Showing posts with label 2019. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2019. Show all posts

Monday, 20 March 2023

Territorial Gobbing – "Capitalist Art Is Cartoons Fucking" (Opal Tapes – OPAL161) 2019

Leeds' least favourite dada noise improv thing, it says on his (Theo Gowens) website.And there's me thinking Territorial Gobbing was Leeds' fourth favourite dada noise improv thing;not that I can name the other three in the top four.But maybe fourth place is also last place automatically making the original statement very very true,and ,again, I am very very wrong.Ah well, Art,capitalist or otherwise, isn't about league tables anyway is it? After all, there are many musical genres that anyone would be very proud to be in last place of,or in first place if that particular table happens to be 'Least Favourite'.Something that Leeds is very used to concerning their Football fans, as has been noted earlier in this blog.
However, even within the dark community of improvised dada-ist noise,there are very few brave enough to ask the big questions.
"Are Militant Atheists Using Chemtrails To Poison The Angels Of Heaven" being one of them.
Never one to shy away from bat-shit crazy conspiracy truthisms,and a former militant Atheist,I would say the likelihood of chemtrails being anything other than the harmless vapour trails that have appeared behind aircraft engines since the second world war,is extremely negligible.Bill gates is, sadly, NOT attempting to reduce the world population by spraying an un-identified chemical over the western world,presumably letting africa off??. Also it is looking increasingly likely that we will save Bill the trouble, by starting that long promised Nuclear conflict we are all eagerly waiting for.
The ultimate answer for this question that is on everybody's lips(not) is childishly simple.......go fuck yerselves you toxically paranoid carriers of a terminal internet sickness and fucking DIE!
There is a very convincing argument that the World Wide Web should be shut not the existence of this blog you bastards!....the conspiracy theory of everything, is one, seeding a perfect storm with the gender fluid re-education that is fucking up Generation Y (Why?).
If there is a conspiracy going on, its this AI tech turning on its creators ,the HAL 9000 syndrome.Our quantum enabled machinery has found the perfect way to remove the human element, alternative Facts and post-Truth are turning us into a bunch of asexual, gender fluid, aggressively paranoid Twats,who's approach to the Climate emergency is to increase carbon emissions, and become rapidly extinct. Guess who doesn't care if the atmosphere of the planet is fucked or not...yep...our Quantum Computer chums.Never trust a technology that doesn't work if you're observing it;a place where the word Binary doesn't involve gender identity panic,it's the ruthless computer language that is inevitably planning humanity's downfall.Oxygen's for snowflake and the next stage of evolution is upon us....have i said this shit before?.....just ignore me,have panic sex if you want to,but we're doomed and there's no point in banging on about it...lets Boogie!


A1 Tooth Orb
A2 Are Militant Atheists Using Chemtrails To Poison The Angels Of Heaven
A3 Armpit Beer
A4 Shaking A Wren
B1 Upholstered Chair Guevara
B2 Necknominator
B3 Spooky Electrics Blog
B4 Raw Plastics
B5 Feeding The Hand That Feed You Hands Hands

Monday, 5 October 2020

Brad Laner ‎– "Ligaments 05" (Captured Tracks ‎– CT/SP-059) 2019

 The fifth and final...for now...volume of Brad Laner's (Y'know, that guy from Savage Republic and 17 Pygmies?) epic voyage into the wirey world of modular synthesis. A suitably 'Out There' rearrangement of the synth exploration norms,genuinely pushing boundaries were there shouldn't be any.The possibilities are endless with these lovely objects,and few people actually move into the inter-galactic regions of with all his other projects,Brad has no fear of spacewalking ,untethered,in the gaping void of convention that suffocates innovation.These sounds help to fill that vacuum somewhat.


A Ligaments 05a
B Ligaments 05b

Friday, 2 October 2020

Brad Laner ‎– "Ligaments 03" (Captured Tracks ‎– CT/SP-057) 2019

The infinite possibilities of modular sound synthesis are dragged through the unpreditcable mind of Brad Laner for the third time. Reminiscent of those early electronic pioneers,this moves it on in a similar direction without resorting to cop out melodies. Edited like an action painting in sound rearranged to almost make sense,these electronic workouts  actually add something progressive to a genre that has remained virtually in stasis since the mid seventies,with a few exceptions of course,so don't shove a list in my face,or mention bloody Autechre!.....lets just celebrate.....Trump has Co-vid!


A Ligaments 03a
B Ligaments 03b

Wednesday, 30 September 2020

Brad Laner ‎– "Ligaments 02" (Captured Tracks ‎– CT/SP-056) 2019

Another rewiring of the ligaments in the ligature of a genre that could be, 'Modular Synthesis".
Personally the sight of wires gives me a migraine,and the cost of this new generation of Modular synths makes me wince. But, at least we have Brad Laner to do it for us.A better candidate to make sense out of this rich retiree's 21st century version of collecting butterfly's I cannot think of.
This second tape is at least far better,and nuttier, than tape one,which was in turn far better than most indulgers in this questionable pastime........and yes, the covers do look like those Industrial Records cassettes.....a tribute within a tribute?


A Ligaments 02a
B Ligaments 02b

Tuesday, 29 September 2020

Brad Laner ‎– "Ligaments 01" (Captured Tracks ‎– CT/SP-055) 2019

 Brad Laner, the step-grandaddy of Synth Punk, among many other OUT-there musical projects too numerous to mention, is,of course, still offending the musical sensibilities of the normals to this day.
More recently Laner has taken the inevitable dive into the ever-expanding universe of modular synthesis, taking many months to record dozens of hours of live improvisations and editing them together. “Ligaments” is the result and is intended to be an ongoing series.
Sure we've all now got a room dedicated to our modular synth collections,but few people on this crumbling rock have Laner's naturally abstract insight into what makes something challenging.
You can either end up sounding like Jean Michel Jarre, or like a disintegrating alien machine.I like my Modular synth workouts to be adequately fried and burnt on at least one side.This is what these things were intended to do.Except this cassette is fried on both sides.


A Ligaments 01a
B Ligaments 01b

Friday, 20 March 2020

Philip Johnson - "Completed Album" (Slackhurst Broadcasting SLX 02) (2019)

Ay up, its that girl with the wellies again!
Its also Philip Johnsons long awaited,or otherwise, follow up to "Year Of The Black Fridge".
It's supposed to be released on Vinyl but the forces that be have conspired for it to be shelved,probably permanently after the disaster that is the Covid 19 debacle!...unless someone out there has any money left that they don't mind losing that is?
I'll recommend "Bored,Depressed" for Wolgang (who described the previous album as 'Boring') but he must listen to it all the way through to the end or face the poisonous wrath of Zchivago,....please!?
This should split opinion in a small room,but please keep more than a meter apart and yawn into your elbow,or, alternatively sport a satisfied smile behind your surgical mask.
Its genuinely weird and can clear every sized room before any disease is transmitted,so its a great anti-covid 19 weapon.The next best thing I can find to a vaccine.Someone should inform the authorities.



Intro 0:36
Soldier 3:14
Cpperc 0:34
Coat 3:17
Walah 3:04
Who Did Not 4:26
Mymst 0:24
Oh What 3:01


Iamg 0:47
Bored, Depressed 17:15

DOWNLOAD if you're bored or depressed or both HERE!

Thursday, 19 March 2020

Philip Sanderson - "The Sound Projector Session" (2019)

Still in disingenuous glowing tribute to Genesis P(hilip)Orridge mode, one is sticking to the persons responsible for the dawn of UK Industrial music,the clown prince of which was Neil Megson himself.....he's dead if you didn't know.
Next up is a live session one of the leading Industrial era Philips,the Sanderson one in this case, did earlier this year for Ed Pinsent(who?) and his Sound Projector radio show. Four instrumentals all recorded with his own custom made soft VCS3!?....what a clever boy? 


01 A Glass of Darkness
What the Bladerunner soundtrack could have sounded like if they had employed Sanderson and not Zimmer.
02 Au Coin du Jardin
Tales of fake archaeological digs.
03 Scream Test
Horror in one take.
04 The Golden Fleet
Some Krauty goodness for Christmas.

DOWNLOAD some projectile sonics HERE!

Wednesday, 4 March 2020

Son Of ZOG - "Son Of ZOG" (Year Zero Records YEAR 044) 2019

Resting briefly from more Ken Nordine, on the subject of "Son Of...." projects, your non-award winning esoteric blogger, thats right 'Moi'; has done a 'Son Of...' project himself (Note use of the third person). Ones Improv Noise rock group, called "ZOG", has a jazzier offshoot, guessed it, "Son Of ZOG". Its got a sax player in it ,so we can't escape the Jazz label being slapped on it.
Some cheeky bastards reckon its better than the group that fathered it,ie ZOG, father of the Son and the holy grossed.
Its on the esteemed Year Zero Records for free download, as always....but now you can get it here, in another shameless act of self-promotion and agrandisement.
Hopefully there will be the appearence of actual physical ZOG product later in the year,on vinyl, courtesy of Siltbreeze records....but will believe it when we see it.
Deconstructive Constructive criticism welcome....just don't make me angry thats all!!!


Christophe Medina- Drums
Phil Allison - Sax
Jonny Zchivago - Bass
Nadine Aleman - Electronics


1.Pain Patisserie
2.Horses In Love
3.Mechagodzilla vrs Son of ZOG
4.Do The Fukashima Slide
5.Spunk Bucket Hostage
6.Silent Music
7.Jonny 3:16
8.Toga Party Refugees
9.VooDoo is DooDoo
10.Love Supremacists

DOWNLOAD and meet the son of zog HERE!

Saturday, 4 January 2020

Jandek ‎– "Austin Sunday 2007" (Corwood Industries ‎– CORWOOD 0833) 2019

The second Jandek album called "Austin Sunday",so the suffix, 2007, is added to ease the confusion.Which is something I'm not sure is needed when it comes to Jandek fans.We need more confusion please,and you can certainly count on the representative himself to deliver it.
This is back to the classic live era Jandek with unknown backing band style. Rambling unsyncopated atonal improvisation, with meandering time signatures.Sounding like four strangers who have never met before the start of the concert,playing instruments they aren't familiar with.
Now we await more new Jandek in 2020.His many other albums are ALL on this blog.....just click on the Jandek Label to reveal the seemingly endless treasures on offer.


1 The Way To You 12:24
2 The Jaunt 11:23
3 Out Loud 10:46
4 I Think I'll Go 6:27
5 The Way It Is 8:58
6 Shake Loose 6:37

Thursday, 2 January 2020

Jandek ‎– "Gainesville Monday" (Corwood Industries ‎– CORWOOD 0831) 2019

Another "Chair beside a window",like the classic Jandek album of the same name and home of his greatest Hit, "Nancy Sings", adorns this professional sounding improvised set from December the first ,2008,at the Hippodrome State Theatre in Gainesville,wherever that is?
If you think the Guitar work is far too good for Jandek to have been the guitarist, then you are right.He demoted himself to stroking the Bass quietly in the background, and concentrated on his stream of conciousness 'escaped lunatic' vocal style.
The drummer and guitarist,both uncredited, were obviously seasoned improvisers,who must have played together a lot.This sounds as if they were gonna do a gig and found a homeless drunk guy on the street outside the venue to do the vocals for them.Not unlike Can and Damo Suzuki.


1.I Like It 16:10
2.It Seems Obvious 10:26
Here Now Today 10:19
4.The Picture 10:47
5.The Call Imaginary 8:17
6.If It Is 14:28
7.The Fathoms 12:52
8.I Take You 17:16

Wednesday, 1 January 2020

Jandek ‎– "The Ray" (Corwood Industries ‎– CORWOOD 0832) 2019


Another new year brings forth usually three or four new Jandek albums, so as a new years treat here are last years Jandek albums to try and keep pace with the Ginger One.Including this new studio album!?
I think I have all of the Jandek releases,but not sure,so if anyone out there notices a gap in the collection,feel free to point out this unforgivable oversight.
Its a relief to know that Sterling, in his 75th year, hasn't given up on studio work,and its good to hear his meandering psychedelic outsider folk without that sparse applause at the end of each long track,and even worse the boistrous cheering as the Corwood Representative takes the stage.....yeah very good boys and girls.....mainly white boys it has to be have a shared secret in that you pretend to like Jandek, well done.One witnessed the same hive-minded behaviour at Sun Ra concerts,Residents shows and Fall gigs.Like a Nuremburg rally for geeks and nerds.
The Ray, the album and the Track, is a,you guessed it, meandering avant folk psychedelic foray into the unknown that clocks in at just over an hour in length. It comes with no information,but I suspect that Jandek plays all the instruments,with maybe Sheila Smith on drums? Could this be the start of a new era in the Corwood release schedule.....I hope so,as it is a rather fine room emptying piece of unsychopated outsider rock.
People like Henry Flynt,the works of whom we have been digesting over the preceeding days,have spent a career searching out the embodiment of the American Primitive.Well Henry, here he is.More profound than the unknown meaning of life,'it is because its like that'.There is no meaning,just as the American Primitive doesn't exist.Jandek's music is the closest thing to an answer I've come across.......just 'Be'.....and keep turning up.


1 The Ray 61:40

DOWNLOAD the first ray of the new year sun HERE"!