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Sunday, June 13, 2010

Another month has flown by

Just living life and trying to keep up with everything. 

Here are some random photos from the camera I thought I'd share.

Eliza likes to eat her oatmeal with apple sauce for breakfast and then Dad's cereal too...with her feet on the table--she insists.
She has recently discovered....
shoes!  I find our shoes scattered all over the apartment.

She also still loves books and reads everywhere, even here:

For Memorial Day weekend we ventured down to Horton Plaza and Seaport Village.  We had a nice stroll and rode the carousel at Seaport Village.  It goes very fast and I almost threw up but I held it together.  Eliza slept a little in the stroller so when we got to the carousel she was a little dazed.  Eventually she warmed up to it and was smiling by the end. 

After the carousel I tried to take some pictures of her...she is growing so fast.  I want to capture this cute, curious stage and all her funny little mannerisms on camera like how she squats and ponders life.
Or acts like she cannot hear me calling to her.
Or runs by the camera and avoids looking at me at all costs.
and then she finally looks at the camera and the camera focuses on the kid behind her....what the what?!  Why would it do that?  I need to take a class or read my camera's manual or something.
She almost pounced on this dog like he was her teddy bear.  The dog was very friendly and she giggled and oooed and aawwed at him and then threw a fit when we had to go.