One of Eliza's first experiences on a trampoline.
2012-07-28 09.01.22 from em on Vimeo.
And Couslon's first popsicle.
Coulson eating first popsicle from em on Vimeo.
Monday, August 27, 2012
Random photos from July and August
Our garden gave us some lovely tomatoes even though I have not taken very good care of it.
I made a Belle dress for Eliza.
And without knowing I had made one, my manager (who has become a surrogate grandma to us) bought her one. It is by far the favorite.
We were glued to the TV watching the Olympics.
trying to be Olympians...
Eliza and her doll house:
Couslon was running around the apartment like a crazy tazmanian devil and tripped and knocked his head on the door jam. It immediately swelled up like a goose-egg:
I painted some peg dolls for the kids:
Yesterday we had a lovely time at the Mormon Battalion with our ward.
Water and rocks, their favorite toys.
I made a Belle dress for Eliza.
And without knowing I had made one, my manager (who has become a surrogate grandma to us) bought her one. It is by far the favorite.
We were glued to the TV watching the Olympics.
trying to be Olympians...
Eliza and her doll house:
Couslon was running around the apartment like a crazy tazmanian devil and tripped and knocked his head on the door jam. It immediately swelled up like a goose-egg:
I painted some peg dolls for the kids:
Yesterday we had a lovely time at the Mormon Battalion with our ward.
Water and rocks, their favorite toys.
Sunday, August 26, 2012
Diehl Reunion
It was very hot for our kids who have never really experienced such extreme heat but there were lots and lots of little cousins to play with so they were happy.
On the first day we went to Montezuma's castle. I have always wanted to see it so it was great to go. It was very hot and we are not acclimated to it anymore. Coulson's little cheeks were bright red and he and Eliza kept looking at us like "Where have you taken us? And why do you make us suffer?" Eliza exclaimed several times, "I'm sweaty, eeeww! There's sweat on my back, eeeewww!"
Thankfully there was a lovely pool where we were staying. This pool was the best pool I have ever seen. If we ever have a pool, I want that exact pool. Too bad I don't have any pictures of it. We really failed at taking pictures this whole trip. :(
In the evening we went on a date with Cody's sister and brother and their spouses. We went to Blazin' M Ranch. This couple in Cottonwood has built this old western mini-town with shops and activities. The main attraction though, is a chuckwagon dinner and show. We went early and walked around the mini-town and then had dinner. The dinner was good but the show was amazing. I was really, really, really impressed, really. If you are ever in Cottonwood or Sedona, go. You won't regret it. The couple that owns the place are award-winning performers and have been recognized by the Western Music Association as the best yodeling duo and the best harmony duo. They are very talented. And there is the funny sidekick that had us rolling with laughter during his performance of Rindercella. I almost wet my pants. He was hilarious and he has an amazingly deep voice and has had extensive experience in performing. Even if you aren't a fan of classic western music or yodeling or cowboy poetry, I think you would still love it. Anyway, enough about that!
Day 2 included a visit to the fish hatchery where Cody and his siblings were raised.
These girls played well and loved to walk together holding hands. It was very cute.
Day 3 was family pictures and then an extended family reunion. You can see how cheerful Coulson can be.
S'mores around the fire.
After the reunion we stayed a few more nights in Cornville at Cody's parents. On Sunday night, we finally got to watch a monsoon roll in. It was beautiful and made me miss living in Arizona.
On our drive to Utah we saw another monsoon. We almost got washed off the road.
The car ride was long and we watched Kung Fu Panda 5 times.
At cousin Joe's house watching his model trains:
Insert Ellsworth Family Reunion here.
Considering the fact that we slept in 5 different places, swam everyday, played in the heat and sun, met lots of new people, ate lots of sugar, and were stuck in the car for a total of 24 hours over 11 days, I say this is totally warranted:
Poor babies. This was on the last leg of the drive home and they had had it.
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Ellsworth Reunion Day 3
For the final day of the reunion we went to the Logan temple and did sealings for family names. After the hustle of packing up and getting to the temple on time, being in the temple with these wonderful people was so peaceful and just the best way to end a great family reunion.
I just love all of these people so much.
I want to take mugshots from these pictures and put them on my screensaver, they are just too funny. Love them all.
Beautiful Logan Temple. Our mom and dad were sealed here and our ancestors settled in the Cache Valley and attended this temple regularly so it was very significant for us to be in this holy place and walk the halls they walked. Our great-great grandfather was a landscape gardener for the temple grounds. His legacy was making the grounds look beautiful and heavenly. One tree that he planted still stands.
After lunch at Chuck-a-rama, we went on a tour of a few of the homes in Providence that were built by our ancestors. I tried to explain things the best I could and I provided pictures of our ancestors for everyone to see who I was talking about. I even had some pictures of our ancestor standing in front of the home we were looking at. It was amazing for me to see these places.
Jacob Zollinger family home.
It was a very hot day and we were all stuffed from lunch but no one complained. We stayed in the shade as much as possible...
...and enjoyed a little splashing in the irrigation ditches in front of the houses.
Thomas and Rosina Schenk Stirland home. I had a dream a while ago about this couple. In this dream I asked my mom about them and she lovingly started to tell me about them but I woke up before she could say anything. Ever since that dream I have had a great desire to know more about my ancestors. Doing research for this tour and then seeing the home in which they lived and the trees Thomas planted was really a dream come true for me. I feel a deep bond to these faithful people and an even greater desire to know my other ancestors.
I just love all of these people so much.
I want to take mugshots from these pictures and put them on my screensaver, they are just too funny. Love them all.
Beautiful Logan Temple. Our mom and dad were sealed here and our ancestors settled in the Cache Valley and attended this temple regularly so it was very significant for us to be in this holy place and walk the halls they walked. Our great-great grandfather was a landscape gardener for the temple grounds. His legacy was making the grounds look beautiful and heavenly. One tree that he planted still stands.
After lunch at Chuck-a-rama, we went on a tour of a few of the homes in Providence that were built by our ancestors. I tried to explain things the best I could and I provided pictures of our ancestors for everyone to see who I was talking about. I even had some pictures of our ancestor standing in front of the home we were looking at. It was amazing for me to see these places.
Jacob Zollinger family home.
It was a very hot day and we were all stuffed from lunch but no one complained. We stayed in the shade as much as possible...
...and enjoyed a little splashing in the irrigation ditches in front of the houses.
Thomas and Rosina Schenk Stirland home. I had a dream a while ago about this couple. In this dream I asked my mom about them and she lovingly started to tell me about them but I woke up before she could say anything. Ever since that dream I have had a great desire to know more about my ancestors. Doing research for this tour and then seeing the home in which they lived and the trees Thomas planted was really a dream come true for me. I feel a deep bond to these faithful people and an even greater desire to know my other ancestors.
Ellsworth Reunion Day 2
Our reunion was olympic-themed so we wore our olympic-ringed shirts and had a few olympic games. I divided everyone up into teams and each team made a flag the night before and competed with their team in the games that night and all day the next.
100 meter sprint to the clothesline with the discs then jump to get the disc (standing jump) and then the discus.
Shot put. And then long jump (in a gunny sack) and javelin.
Eliza and Amy just loved each other, it was so cute. They were found all alone in one of the condos shoving hot tamales in their mouths just as fast as they could chew them up and swallow.
It was fun for all ages. I love Joe's face in this next one.
The gunny sack was a little small for the adults especially for the ones who wear size 14 shoes.
Nice moves, Daddio!
The javelin was throwing a pool noodle throw the hula hoop. My sister Becky made this obstacle course. She is simply amazing at thinking up fun activities and planning parties. Thank you Becky!!!
Next event was water balloon volleyball. We didn't have a proper volleyball net so the trees popped some of the balloons but it was all good fun.
Sweet Betsy.
Next up: aquatics!
Cody relaxing on ALL of the pool noodles.
Joe did some amazing flips.
And (big) Joe and Gunner photo-bombing. Love their expressions.
Julie, Scottie and I did a synchronized swimming routine that was out of this world. :)
Look at Julie's beautifully pointed toes.
Scottie is a gymnast so she was the star of the performance with perfectly executed hand-stands and flips.
Our final lift was amazing! There was another routine done by another team that was also very, very good.
There was also some awesome synchronized diving.
Everyone performed amazingly in their events! Gold medals for all!!!
Oops, the medals were way too small. My bad!
It was a very fun and very exhausting day.
My name is Emilee and I am an introvert. Being in front of people and telling everyone what to do and how to do it and feeling responsible for everyone's happiness was almost too much. I am no good at it but I am glad my family gave me a chance. I hope everyone had fun. I know I did! I look forward to our next reunion!
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