, Ramleh, Consumer Electronics, and many many more do; not available in shops. *'Psychopathia Sexualis' is based on the classic medical work by Dr. Richard von Krafft-Ebing, but inspired by the '120 Days of Sodom' by the Marquis de Sade, whose spirit lives on…? Trainspotters corner: Glen Michael Wallis of Konstrukivits is on this recording as a member of the group. A2 and A5 recorded Live Action 5. A6 recorded recorded Live Action 2.

 Track Listing:

A1 Peter Kurten 
A2 Edward Paisnel 
A3 Boston Strangler 
A4 Peter Sutcliffe 
A5 Fritz Haarmann 
A6 Ian Brady & Myra Hindley 
A7 Graham Young

B1 Vulcan Air Attack Mission 
B2 Pleazure Fur Frauen 
B3 Live Action 4 (Complete) 
B4 Genesis Of The New Weapons

DOWNLOAD some sexy psychopathy HERE!