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Saturday, March 21, 2009

Nap Time

We love this time lapse video of Eliza taking a nap. Overall it is something like 30min. of total elapsed time condensed into this short little clip. Hope you enjoy:


Eliza 4 weeks. (Please excuse my poor photography skills...)

Emilee...not sure how old.
Eliza 6 weeks. Wow she just keeps growing!
Eliza is such a good baby! We are blessed to have her in our family! She is smiling at us now and it is soooooo cute. She just melts me. I think my previous post about my bad day led people to believe it was because of Eliza, it definitely was not. Don't get me wrong, we definitely have our moments but that day was not bad because of her. She was my little ray of sunshine as I was dealing with the idiots that are employed by the state, health insurance people and my own natural crabbiness. I also just really wanted to pick up the phone and call mom so bad it hurt.

Friday, March 20, 2009

March 17

My dear mother's birthday, Scottie's birthday, the Relief Society's birthday, and, of course, St. Patrick's Day. With all of these wonderful ways to celebrate the 17th of March, I thought it would be a great day, but sadly, it wasn't. It was a very bad day. I will not bore you with the details.
When Cody got home from school, we wrote our little notes to mom and then tied them to the 3 green balloons I had purchased earlier. We went out to an open grassy area by our apt to let them sail up into the heavens. I love this little tradition and after having such a bad day, it made me feel good inside to write a love note to my mom and then send it off to her on her birthday.

We watched them float up and up and then...what?! They got stuck in the tops of the trees...I almost started to cry. I just stood there and stared at them in sadness...I didn't know what to do. We just walked away knowing that somehow she knows we miss her and love her and that we are bound together by eternal bonds that will make it possible for us to see her again someday. Someday.

On to other adventures... surfing!
Eliza's first time at the beach. She thoroughly enjoyed it!

Cody went surfing with a friend in our ward. He got up a few times and had a great time! Thanks Moyles!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Blessing Day!

On Sunday March 1 Eliza was blessed and given a name by her father. It was a beautiful blessing that filled me with peace and love. It was so wonderful to have her Grandpa Ellsworth, Uncle Jarom, Grandma and Granddad Diehl, Aunt Kori and cousin Spencer all there to witness it. She wore the same blessing dress and bonnet I wore when I was blessed. It was a very special day.

The proud grandparents!
Dad and Jarom cleaning up after dinner. I had to document Dad doing the dishes. He actually instigated it. Thanks Dad!