Showing posts with label Ascension. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ascension. Show all posts

Wednesday, 13 January 2021

Descension ‎– "Live March 1995" (Shock ‎– SX029CD) 1995

The best thing you ever saw at a Sonic Youth concert apart from the Exit door, was Descension,who were basically  Ascension plus two......double bassist Simon H Fell, and saxophonist Charles Wharf. This is where they began to resemble an AMM tribute act; but an AMM tribute act who got to support Sonic Youth on tour once back in '96. Those indie kids didn't know what hit 'em.This makes Sonic Youth sound more like a slightly out of tune Nirvana rather than the Avant-Garde legends they think they are.
Descension are slightly less pleasing than cousin Ascension is, mainly because it sounds too much like Free Jazz compared to its sax-less family member....but a rather marvellous racket nevertheless.

1 Walthamstow - March 10, 1995 48:19

Leeds - March 3, 1995
2 Set 2, Part 1 17:54
3 Set 2, Part 2 12:20

Ascension ‎– 'Broadcast' (Shock ‎– SX030CD) 1996

Two more catchy foot-tappers from Tony and Stefan.
I can see a day when there will be a dance craze based around this kind of music,all socially distanced of course,but by then the remanants of the Human experiment will have become used to new virus's and immune to 99.9% of them. All the useless appendages of the unhealthy, fat, and decrepit have been cleansed from the planet;which also included the ill-educated;mainly because there is now (I speak in the future present tense,rather like Footballers speak in the past/present tense)....there is now enough space to actually learn something that expands the mind rather than shit to get you a shit job. The labour force is fully automated, with strict controls on Artificial Intelligence,profits are shared amongst the citizens so the slimmed down populous of the world can indulge themselves in more pleasural persuits....something Nietzche was very keen on I gather? Embrace the Virus as our next stage in evolution.Granny,Grandad and Fatboy died so you could enjoy it.
Now get down that Free Music Disco and dance to an evening of Ascension, AMM, Harry Pussy,Derek BaileyFushitsusha,Nihilist Spasm Band and lashings of Coltrance,Shepp,Coleman,and Sanders and many many more....not available in shops.....especially as there won't be any.Also you won't have money to spend in them even if there were shops.It's all gonna be FREEEEEEEEEE....just like Die or DIY? is.

Tuesday, 12 January 2021

Ascension ‎– "Five Titles" (Shock ‎– SX026CD) 1994

 CD's!...Shit ain't dey? High time this was released on wacky coloured vinyl innit?
Five titles of cheesegrater on teeth guitar abuse that Keiji Haino and Derek Bailey would have been proud of,by that bloke from Skullflower with the polish name and Tony Irving who ,evidently,hasn't got a Polish name at all.

Monday, 11 January 2021

Ascension ‎– "Live / Dead" (Dirter Promotions ‎– DPROMLP31) 1993

Ran out of if you thought Harry Pussy was the only band in 1993 to sound like that,other than any group with Derek Bailey or Keiji Haino in,you is wrong.Using That oft-used phrase...'Meanwhile,In The UK', there was Ascension, featuring that bloke Stefan Jaworzyn from Skullflower,who, made a fairly similar uncompromising racket with Guitars and Drums.Think Pharoah Sanders but with electric guitars,as captured in a pub in Camden.Normally, this 'orrible noise would empty any public house of its public;but knowing 'The Monarch' this would have increased the audience to a barely legal 30,.... at best.
Shut a bunch of Chimp's into a room full of instruments and you'd get a similar result.....which is the intention I suppose? Rediscovering your inner primative,a musical re-birthing,a primal scream from within your life-force.....and No Bobby Gillespie needed.


Live The Monarch, Camden 30.3.93 (First Live Show)
L1 1.
L2 2.
L3 3.

D Untitled Piece 11.5.93