For Thanksgiving this year we were planning to go up to Utah for my Grandma Ellsworth's 90th birthday celebration but Cody had too much to do to take off for the long weekend. We decided to stay here and just celebrate Thanksgiving our own way-- doing homework, watching movies, going to Sea World and eating ribs
and doing lots and lots of homework. I was pretty bummed I would not be able to go and see family. To make it up to ourselves we went to Sea World. It was great! There were not very many people and we leisurely walked around the lovely park while our ribs cooked in the crock pot at home. After Sea World we came home and had a somewhat traditional Thanksgiving meal (
except for the fact that there was no Turkey). We made mashed potatoes, yams, stuffing, green beans, pumpkin pie and BBQ ribs. We enjoyed it even though it was really weird not being surrounded by family. I think that if I had not served a mission this would have been the end of the world because I have always spent Thanksgiving with tons of family. On my mission I realized that my birthday, Christmas and Thanksgiving and all the other holidays were really just days on the calendar and that if I didn't open a present or eat a turkey the world would not end, the sun would still rise and set. It is nice to have a day to remember to give thanks and to remember Christ but shouldn't we really do that every day.
Amen. The best part about holidays is being with friends and family--the people you love. And Cody and I had a great time together.
The poster boy for Sea World... his name is not really Shamu, sorry to burst your bubble, I think it is Corky.

The penguins.

Cody's favorite part of Sea World. The turtles.
Just for the record, I liked turtles way before 'Finding Nemo' personified them as gnarly surfer dudes. I think they're just cool.
The beluga whales. "They call me Ishmael."

My favorite part. The big and beautiful Clydesdale. Wow!
Okay this part deserves a story. Ever since we decided we weren't going to Salt Lake for Thanksgiving we have been talking about going to Sea World on Thanksgiving day. We were excited and there had been quite a build up for this little outing. After walking through the gates, guess what the first thing Emilee wanted to go see? ...Shamu?...the penguins? ...the acrobatic dolphins? Nope! She wanted to go see the Budweiser horses. I couldn't believe it. This wife of mine truly does come from a horse family. 
Mom Diehl sent us an early Christmas present. When Cody was removing the paper I saw "Willow Tree" and started to jump up and down in my seat hoping it really was what I thought it was. She gave us this beautiful nativity set (
which was what Emilee was hoping it was). I love it and oooed and awed over it for a while. This is our first nativity set. Thank you Mom and Dad Diehl!!!!

P.S. The first song on the playlist is kind of a joke for any of you who spent Christmas with Dad and Ted last year. Wow! I have never listened to a song more or at that many decibels in my life. It is a beautiful song but listening to it Ted and Dad style