Showing posts with label 1994. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 1994. Show all posts

Thursday, 17 October 2024

Shit Spangled Banner – "No Dolby No DBX (Ass Run 1)" (Ecstatic Yod – actuel 3) 1994

'Eavy Metal never sounded good in Dobly',and that goes even more for Noisy Improv like the appropriately named Shit Spangled Banner.
I Had DBX on my first Portastudio, the otherwise fantastic Tascan Porta One, and it was shite,removing some of the music/noise as well as the Hiss.It made it all sound like it was trapped inside a wet cardboard box.
Its a bit of a No-Brainer to not use Noise Reduction on a noise recording.
So,wisely,Shit Spangled Banner not only doesn't use 'Dobly',they state this fact proudly on the inside of this facsimile of a  BYG/Actuel sleeve.
BYG/Actuel was the French Jazz imprint that saved the creative lives of the New Wave of Jazzers like Archie Shepp and buddies in the late 60's....if you didn't know already?
The other respectful tip of the hat goes to the Father Yod/Ya Ho Wa 13 references;who were an Hawaiian based free love cult ,who played improvised acid rock,recorded it, and put it onto vinyl,which remained largely unsold.
So I suppose with all that hinting at non-conformist form of modern music,Shit Spangled Banner are gonna improvise the shit out of you until that imaginary alternative Flag self-combusts.
Apparently, Thurston Moore runs this label!?....but don't let that morsel of truth put you off you silly sod....this stuff is certainly my cup of tea,with the Tea Bag left in please.
Sorry for the Spinal Tap references,i'm a neurodivergent nerd, I can't help it! 


1 What Makes Love Grow 1:07
2 Ghost Meat 16:12
3 Wooden Teeth 4:14
4 Heaven Often Manifests As Silence 2:15
5 Cuntshine 12:12
6 Smallpant Fields 5:20
7 Broken Goodtime Kid 4:52
8 Untitled 0:47
9 Untitled 0:52

Thursday, 29 February 2024

Mütiilation – "Satanist Styrken" (Self-Released) 1994

If you thought Darkthrone were the epitome of Zero-Fi Black Metal,then you......understandably....haven't heard Mütiilation. A French(!!?) Black Metal outfit who released a bunch of cassettes in the mid nineties,until they were fished from the muddied pond and honored with a release of  one of their many unreleased albums on Vinyl and CD. It still sounded as if it was recorded in an oil drum rolling between lanes on the M25 london orbital,but you could charge money for this!....a career beckoned until,band leader, Meyhna' he called himself, probably Cedric Arnaud or something equally as bland in real life.....until Cedric, declared himself Dead, and the group ended.
He wasn't really Dead of course, so this led to the re-animation of Mütiilation, as a solo project for Meyhna'ch in 2001.


A1 Skoger Av Onde Drom
A2 My Last Night Among Those Times
A3 Eternal Empire Of Majesty Death
A4 Infernal Holocaust In The Mourning Dawn

Tuesday, 20 June 2023

Strangulated Beatoffs – "Days Of Our Lives" (Death By Blowjob – DBB001) 1994

Anything to do with Drunks With Guns,the group not yer actual Drunks Brandishing K-Mart Assault rifles; has to be good,surely? Couple that with puerile song titles about licking Bum holes and Jacking off with Jacko, and you've instantly lost the Art crowd.Leaving the attentive listener free from negative vibes of sneering pseudo intellects unaware of the classical beauty of American Dirge Punk from the 1990's./1980's. Namely Kilslug,Flipper,Groinoids,Killdozer,and, of course Drunks With of the great band names, I would suggest?
A Drunk With Gun is but one part of  the Strangulated Beatoffs as it 'appens. From an era when the possibilities of making music without guitars became possible,....desirable even.Crawling out of a rust-belt trailer park and fucked up on Meth-amphetamine,this is the lost american's version of the Industrial music so enamored by media studies students all over Europe. Not quite as brutal as those tooled up Drunks, but so unsophisticated it can still give your bollocks a damn fine kicking...which, incidentally they probably deserve.
Strictly an oversight,but one has noticed that not a single Drunk with gun has been previously posted on this site.I suppose this is a salacious opportunity to right that debatable wrong?
NEWSFLASH:Apparently, they did NOT break up, and are Waiting to have their Genesis covers lp released.
Lookin' forward to that one.


1.Earth To Satan 3:43
2.Satans Pool Party 4:02
3.Untitled 0:15
4.Bewitched 1:59
5.Bothered 19:15
6.Bewildered 4:20
7.It Isn't Fair For You To Taunt Me 4:18
8.Pied Piper Of Hamelin 8:06
9.One Life To Live 11:00

Wednesday, 3 February 2021

Otomo Yoshihide (大友良英) – "Early Works I '81~'85" (Maboroshi No Sekai – P…0010) 1994

Back in the early eighties,guitarist and musicology student,Otomo Yoshihide, decided to dump his conventional music career after discovering free jazz and free improvisation musicians like Derek Bailey, saxophonist Kaoru Abe and guitarist Masayuki Takayanagi (from whom he had lessons).
As great as his influences were,Otomo had rather more strings to his bow than his heroes,using virtually anything he could lay his hands on,notably an early exponent of 'Turntablism",and sampling. In his hands the Turntable and,later, the sampler, would not be as cliched and unimaginative as most of his contemporaries would make them sound.He would go on to make dozens of albums which sounded largely completely different to each other...unlike Abe Kaoru and Takayanagi,his mentor in chief.
Here's a collection of Otomo's early experiments with tapes,electrified springs,turntables,radio's mixed with some obligatory free sax and guitar improvisation.


A1 Religion-4
B1 Guitar Solo Improvisation
B2 Religion-3
B3 Sax Of A Kind + PB Radio '84
B4 Religion-1
B5 Religion-2
B6 NS-500

Tuesday, 2 February 2021

Takayanagi Masayuki's New Direction – "Call In Question" (P.S.F. Records – PSFD-41) 1970/1994

Noisy abstract improviser,Takayanagi Masayuki's New Direction,give us some light relief from the intense sax abuse of Abe Kaoru. Reed duties on this one fall in the capable,but gentler hands of Mototeru Takagi.
The guitar-work is suitably cacophonous, and the drumming adequately busy,which makes for another challenging live improv captured on tape then forgotten about for twenty-five years. Another fine example of N.Senada's 'Theory Of Obscurity' in action.

PS - Recorded 11 & 12 March, 1970 at Station '70, Tokyo.


1 Extraction 19:04
2 Intermittent 13:15
3 Excavation 21:08

Tuesday, 12 January 2021

Ascension ‎– "Five Titles" (Shock ‎– SX026CD) 1994

 CD's!...Shit ain't dey? High time this was released on wacky coloured vinyl innit?
Five titles of cheesegrater on teeth guitar abuse that Keiji Haino and Derek Bailey would have been proud of,by that bloke from Skullflower with the polish name and Tony Irving who ,evidently,hasn't got a Polish name at all.

Saturday, 9 January 2021

Action Pussy ‎– "Hi!" (Union Pole ‎– UP10) 1994

Need some pussy action?......if yes, you've come to the very wrong place. The best I can offer is a nude selfie of myself  tucking my crown jewels between my rippling thighs, pretending to be a pretty young bearded lady, tits i'm afraid, just impressively pulsating pectoral muscles. The only other thing I can offer is some cassettes by bands with 'Pussy' in their title. Harry Pussy was the previous post,so the second of which is by "Action Pussy',on an C46 called "Hi" the Daniel Johnston album that Cobain liked a lot, primarily to show how fooookin' cooool he was.
This Pussy contains two sides of largely improvised avant-rock/pop, with a Syd Barratt cover that means that they're foooookin' coooool too. Couldn't be arsed to edit it into tracks,but it works well as two side long pieces.Warning, It has some interesting lurches in volume that can cause the listener to reach hastily for the volume knob.
Talking about 'Knobs',don't ask me for that selfie,I know you'd all like to rest your troubled heads on my chest cradled in my manly arms but......I was J-O-K-I-N-G!....CAPICHE!?

PS... if you were thinking of conspiring with your fellow tweet-washed colleagues and taking a gun to the capitol bulding on January the 20th...DON'T!...and kindly refrain from darkening this blog with your right wing Q-Anon stupidity ever again.
Personally I'd welcome a double dose of microchips in my vaccine rather than be ruled by these god fearin' Idiots and their pathetic Coup d'Etat! All 'revolutions',and I'm being generous in using that word,end in tears,without exception.Including the Industrial Revolution I may add.
Careful what you wish for,'cus you just might get it.


A Hi! Side A (18:56)
B Hi! Side B (21:39)

Wednesday, 8 April 2020

Ivor Cutler - "A Stuggy Pren" (BBC Radio Drama) 1994

More inexplicable and absurd word-smithery from Scotlands finest poet,and, in the words of the BBC, 'legendary Scottish Surrealist'. 


1. Episode 1 : Poems, songs and relaxation tips from Ivor Cutler and friends including fishy verse and how to jazz up mince.
2. Episode 2 : Alison O'Kill wants to read Ivor Cutler a poem, while Murray-Orr can't think with the sun in his eyes.
3. Episode 3 : Ivor Cutler and his friends present dark tales, offbeat songs and some tips for aspiring poets.
4. Episode 4 : Poet and composer Ivor Cutler on bargain hunting, water flowers and 'Beelyploomkins'.
5. Episode 5 : Songster Ivor Cutler slips a disc and shares his secrets about moonshine, housemaids and a bully called Smith.

DOWNLOAD whatever a stuggy pren is HERE!

Friday, 8 February 2019

Neil Campbell ‎– "Face Of Scurf" (Union Pole ‎– UP41) 1994

This brings back memories of my mother going through my hair, removing insects with the dreaded "Scurf Comb"! Which she dragged over my scalp removing both dead insects (nits or Head lice), and a fair bit of skin, both of the flakey variety ,i.e. actual 'Scurf' and the normal stuff, in one go.
Another name for 'Scurf' is actually 'Dandruff'.Never quite understood what it was until later in my tenure.
As Neil Campbell and I are approximatly the same age, i'm sure he too came face to face with the 'Scurf Comb' A traumatic experience akin to slow torture, and undoubtedly a major influence on Neils work.....of which there are masses of.
Campbell has been in many groups too numerous to list here,as well as a myriad of duo's, and has been a solo sound experimenter since the late eighties at least.
He's most known as a part of uk drone miesters Vibracathedral Orchestra,but he rarely sticks to one style for long.Importantly there's always the suggestion of humour in his work,where commonly one only finds pretention
A non-musician worthy of the honour of life membership in the 'Other' category on iTunes'.


A1 Retardo
A2 A Man Ain't A Man
A3 The New Landlords Of Lenton
A4 Ideas
A5 Theo Lorene
A6 Green Sea
A7 Love Falls Out
A8 No Bacon
B1 The Plastic They Put In Bread
B2 Sponge Common
B3 Flap Of Skin

Saturday, 26 January 2019

Ashtray Navigations ‎– "Bicycle Glue Blues" (E.F. Tapes ‎– Echo Fixation #11) 1994

As i'm getting a bit bored with posting minimal synth albums, maybe its time to go into the chill out area and absorb some strange noise.......from the 'Nineties'!!!???
Yes, Color Disc wasn't the only means of escape from the mind mushing beat of Club culture and the bowel-flushing absurdity of Britpop in the UK. Look hard enough and there were a hardcore of creative non- musicians who probably didn't even realise that the world had moved on. Just like back in 1977 when the Prog groups returned from the padded cell of the United States of Awful, to discover that they were now roundly hated. However, in my school there was always a clique who still donned denim jackets, shoulder length hair, with Genesis written in biro on their adidas bags.......I now envy them. Like most Punks, I was always a secret Progger, and was secretly relieved when Rotten came out as a Van Der Graaf Generator fan, and Howard Devoto's new group was basically Progressive Rock with sneery vocals.
The same happened in the mid-Nineties, as one was deeply interested in Jungle and Drum'n'Bass, but in the chill out room, one could rediscover Krautrock , Italian Prog, and Van Der Graaf again. Never really looked back from there. These were traditional 'No-Go' areas for a long time.
While Oasis and Blur (Whoops,I'll admit to seeing Blur in a packed pub in Leicester....missed Oasis at the same venue thankfully,-only five people there apparently?), were making themselves out to be another new Beatles and Kinks, Phil Todd from Cheshire, was creating a world of his own on his "Betley Welcomes careful Drivers" cassette label. Like a Gary Ramon of the nineties,except the emphasis was more on the noisey rather than melodic, or pop, avenue.
This early cassette, is a demonstration of how to make a recording with no musical ability or technique whatsoever. Just get a load of cheapo instruments and budget effects,twist knobs press go, and just do it.A lazy way to explain this music is "Experimental"....other people, the normals...the ones who like Blur and Oasis, would describe it equally lazily as "Crap" begs to differ.

DOWNLOAD this bicycle repair kit addiction HERE!

Monday, 30 July 2018

Jandek ‎– "Glad To Get Away" (Corwood Industries ‎– Corwood 0762) 1994

Its Monday, its Jandek,Its jandek monday!Whoop-e-dooo!
With a cover almost identical to the previous album "Graven Image", this album starts off with a 'Bitter Tale' then Jandek delivers the sing-a-long hook of  ‘Hey mister can you tell me, is there a knife stuck in your face?’
I think you know where this is going? And even what this sounds like; so, as i'm dying from heat exhaustion, i'm just gonna cut'n'paste a review from the internet on the end here,to save me going over old ground again,about detuned guitars, despairing vocals and stuff.

“Sixteen years after his first album, Jandek sounds more confident in his playing, and his vocals are more up front, but his detuned/untuned acoustic guitar and depressed, stream-of-consciousness folk/blues songs remain at the core of his music... ‘Rain in Madison’ jumps out, a cracked blues-style story about... something (‘you know you can’t bring no electric devices out in the rain’). On ‘Van Ness Mission,’ he turns up the echo full blast for a disturbing ’delic journey that continues on ‘Anticipation’ like a free-style Tav Falco goin’ down slow. ‘Nancy Knows’ is an awkward but complex instrumental that clearly shows Jandek now moving his left hand around the neck of his guitar in a way very foreign to his early open-strum approach. I wonder if the tune is named for the same Nancy who sang on chair beside a window back in ’82. ‘Take My Will’ is more early blues, Jandek-style... He pulls out his harmonica for a little dylan-squeal accompaniment on ‘Plenty’. The cycles of nature are not often rapid; listen as one of nature’s strangest wonders continues to slowly ‘progress.’”

1 Bitter Tale 2:25
2 Hey Mister Can You Tell Me 3:33
3 Ezekiel 2:49
4 Moon Dance 2:22
5 Flowers On My Shirt 2:36
6 Morning Drum 2:58
7 Down Clown 2:45
8 Rain In Madison 2:19
9 Van Ness Mission 3:03
10 Anticipation 3:12
11 Nancy Knows 3:10
12 Take My Will 4:03
13 Plenty 2:00

14 What 3:06

Monday, 23 July 2018

Jandek ‎– "Graven Image" (Corwood Industries ‎– Corwood 0761) 1994

"Remember Jandek Monday and keep it Holy", said the big bully in the sky.....he/it/she also said....
"Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image"!?

In other words this anthropomorphic sado-masochistic entity; know...the one who demands us to love 'it' by making us shit scared of 'it';the one who used his finger to carve these words on a tablet of stone,... is saying "Don't have any Idols",which is probably the best advice he/it/she ever gave. Unless 'God' was refering to a Jandek album, in which case its the stupidest advice ever given.
Fittingly there is no Graven Image of outsider number one on the cover.Just one of those photo's that never get put in a photo album,and is just left in a pile of rejects in a plastic bag at the bottom of a cupboard. Its the same house that appears on another religiously referenced Jandek LP from the nineties, "Twelfth Apostle",but this time from the backyard looking onto the street.
The same view is used on the next album too, "Glad To Get Away"(scheduled for next monday is that one).
The songs are shorter on this,his 23rd message in a bottle which was set adrift in 1994,and washed ashore, nowhere in particular,relatively recently in public terms(in fact this was Jandeks first CD release!?).There's even a light hearted novelty tune in "Janky". There's also an accordian solo,and some ear piercing harmonica.All this augments the usual intimate moaning,soul bearing and stubbornly anti-music guitar work.Jandek remains as enigmatic and mysterious as ever; seemingly oblivious to the outside world.


1 Remain The Same 1:29
2 Helena 2:04
3 Ghost Town By The Sea 3:00
4 A Real Number 2:13
5 Be Going Down 2:07
6 Nothing You Lack 2:03
7 Chilocothe 2:35
8 For You And I 2:48
9 Janky 2:27
10 Lake Lagoon 2:36
11 Philip Was Mentioned 3:01
12 Closing 2:21
13 Fishing Blues 2:44
14 Going Away My Darling 5:10
15 Going Away 2:13

Thursday, 8 March 2018

Yximalloo - "The Worst Of 1986" (Sakura Wrechords) 1994

Yximalloo makes music with small samplers,small synths and drum machines that suggests pre-emulator Residents.Sounds promising doesn't it?
Again one is bludgeoned to death with the sheer number of wacky and weird tunes that suffers from 'The White Album' syndrome.Mozart may have written too many notes in his symphonies but Ishimaru writes,if that's the correct term(?),far too many tunes.Although I guess this was just a small fraction of what he actually 'wrote' in 1986;he must have done this stuff everyday, all day, for his entire life so far?Prolific isn't the word for this obsession.
The recording quality has also increased into the Hi-Fi spectrum,which is a small negative.These minute and a half long events always sounded better in the fog of analogue tape hiss for me.


1. Man's Man
2. Chinese Ballet
3. Millitarhythm
4. Papa Pencak Silat
5. Dt-On-On-On
6. Village of People of Farm of Normal
7. The Old Lady from The New Territory
8. Dance Dance Dance until The 3rd World War
9. He Talks to Ashtray
10. 100 en
11. Fundoshi Men
12. Russkoe
13. Picnic for The Hungry Ghosts
14. < + 1 ?
15. Local Opens Market
16. Magic for Avoiding Bomb
17. Gross National Welfare Rhapsody
18. Gas Ceremony of Local Society
19. Hi-Hy-Hi Tech Agriculture
20. J. P. N. Corps
21. Low Clouds
22. Retrocommission
23. Force
24. The Biggest War
25. Temple of 1000 Buddhas
26. Night Tripper Animals's Internal Organs
27. Dewisri
28. The Political Dynamics
29. Okama on The Hall
30. Erotic Shooting
31. A Few Brief Lines
32. Kintamani
33. Exchanging Semen

DOWNLOAD the greatest hits from 86 HERE!

Wednesday, 7 March 2018

Yximalloo - "The Worst Of 1984" (Sakura Wrechords) 1994

Another truckload of sub-two minute ditties from the Yximalloo day-centre for the mildly insane(1984 was a good year for Paranoia one suspects?).
Endlessly inventive,like a field recording from a lost village of schizophrenics in the Himalayas, or at least on top of Mount Fujiyama that exists only on public holidays(not many of them in Japan I wager?).
Any albums with a constant barrage of short tracks has a similar effect as a Drone.One tends to drift off into another dimension where time becomes irrelevant like a time-lapse movie of urban traffic.I listened to this but I'm damned if I can remember doing it!? 


1. Traveler from Hopi
2. Why to Xmas
3. Russian Dance
4. Mahi Mahi Fish Song
5. Yximalloo Tribe's Ensemble #15
6. Pressure from Christians to Nudists
7. Aikoku Kousin Kyoku #3
8. Fire
9. Fuli Fuli #11
10. Cola Song
11. Gureepufuruutsu Juusu
12. The Song I Never Sing Again
13. Lotto
14. Inmarsat-Ati #8
15. Zicarbometxyvinylamine
16. The Border of South
17. Helen
18. Fuck Me,Beethoven
19. Inmarsat-Atl #9
20. Eel Fishing in Moon Night
21. Sweet Karen/Spare Us #33
22. Volks Sex
23. Hae #2
24. Fuli Fuli #14
25. Aikoku Kousin Kyoku #5.5
26. Life in a Quiet Village
27. Tori #33
28. Fr15z
29. White House Reaction
30. Dance Dance Dance Until The 3rd World #39
31. Sleep Well

Monday, 5 March 2018

Yximaloo - "The Worst Of 1982" (Sakura Wrechords - C 05) 1994

A further compilation of Yximaloo's prolific output,this time from 1982.
Every country has their 'Residents', and ,arguably, Japan's 'Residents' is Yximaloo.
Abstract Lo-Fi Minimalism coloured with a wide pallet of sounds and rhythms,and all kinds of inexplicable weirdness filling up the spaces.
There are times when words are useless,but this isn't one of them.It's just that i'm fucking knackered and can't be arsed to write anything much....sooooo....the best way to find out what this sounds like is to download it and give it a listen.
I reckon its jolly good indeed,jolly strange,but then again what 'Strange' actually qualifies as is open to conjecture. Personally, the weirdest stuff I've ever heard is The Bee Gee's in their falsetto Disco pomp, but i'd sooner dance to Yximallo any day of the week.If 'The Residents' had come up with "Saturday Night Fever" we'd all be hailing it as an all-time Avant-Garde classic?
Fuck, I ended up writing more than I felt capable of after all?
Disregard my earlier statement, because I really can't be arsed to delete it......I'm going to bed to listen to "Diskomo" by The Residents.


1. A Fire #12
2. A Bird
3. A-E-A-E #1
4. A Water #8
5. Offer Incense Sticks #6
7. Moon Loop #1
8. A Ghost
9. A Horse #9
10. A Wood #7
11. Offer Incense Sticks #9
12. A Dance
13. Ton-Ten-Kan
14. A Fish
15. Dead Soldier with Red Lipstick
16. O'Rhythm
17. A Horse #8
18. Fish Loop
19. A Fire #4
20. A-E-A-E #3
21. A Grass
22. A Moon
23. Jet
24. TI-TZU #2
25. Not So Easy #10
26. Moon Loop #6 + #7 + #8
28. A Fire #6
29. A Horse #7
30. Reggae Kills The Weird Music in Jamaica #6
31. A Water #9
32. Plague

DOWNLOAD the best of 1982 HERE!

Saturday, 3 March 2018

Yximaloo - "The Worst of 1981" (Sakura Wrechords (C 03) 1994

Enter the very special world of Naofumi Ishimura, also know as Yximaloo.
Japan has always produced a interesting brand of nutter, and Ishimura is no exception.
As the Japanese turned their creative juices away from warfare and world electronic gadget domination, their seemingly hard-wired eccentricity has inevitably leeched its way into the medium of music.
Yximaloo has released a Tsunami of home recorded cassettes, of which this is a cd-r'd example of his highly inventive work from 1981.
If you exposed a cassette recording of Coldplay in rehearsal to the exposed reactor core at Fukushima then ran it backwards, you may get something approaching the non-music preserved as magnetic waves on this digitized cassette from 1981.A nintendo soundtrack for the deaf that never happened.
Dis boy he good.


1 Yximalloo Tribe's Ensemble 1:48
2 Try Try Try 4:00
3 Fela #7 + #11 4:46
4 Radio Style 5:26
5 Strange Charm 1:46
6 Speed In Tokyo 1:21
7 We Work 98 Hours For A Week 3:25
8 RZ15V 3:44
9 Not So Easy 3:08
10 I Hate Music #3 2:13
11 I Hate Music #4 12:37
12 Off Libya 22:59

DOWNLOAD the worst of 1981 but the best of 2018 HERE!

Saturday, 10 February 2018

Various Artists ‎– "Ne Shi" (Banned Production ‎– BP- 55) 1994

Now we are on the Japanoise end of the former Axis powers; it seems natural to start with a compilation does it not?
This double cassette box set is the best place to collect the main perps of the japanese primal scream.
Its rather like listening to a platoon of Guiger-Muller tubes focusing in on ground zero at Hiroshima and Nagasaki immediately after the American Atrocities had fucked everything up forever. Accompanied by the screams of burning children as they are x-rayed onto the rubble.
If you want reminding what a Nuclear strike could feel like, listen to some of this stuff,by some ofthe most repressed people on the planet.Which is even more relevant today as we have an intellectual amoeba in the Whitehouse capable of giving as much thought to initiating a Nuclear war as he does to the economy he is just about to over-heat and send into recession.


A1 –Incapacitants - Whisper In The Night
A2 –Agencement - Homeo Box & A.T.G.C.
A3 –C.C.C.C. - Space Temple
B1 –Solmania - Astral Montage
B2 –K2 Zombie - Anatomy
B3 –Contagious Orgasm - Dr. Plum Pig
C1 –Yuzuru Syogase - Kundalini
C2 –MSBR - Crack.
C3 –Yximalloo - A Grass
D1 –Ryuzi Ryuzi - Meddw Brwysg
D2 –Vasilisk - The Blood
D3 –S·Core - Doldrums
D4 –Merzbow - Ram Me, Ream Me, You Lusty Cunts

Tuesday, 20 May 2014

不失者 (Fushitsusha) ‎– "悲愴 (Pathétique)" (P.S.F. Records ‎– PSFD-50) 1994

Yes, all the covers are the same, and to the untrained ear, so are the contents.
Yet, here we have a full spectrum Fushitsusha workout. Starting with the slow descent into hell to find that we are already there, march, of track one.
Then we have what a Punk Rock anthem would sound like if it was made of glass and smashed violently on a steel floor.
"Song" number three shifts from a "catchy" yet dissonant, descending, mantra-rock groove into more improvised, feedback bliss at all the "right", “wrong” moments.
Finally, at well over 40 minutes, track four stretches out a solid ocean of distortion into one of those “timeless / infinite moments”that make the terrifying  prospect of eternal life seem almost desirable.
Probably my personal favourite 不失者 album,less sprawling, and to the point than the other epics.
What I can't work out is how "悲愴" translates into bloody french? This has to be bollocks, surely?
To ease this minor irritation the album is also referred to as "4" or "Hisou"; which is anglicised Japanese for.....mmmm....Pathetic! 


1 Untitled 5:00
2 Untitled 9:35
3 Untitled 15:59
4 Untitled 44:21

DOWNLOAD this pathetic/pathétique album HERE!