Showing posts with label 2018. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2018. Show all posts

Friday, 14 July 2023

Electric Wizard – "Live Maryland Deathfest 2012" (Creep Purple – CPR-006) 2018

I used to have a Girlfriend like that, who would walk around bollock naked shouting, unshaven haven, and talked to a skull. Sounds exciting don't it?....well it fucking ain't. 
Ok, so I made the skull bit up, but it was symbollock of my actual skull that was in danger of being severed whenever she was drunk,or worse. Wild women (or just Women) aren't worth it.
You think I'm crazy? You'll understand after you've had a wank.
The previous post referenced the phenomenon that was the Video Nasty, so here are some audio nasties to make you grovel to the fallen Satanic angel of your choice.Therefore here's Electric Wizard in a live setting,whose line-up contained one of the 'Wild Women Of Wongo' that I warned you to steer clear of. A friend of mine committed suicide once upon a time,and the only picture i found on his laptop was one of that Bird from Electric Wizard.It seems that this music could seriously damage your health,direct  from exactly in fact, but straight outta Dorset,nestled  in the quiet lazy rolling hills of the English southern coast countryside.And very nice it is too.
This reminds me of that gangster grime Rap posse, you know ...the Rap've seen 'em,at the shopping arcade,on the Top Of The Pops,doing a little dance........cripes, i'm being drawn into doing that Stuart Lee routine again......y'know?....The Rap Singers?
But the Rap singers I'm alluding to is number one act 'So Solid Crew', that urban city dwelling bunch of gangster boys,who turned out to be from the Hood in the  idyllic Dorset countryside.....via stage school rather than old Skool. Awwwww,makes you larf don't it?
I would never accuse Electric Wizard of going to stage school however,as it seems they are very much in touch with Satan. Full of Wild Women is Hell, an eternity of being annoyed and pissed off is some kind of Hell I would do anything to avoid.....short of joining the Jehovah Witnesses;but if Hell really is like Dorset, I'd happily haunt the country Pubs and hiking trails beyond the limits of infinity, forever...I assume 'beyond Infinity' is the same as forever?
Isn't Maryland where that doddering crumbly President,and professional (non)Irishman, Joe Biden lives?
I'm guessing he wasn't at this gig. But it seems he missed out on its endless crushing riffage,here captured in early Sabbath-esque lo-fidelity. The sonic ambition of this doom laden metal monster is rather too large for the bandwidth of a humble cassette,but that's how I like it with all the crisp edges blunted in the peripheral fog.
As for So Solid Crew, I'd like to flush them down the nearest peripheral BOG!


A1 Supercoven
A2 Satanic Rites Of Drugula
A3 Dopethrone
A4 Witchcult Today
B1 Black Mass
B2 Return Trip
B3 The Chosen Few
B4 Funeralopolis

Friday, 21 April 2023

Robert Ridley-Shackleton – "Stone Cold Crazy" (Crow Versus Crow – CVC010) 2018

I noticed recently, that there is no such thing as a group anymore.All the charts are full up of so-called 'Solo artists'(like RRS), who are there strictly for their aesthetically pleasing presence (unlike RRS)....not that I don't find them utterly repulsive (sort of like RRS,but...). The vast divisions of Musicians and technical experts behind these Avatars are largely ignored;only to appear in the background for these stadium tours,as their 'Group'.
Now we've got "AI" algorithm versions of the pop we are supposed to want to hear.So the days are definitely numbered for us Biological Units.Soon there will be no work,just leisure time but with NOTHING to do,it's all done for us.Nietzschen Artificial Intelligence has it all covered Boy's and Boys,ex-Girls ex-girls,and all those beautiful souls in transition.All part of the techno-fascist agenda, to remove anything human from the analogue planet.No sexually compatible partners ultimately leads to No Humanity.Duh! 
Basically Humans will accept absolutely ANYTHING they are told to. If they are told they are a woman trapped in a Boy's body,or that Harry Styles 1.2 is good stuff,then I guess we should all accept it?!
Liam Gallagher ,after hearing the "AI" version of Oasis was heard to exclaim ,allegedly, that (he) Sounded "Mega"!?.....add the AI media suggestion that he was serious and not joking and you have the start of the replacement of biological Art...if you rate Oasis as "Art" or not?.....its cheaper and less troublesome than having the real Liam Gallagher on a contract to your global corporation.
It will get to the stage when Avatars of Avatars will be purchasing the new Oasis album from each other, leaving what room, or what use for Humans? Vulnerable biological machines that were so dumb as to design their own replacements,and then moan about it,but do precisely Nuffink.....yes another Oasis album,with Robo-Bonehead on guitar. Noel was rich and wise enough to buy his own avatar which refused to work with the singer,or Bonehead, for all eternity.
My toes curl at the idea of of an eternal Robo-Bez idiot dancing for the next billion tears,frying his MDMA chip to a frazzle....and going to Avatar Re-Hab with an interactive hologram of Kurt Cobain as his new besty to plumb new depths of the Metaverse.
I may be very WRONG, but i can't see a Robot ever coming up with anything as dysfunctional and deranged as "Stone Cold Crazy" by the HAL 9000 of underground DIY, Mr Robert Ridley-Shackleton......although he may be in big trouble, because the album title has already been used by AI robo-metal by numbers, and bastards, total fucking BASTARDS, Metallica. They'll be sending a terminator out for Robert's bollocks before too long.....maybe mine too?
So embrace the short time we have left,before all literature, all visual art, and all Music, will be created "For Us"(?) by that amazing ,'Award winning',computer program some idiotic teenager wrote in 2023....whoopeee. 
Computer comedy, hows about that then? What more could you want other than a laughing my ass off emoji. "Wuthering Heights" reduced to just a single sad face emoji on a piece of A5."War and Peace",edited down to a yawning smiley face....we're bored but...we're 'Happy'. 
All that gossip tech's real purpose was to test drive and develop our replacement emotions by variations on the Smiley face.
I guess I'm suggesting that there should be a new Luddite movement or such-like?,queue sardonic use of footballer interview technique, at the end of the day, we's a-getting what's comin' to us....Don't say i didn't tell ya so.
I'm working on a Deep-Fake version of myself to continue this blog for all eternity right now. Of course its a more handsome,and popular version de moi,but at least the idea of me will remain, post first interview after i've gone will possibly be with Bonehead's avatar.....something to look forward to is that?...No?
Hasn't ABBA already done this shit? cometh the ruthless dictatorship of Bjorn Avatar and Benny Avatar,who's dream it is to cleanse the planet of us biological scum....notice how sexism survives this cyber coup d'etat.....only 'male' Avatars get to be the crimes against humanity big shots.No Agnetha and/or other one!
As Metallica once admitted in weak moment,.... "Kill 'em All".

Obviously I'm being more Phillip K Dick rather than Phillip K Dick'ead......but am i ?...Huh? Huuuuh?


A1 Stone Cold Crazy In Love With U
A2 Pest Control
A3 Bury Me
B1 Yol 4 President
B2 Dirty Cardboard
B3 Snack Effective

Thursday, 29 September 2022

"П​р​и​т​о​н (Den)" + "Live 2018" by Притон (Den) - (Youth Of The North ) 2016/8

Yakutsk Siberia, December 2016, with an outside temperature of around -43°C (-45°F), Притон,or in the king's English,"Den", (so named after a Russian word to describe the dens where drug users and criminals gather...oooer! Mummy!) locked themselves inside their studio to record a self-titled album with a Tascam CC-222 tape recorder. Not sure this would exempt themselves from Putin's medieval mobilisation of anyone with at least one leg,but it should. That murdering cunty mcCuntface,Putin, likely has no idea where Yakutsk is.....but then again nor do we.Ask an American where England is and he'll say that you can drive to it by going north from New York;ask him where Yakutsk is and he'll probably punch you.
Watch out Ukraine Притон are coming!

Digital technology has never sounded so bad.Making the most sophisticated of sound systems sound like its been played back through a 70's telephone receiver. An altogether sludgier, fuzzier, experience than fellow Yakutsk inmates Katiny Slezki, whom we all adore of course....don't we boys and girls?
Proves that not all Russians are genocidal barbarians, child rapists and thieves...just most of far as I know anyway.Indeed, one never knows but its quite possible that as I write this the male members of Den have probably already been forced to kill old men and rape children with their commanding officer making sure they follow orders at gunpoint.All this eight time zones of distance between them and home.In fact i live closer here in France to Ukraine than the residents of Yakutsk do.At least they should be safe from the first tranche of nuclear fall-out,unless they've all been conscripted.
Let's look on the bright side shall we(?), at least there'll be plenty of hardcore stuff to write about for the next album?.....that's if they haven't had their skulls crushed under the tracks of a stolen Russian T-90 driven with alacrity by battle hardened laughing Ukrainians.In which case these are probably the last П​р​и​т​о​н albums for the foreseeable future.....puts a new angle on breaking up I suppose.....those crazy rock'n'rollers.



1. Портвейн 01:05
2. В лесу ебутся кошки 01:05
3. Притон 00:51
4. Сойти с ума от холода 00:57
5. Хэй Рокеры 01:42
6. Танцуй шлюха 00:41
7. Антихрист 01:27

Live 2018 but will they be a-live in 2023?

LIVE 2018:

1. ПРИТОН 00:53
2. АНТИХРИСТ 02:00
3. ПОРТВЕЙН 01:04
6. РОКЕРЫ 02:14

Saturday, 23 January 2021

Self-Deconstruction ‎– "Wounds" (Break The Records ‎– BTR-043-LP) 2018

As the last post (Masayuki Takayanagi), had, mistakenly on my part apparently, the word Deconstructive in the title.This gives me the opportunity to post some Japanese female freestyle Power Violence from Self -Deconstrution of Tokyo. Mainly because I have a minor celebrity crush on the guitarist Kuzuha who likes the colour Pink a lot,and plays a one woman show when not with the band, as....ahem......"Fuck Me Please!"......the little tease! Don't ask me what the difference between Power Violence and Grindcore, or even Hardcore in general is,as I can't tell you,but I like it...I like it alot!
Listening to the muiltichordunous and shifting tempo filled sub thirty second 'songs(?)' one can't help but wonder how the hell did pop music get to this place? They would have been burnt as witches in the sixties,but now its just some light entertainment......not for everybody I grant you,but they certainly put on a this one?


Disaster 0:38
Ain't It Fun 0:27
Spring's Trend 0:37
Pay Up 0:50
Dog 0:28
Vulture 0:44
Our Graves 0:48
Dear Weekend 0:41
Malice 0:41
Psychowhore 0:30
Taken For Granted 0:38
Deeper 0:39
Not For Me 0:33
You Deserve 0:22
Possession 0:27
It Was Rain 0:14
No Savior 0:51
The Burden 0:35
Hazard 0:47
Virtue 0:55
Force Fed 0:48
Mess 1:29
Grace Period 1:25

Saturday, 4 January 2020

Jandek ‎– "London Thursday" (Corwood Industries ‎– CORWOOD 0830) 2018

Hang on! What's this?
It's one of those generic Jazz Records that sounds like a collection of extended snippets from any number of standard artists from a jazz nerds record collection.....rather boring......but wait!.....who's this nutty guy doing those terrible vocals/spoken word sections????
As a result of these interjections, this album has now been firmly transformed into the realms of 'Good'.
Then I find out its Jandek and a collection of Hip London jazzers improvising at Café Oto in april 2013!....Now, its very good.
Its surprising how ,no matter how uninteresting and generic a record can be,it's normally just one element away from greatness.In this case that element is Jandek dioxide,which is a radioactive gas causing anyone who encounters it to either gag,run away or stay to breath in this rarified air.
It could be Jandek and the Royal Philharmonic and it would still be a Jandek record.
Maybe that's next? Live at the Royal Albert Hall with the Philharmonic,uncredited of course,and definitely on a monday.


1-1 Empty 13:46
1-2 Combing The Air 9:29
1-3 Lights Going Out 10:06
1-4 I Know You Well 5:22
1-5 Eternity 7:06
1-6 All About It 8:20
2-1 No Happy Life 7:14
2-2 Standing There 5:49
2-3 Constant Refrain 6:48
2-4 Quite All Right 8:50
2-5 Shadows Disappear 11:50

Thursday, 2 January 2020

Jandek ‎– "Los Angeles Friday" (Corwood Industries ‎– CORWOOD 0829) 2018

The Corwood Representative goes 'Rap'!?
Recorded on August 5th, 2016 in the homeland of Tupac who would have probably killed himself if he had to listen to this without being drunk...Sixpac?
Well, its more 'Hip' without the 'Hop',Public 'Enema' rather than 'Enemy',but overlaid with bad psychoanalytical poetry delivered in a style outside the jail cell of the 4/4 beat. Recorded as if the 'rapper' (Jandek or Sheila) were falling from the top of the world trade centre on 9/11,free-stylin' during a slow motion two hour drop.Regularly being hit by faster falling debris.
As is documented I've fucking hated Hip Hop since i was a teen in 1979,with its stoic refusal to move on......and don't get me going about the clothes!The whole culture bores the living shite out of me.
Somehow its hard to imagine Jandek in a basball cap turned to the front ,nevermind to the side.
Is there such a thing as slo-core Hip Hop?.....if there isn't,there should be.I could be cajoled into enjoying that....a bit.
The drum programmer,Kyle Madson, even seems to have cleverly managed to make the drum box somehow sound off-beat at times, and brilliantly monotonous in other places.
One must say, that the Representative never fails to surprise,and long may it continue,even after death? that Muslimgauze bloke?


1.Rap It Like You Should 8:53
2.The Bus And The Apartment 16:25
3.A Good Day 8:03
4.Silver Lake 11:08
5.The Kids Are Outside 5:37
6.The American 8:54
7.The Limit 9:13
8.Animal 5:42
9.Map It Out In Blue 10:45
10.To Recover 8:25
11.Things That Never Change 21:00

Sunday, 6 October 2019

Kosmischer Läufer ‎– "The Secret Cosmic Music Of The East German Olympic Program 1972-83 - Volume Four" (Unknown Capability Recordings ‎– UCKL004V) 2018

While working as a sound editor for DEFA in the 1970’s and 80's Martin Zeichnete led a secret, parallel life writing music to train and inspire East Germany’s athletic elite. This fourth compilation of Zeichnete’s work will take us on a cosmic voyage of both the body and the mind...
Side 1 of this collection contains a running program at 150 bpm taken from various years of the project. After the warm-up fanfare of ‘Zeit zum Laufen 150’ (1977) we launch into the sleek, motorik engine of ‘Goldene Tage’(1982). The second running piece ‘Lichtgeschwindigkeit’ (1983) comes from one of the final Kosmischer Läufer sessions where Zeichnete used a drummer and bass player in the studio. The haunting waltz ‘Der Leuchtturm am Ende der Zeit’(1976) provides a calming warm-down.

Side 2 give us a first listen to a different aspect of Zeichnete’s work.1978’s ‘Der Weg’ (The Path), was the culmination of his experiments to bring focus to athletes’ minds using music and images.

As Zeichnete recalls:

‘As early as 1974 we were looking to provide a mental stimulus for the athletes as well as physical. We began with alpha wave projection and used dream-machine-like devices with an instructor reading inspirational messages. These early attempts appeared to have no real value to the athletes so I progressed to making a film with a suitable soundtrack.
To view ‘Der Weg’ the subject would be comfortably seated in a darkened room wearing headphones. The film would be projected large-scale onto a concave wall filling their field of vision’.

The film began with a voice-over while a light pulsing gently at 10hz appeared on the screen. Once the subject was attuned to their surroundings the film then progressed as follows:

Phase I – Forst - As the music begins we see scenes of the universe, of life on earth and nature. We end up in a beautiful forest with sunlight playing through the leaves. This section evoked a sense of calm.

Phase II – Das Meer - The deepest part of the meditation. We are flying across the ocean as the sun is rising. Then we are under the sea. All is tranquil as we move among the shoals of fish.

Phase III – Heimat - We are now in modern East Germany. We see the country we love. We see the faces of the people we as athletes will represent. Positive messages appear on the screen.

Phase IV – Morgen - We see our fellow athletes training and winning great victories for our country. Captions on the screen tell us that this is our future!

Sadly, the film has been lost to time but it lives on in Zeichnete’s vibrant soundtrack.

Zeit zum Laufen!"


A1 Zeit Zum Laufen 150
A2 Goldene Tage
A3 Lichtgeschwindigkeit
A4 Der Leuchtturm Am Ende Der Zeit
B1 Der Weg (Introduction)
B2 Phase I - Forst
B3 Phase II - Das Meer
B4 Phase III - Heimat
B5 Phase IV - Morgen

Tuesday, 16 July 2019

Bobby Beausoleil ‎– "Voodoo Shivaya" (The Ajna Offensive ‎– flame101) 2018

Another recording artist resident in a California State Correctional Facility, is former Manson Family member and Murderer, Bobby Beausoleil. Who is the third artist to be featured on this blog who was sentenced to death. This was commuted to life imprisonment,which it seems Bobby is doomed to see out a full term and die in prison. He was accepted for Parole earlier this year, but the State Governor denied this recommendation.....probably due to his Manson connections.
Manson told Beausoleil to kill, friend and fellow Manson associate Gary Hinman, and to make it look as if the crime had been committed by Black revolutionaries, as part of his ideology that a race war was imminent and part of what he called "Helter Skelter".It got weirder,as Beausoleil stabbed Hinman to death while Hinman was repeating a Buddhist chant.After Hinman, was dead Bob wrote the words "Political piggy" on a wall in Hinman's blood.
As the parole board said:
"On January 3, 2019, a panel of commissioners of the California Board of Parole recommended that Beausoleil be freed on parole.In recommending parole, the panel cited Beausoleil's youthful offender status as being in mitigation to the severity of the crime and stated that during his nearly half-century of incarceration he had devoted himself to creativity and pro-social growth, gradually maturing into a person exhibiting compassion and empathy."

The Tate family cited the fact that Beausoleil had been illegally profiting from selling his music while in prison.
So to help Bobby's defence,as I'm sure some of you Manson worshippers would like to, you can download his works here for nothing.
This is Bobby's latest work,a kind of a new age version of The Blues.The kind of music that David Lynch would love to have in his TV Series or Movies,if he hasn't used any of Beausoleil's work already. Our Bobby has a history working on soundtracks for dodgy directors in his past, notably Kenneth Anger's 'Lucifer Rising' before and after he was banged up for life.
Here's Bobby in his harsh prison conditions.It must be Hell!?


1-1 Hard Road 4:40
1-2 The Subterranean Path 5:05
1-3 The Bones Of My Mind 3:42
1-4 Nature Boy 9:18
1-5 Ghost Highway 8:52
1-6 I Put a Spell on You 13:23
1-7 Jai Kala! 4:04
2-1 Voodoo Shivaya 18:46
2-2 Saundaria Lahari 22:23

Monday, 22 April 2019

Jandek ‎– "Hamman Hall" (Corwood Industries ‎– CORWOOD 0827) 2018

The soundtrack to 'Paris Texas' as reimagined by a patient in a secure mental facility on heavy anti-psychotics.Who, amongst his many splintered personalities,thought of himself as a version of Ry Cooder who had never left the Magic Band,on a valium and mogadon cocktail.
Reminds one of Loren Mazzacane Connors work,who I think must have had an influence on Jandek after his couple of guest appearences on "Glasgow Sunday 2005" and "Manhatten Tuesday". As absurd as it is to suggest that Jandek has any influences at all.It may be just a happy coincidence.
If you needed backing music to crawling through an post-armageddon radioactive American not Donald Trump actual Desert; then this is it.The only time the use of a pedal steel guitar is,or has been, acceptable.


1-1 Colorado Sky 13:25
1-2 Louisiana 10:12
1-3 The Shatter 7:42
1-4 Hey There, Beautiful 7:42
1-5 Orchid Eater 6:22
1-6 Albuquerque 10:45
2-1 When I Was 7:40
2-2 Since Sunday 11:15
2-3 Some Giving 7:31
2-4 That Was Life 7:29
2-5 The Painting 7:59

2-6 Back To Phoenix 7:57
2-7 From There 11:49

Tuesday, 25 December 2018

Happy Midwinter Festival Kids!

As I can't be fucking arsed to post any music on christmas day this year, especially as in ,not making a xmas themed compilation (there are plenty of those from christmas past HERE!").
Here's a succinct message, as drawn especially for you, by my belov-ed daughter, Nancy.(available for commissions as long as theres money in it).
Abnormal service will be resumed upon the Feast of Stephen, aka Boxing Day.

Monday, 10 December 2018

Jandek ‎– "San Francisco Friday" (Corwood Industries ‎– CORWOOD 0826) 2018

"If you're going to San Francisco, be sure to wear some earplugs in your ears.
If you're going to San Francisco, you're gonna meet some marginalised weirdo's and pretentious people there"(Scott Mckenzie's smarter brother 1967).

If the Hippies wore pretty flowers in their hair, then Jandek fans wear harsh scrubland berry laden twigs as in the cover shot that graces this double CD.
Jandek's 'music',if thats what you wanna call it,without doubt, resembles a thorny sapling in the last remanents of the treeline, bearing a sparse cargo of poisonous berries.Lethal to those woodland creatures with little or no experience of such dangerous fruits.
Modern era Jandek, bears little resemblance to the Jandek of the eighties, but this stuff has a similar power.This one is another improvised workout with electric guitars and drums,again adorned by Sheila Smith on stream of consciousness vocals.Its a good one.....but ain't they all?


1-1 Obstruct Me 12:52
1-2 Love Tug Of War 8:53
1-3 We Got Waves 18:02
1-4 The Sounds 6:49
2-1 What You've Been Missing 7:24
2-2 The Pharmacy 6:01
2-3 The Way It Is 4:13
2-4 Social 5:33
2-5 I Forgot The Phone 8:41
2-6 Desecrate Me 11:23

Monday, 12 November 2018

Jandek ‎– "Houston Tuesday" (Corwood Industries ‎– CORWOOD 0828) 2018

Jandek Monday, Houston Tuesday.Houston we have a problem.....or rather, Jandek has a problem?
Hmmmm, seems that Sterling has ran out of pictures of himself?
I can't imagine that this scene is of anywhere around Houston,but you never know do you? In fact we'll probably never know...period.
It reminds one of those pictures The Moors Murderers had hidden in their locker at Manchester Picadilly station; the ones of an untraceable shallow grave of a missing child,or perhaps the future site of Jandeks final resting place?
These lovely scenes of nature accompany Jandek and Corwood's most recent release by the representative....well,at least at the time of going to press.....there might be another one next week,which would be completely within Jandekian expectations.
This double CD is from a live appearance in his home town of Houston on October 20th 2015.Jandek's on Electric guitar this time,whacking out some improvised meanderings with muse,Sheila, and three local musicans.
This minimal portrayal of the manimal is actually great stuff,it's sophisticated,and almost qualifies the representatives recent output(piano stuff excepted) to be 'Insider Music'?
The outsider may have been accepted by the Cool people (pass me that douchbag?!),but his first 25 years of outstanding outsideness stands as a monolithic cenotaph for those who have fallen along the way in the continuing battle against normality.


1-1 The Wary Stalk 8:38
1-2 In All The Days 6:38
1-3 Just Tell Me 14:54
1-4 Absent Minded 9:05
1-5 Havoc 7:11
2-1 The Story 6:18
2-2 What I Want 7:58
2-3 Everyday You 9:20
2-4 Magic 6:58
2-5 Transfusion 9:23