Anton LaVey was the founder and first High Priest of the Church of Satan until his death,just missing Halloween (what a shame?) on October 29, 1997.
Recorded Live,which is an anagram of Evil is it not(?),at the Church Of Satan in San Francisco on Friday the 13th of september, probably on Hate Street.
Anton treats us to more droning, seemingly deadly serious, monologues from his Satanic Bible, backed up with Howard's(Anton's) funeral parlor organ work.
Rather disconcertingly, Mr LaVey bore more than a passing resemblence to your humble Blog author.But I can assure you I have nothing at all to do with this bullshit nonsense....ask my friend B.L.Zebub.
One suspects that this has more to do with showmanship rather than,an actual religion;but unavoidably, some people take it far too seriously.Something I suggest didn't apply to Anton LaVey himself.
He did,however, manage to 'get off' with Jayne Mansfield before she was decapitated in a car smash.So it was to his advantage to nuture his minor celebrity status.
Of course, the membership of The Church Of Satan is booming(Yawn!).You can join online for a few hundred Dollars, and shock your mum and dad and your straighter friends.(Giggle Giggle Titter)...oh what jolly japes?
As laughable as Satanism is, it has just as much basis in fact as other major religions......i.e. None.
The Satanic Mass Conducted By Anton Szandor LaVay
1 The Satanic Mass
The Satanic Bible:
2 Prologue
3 Book Of Satan, Verse I
4 Verse II
5 Verse III
6 Verse IV
7 Verse V
8 Hymn Of The Satanic Empire, Or The Battle Hymn Of The Apocalypse