Showing posts with label Childrens Music. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Childrens Music. Show all posts

Thursday, 22 April 2021

John Faulkner and Sandra Kerr – "Bagpuss: The Songs & Music" (Smallfolk – SMF001) 1974/1999

Zchivago sings holding back the tears,for the finishing touches of his version of "Candle In The Wind" in memory of Sandy Denny....."And I'd like to have known you but I was just a kiiiiid"......
Indeed I was once a kid, believe it or not, and as I may have mentioned before, there was a lot of Folk music about, especially on Kids TV programming.The stand out moment being the thirteen,unlucky for some, episodes of the erstwhile adventures of a saggy old pink and white cat in Emily's lost and found objects shop window.Bagpuss!
Emily would found some old crap someone lost in the street, chuck it in the shop-window display, and leave it there for Madeleine the rag doll (Sandra Kerr) and Gabriel the Toad (John Faulkner), with a Chorus of Mice from the mouse organ, and unhelpful comments from smart arse Woodpecker,Professor Yaffle and,of course a certain Saggy Old Cloth Cat.When bagpuss woke up, everyone else came to life for fifteen minutes, and fixed the piece of crap into something that might refind its previous owner.
Oliver Postgate(RIP),possessor of the finest narration voice on the planet,could lull me into a womb-like situation at the drop of a syllable;like leaning back in the bosom of your dear departed mother once again.
Oliver's folky chums, John and Sandra,were commissioned,which in 1970's BBC terms would mean they got a fiver and a sandwich to do it,and make the music.Which consisted of a bunch of traditional folk tunes furnished with new words for us kids,plus a few originals.
I seem to remember the Uncle Feedle Episode featured a few rather horrific rag dolls, that missus Postgate must have kinted up in a hurry,resembling eyeless zombies more than cute children's characters.I'm sure Madeleine sings that she's Just a Rag Doll made from 'Crap' during this epidsode....reigniting the furious debate about "Captain Pugwash" and the characters Seamen Stains and Master urban legend unfortunately!
The thing about folk music is that it can be both dark and twee at the same time,and the music for Bagpuss fits those criteria beautifully....forget Current 93 this and similar cult soundtracks are da real thing man.It hasn't quite gained the kudos of Playchool's dark folk princess Toni Arthur and hubby Dave, but it has its darker moments.
Oliver Postage made all these masterpieces on a budget of a tenner per episode in his garden shed....the ultimate TV DIY......and don't forget this is the man who made the Clangers, and Noggin the Nog too ,among many others.
A Posthumous knighthood is called for here...give him Jimmy Savilles,it might revive this soiled institution for future good?


1 The Bony King Of Nowhere 3:27
2 Mouse Round (Here's A Pin) 0:42
3 The Princess Suite 2:36
4 Weaving Song / The Laird Of Drumblair 2:13
5 Uncle Feedle 2:25
6 Ragtime Mice 0:13
7 Turtle Calypso 2:15
8 Brian O'Lynn 2:09
9 Agricultural Jigs 2:18
10 The Town Band 1:13
11 The Miller's Song 3:00
12 I Saw A Ship A-Sailing 2:31
13 Song Of The Flea 3:03
14 Mouse Round (Mending Song) 0:25
15 The Ear Song 1:21
16 Hamish McTavish 1:25
17 The Old Woman Tossed Up In A Basket / Haste To The Wedding 2:43
18 The Porcupine Song 2:32
19 The Oak Tree Reel 2:27
20 Row, Row, Row Your Boat 3:15
21 The Prima Ballerina 2:10

Saturday, 29 June 2019

Floyd Robinson ‎– "Charlie the Hamster Sings The Ten Commandments" (Singcord ‎– ZLP 3009) 1977

Ignorant of the raging Punk Rock wars of 1977, Charlie the Hamster  carries on regardless hammering christianity into the heads of the god fearin'kids in the states of the mid west and south. Roughly the same places the Sex Pistols visited on their fateful tour of the USA. They broke up, probably due to the power of Charlie The Hamster in alliance with God.
Commandment One, "thou shalt have no other gods before me"!?...says Charlie with a giggle.
He was either admiting that this awful little rodent was in fact 'God', or letting the secret out of the bag that there are, in fact, 'other' Gods? 
So much for Monotheistic religion then?


A1 Thou Shalt Have No Other Gods Before Me 2:00
A2 Thou Shalt Not Make Unto Thee Any Graven Image 1:30
A3 Thou Shalt Not Take The Name Of The Lord Thy God In Vain 1:54
A4 Remember The Sabbath Day To Keep It Holy 1:54
A5 Honor Thy Father And Thy Mother 1:57
A6 Thou Shalt Not Kill 1:52
A7 Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery 1:04
B1 Thou Shalt Not Steal 2:18
B2 Thou Shalt Not Bear False Witness 1:42
B3 Thou Shalt Not Covet 1:24
B4 The Ten Commandments 1:00
B5 Commandments Of Love 1:48
B6 Praise Strings 1:23
B7 Treasures 1:07

Friday, 28 June 2019

Floyd Robinson ‎– "Charlie The Hamster Teaches Bible Stories" ( Singcord ‎– ZLP 938) 1974

"Lets tell the boys and girls what's its like to live in a Christian nation Charlie", says this complete bastard Floyd Robinson. In fact Charlie is the only Hamster I would gladly euthanize.
This greatly irritating attempt to indoctrinate our offspring is one of the best arguments for capital punishment this side of the American Taliban bible belt's enthusiasm for "lynchin' n****rs",and stoning homosexuals to death.
I wonder what Charlie's opinions are on Blacks and Homosexuals?
Triple X-rated I should imagine.
I bet Charlie won't be relaying the Bible Stories about Genocide,Incest,Statutory rape,Rape,Infanticide,murder,misogyny,and how animals,including cute little Charlie aren't allowed in Heaven.


A1 It's Fun To Live For Jesus 2:15
A2 Sunday School 2:45
A3 Stand Up For Jesus 2:45
A4 Twelve Disciples 2:18
A5 Jesus 1:55
B1 A B C's 1:31
B2 Hamster Harmony 2:221
B3 I've Got Jesus 1:20
B4 The B-I-B-L-E 2:06
B5 Say A Prayer 2:14

Thursday, 27 June 2019

Lil' Markie ‎– "Volume 1 : Music To Serve The Lord By" (Mark Fox Family Ministries ‎– MF-01) 1979

Christian Ventriloquists is an obscure but fruitful bracket for the downright weirdWe've had Little Marcy,there's a Little Cindy, and now ,the worst of the lot, Little Markie.
The personification of pure naked evil is usually a subjective opinion based on personal beliefs....but, I think we can all agree that Mark Fox, also know as 'Lil' Markie' comes very close to winning the prize. Hitler don't make the top three for me,'cus at least he was honest about what he wanted to do, Stalin probably gets the Bronze, second place could be Jimmy Savile's,narrowly beaten to the punch by Lil' Markie.Mainly for the demonic pro-life anthem "Diary of an Unborn Child",which includes the jolly sing a long chorus of "Why did you kill me mommy?" like a punch and Judy Linda Blair from The Exorcist; "Your Mommy's gonna suck cocks in Hell!" is what Lil' Markie is trying to say. Hopefully i'm wrong, and Hell exists specifically for this Fat Bastard only, so he can suck cocks in Hell for eternity.Looking at him, he would likely enjoy such a punishment,which reather defeats the whole idea of a 'Hell'?
Of course I exaggerate for the purpose of entertainment,but this fat lummox sporting a traditional bible belt mullet was the reason the word 'Cunt' was first used for the description of morbidly obese rednecks with a dual personality disorder.
Fox, puts on an incredibly repulsive harmonized falsetto voice to give voice to his youthful alter-ego, in thee most bizarre example of evangelism in a world of weirder than weird Evangelist preachers.
I'm not a violent person, but I think I could well enjoy kicking seven shades of shite out of this chubby messenger from Hell in Heaven on Earth.
I can only wonder if any of that angry mob of christian anti-abortionist were inspired to murder Doctors after listening to these recordings as a child in their formative years?
Apart from all that,this Sesame Street meets mental illness juvenile propaganda is some of thee most wacked out madness this side of the secure psychiatic facility at Sing Sing prison......or in this case Don't Sing Don't Sing......Pleeeeeze!.....Prison.
Which is where he belongs,without parole.
Sadly Mark Fox is still out there spreading his poison to adoring small audiences in the sewers of Hicksville America.


1.Serving the lord
2.Diary Of An Unborn child
3.Jesus Put the stars In the sky
4.Let The Sun Shine In
5.Story Of An Alcoholic Father..."Somethings Happened To Daddy"
6.I Have Jesus in My Heart Today
8.This Little light Of Mine
9.Markie Goes To Calvary
10.I will Obey the Lord
11.Medley : B-O-R-N A-G-A-I-N/For God so Loved the World
12.I'm Only Me
13.I'm Going On for jesus
14.Do You Believe In God
15.Use Me
16.I'm Rejoicing In The Lord
17.Serving The Lord 2

DOWNLOAD a lot of lil' markie HERE!

Wednesday, 26 June 2019

Little Marcy - "The Bible Story Book, Volume Two" (Word ‎– K-735) 1976

More bible stories for people with the intellect of a jellyfish,or even as low as Donald trump.
Yeah, I know its supposed to be for Kids,so I guess you can use it as a frizbee,preferably thrown against a wall so it shattered.
It wouldn't surprise me if all the shards of vinyl pulled themselves together 'Terminator 2" style, to continue the chase for our hearts and minds.


Sick People Get Well
The Good Samaritan
A Man Born Blind

Three Boys In A Furnace
Jesus Grows Up

David And Goliath
Good News

Monday, 24 June 2019

Little Marcy ‎– "Sing With Marcy" (Zondervan Victory Recording ‎– ZLP-657) 1965

As Adolf H. Hitler said, thirty years before this fleshing out of Nazi recruiting methodolgy was released on the weak and vulnerable, "Your Child belongs to us already".
And next, the very quotable Josef Goebbels spreads his wisdom,
"If you repeat a lie often enough, people will believe it, and you will even come to believe it yourself."
If you wanna spread a message, appeal to the emotions rather than the Intellect.It worked very well for the Nazi's,Trump, and Brexit,but organised religions have been doing this for millenia.
If you ever wondered why the education system seems to favour turning out dumb graduates, and specialists in narrow fields rather than open inquiring intellects, then heed Goebbels advice.
The most effective route to turning pre-education children into god fodder is to flood the little darlings minds with childlike messages in the medium of song or film.You're not even safe in your own home with this stuff about.

However, Little Marcy should have been enough to give your child nightmares,and blame Jesus for it.
Why these fuckers need everyone else to believe in their simplistic cult beliefs I dunno?
Keep it to yourselves, and more importantly, LEAVE OUR CHILDREN OUT OF IT!!!!


A1 O Say, But I'm Glad
A2 The Wise Man And The Foolish Man
A3 Do You Know?
A4 I'm Gonna Work
A5 There's A New Song In My Heart
A6 When We See Christ
A7 Do Lord
A8 Little Feet Be Careful
A9 God
B1 Join The Gospel Express
B2 The Lord Is Counting You In
B3 I've A Longing In My Heart
B4 Is It Fair?
B5 The Lighthouse Song
B6 I Don't Have To Wait
B7 He's Got The Whole World In His Hands
B8 Over The Sunset Mountains
B9 Thank You, Lord

Sunday, 23 June 2019

Little Marcy ‎– "Sing-Along With Marcy" (Zondervan ‎– ZLP-693) 1966

As the default setting for the human brain when they (I say they!?)....when 'they' are born is Atheist, the Jesus Cult feels its of primary importance to 'get in there' first before children encounter such evils as education and evidence based fact.
How do you do this? Simple! Find the creepiest looking dolly you can possibly imagine, then have a demented evangelist Jesus obsessive provide a voice for said dolly, singin' songs's see....Jesus and an alleged after-life.
The kids who had idiotic enough parents to pay $1.98 for this moronic propaganda must have been bored shitless with this insane puppet banging on constantly about what happens when you die.
Just what you need after you've just started life, that you're gonna die, but it's ok, you'll get eternal life in heaven if you worship some invisible dictator who'll torture you if you don't fall at his feet.
The first in a long series of Lies told to kids to get them to behave,which carries on into adulthood.Control experiment number one that we should ,by now, have outgrew. Up to a century ago the human race hadn't the slightest clue as to what was actually going we don't have that excuse.Most things now have a plausable explanation,backed up with evidence.
Still waiting for the Little Marcy albums on Evolution,Cosmology,and Quantum Physics. I think we'll be waiting a long time as 'Big' Marcy, Marcy Tigner, has by now discovered that her whole career was a complete waste of time,sadly not in Hell,as it doesn't exist kids.Little Marcy has also probably met her ultimate fate, with an eternal death as part of a land-fill site in Alabama. Imagine the horror when archeologists of the distant future dig up Little Marcy?It'd make Quatermass and the Pit look like an episode of the Brady Bunch.Never mind listening to the pure rotating plastic evil of the tunes on this record.


A1 Everybody Ought To Know 1:57
A2 Daniel In The Lion's Den 0:55
A3 Kiddies With The Curl On Top 2:22
A4 Be Careful What You Do 1:16
A5 I've Found A Wonderful Friend 1:01
A6 Heaven Came Down And Glory Filled My Soul 1:45
A7 I Know Who Holds The Future 1:14
A8 Near The Cross 2:44
B1 Am I In Heaven 1:30
B2 Wake Up 1:39
B3 I Tuned In On Heaven 1:50
B4 It's A Wonderful, Wonderful Life 1:41
B5 God Is Love 2:17
B6 I Have The Joy 1:18
B7 Oh, It Is Wonderful 1:06
B8 When You Pray 1:37