I still work at Wal-Mart and recently had my 90 day evaluation. It was scary because I am so paranoid. But it actually went REALLY well. She told me I was her first 90 day eval that she couldn't think of anything to put in the "needs to improve" section. She says I am doing awesome.
On another note Trevor and I are no longer together. I got a babysitter because that is what always keeps us from actually getting away from eachother is that he was always here to watch the kids and just ends up getting sucked back in.
McKenna is still in preschool. I am in the process of trying to teach her to read and write three letter words, I'm not sure if I have enough patience. She is an awesome kid and I am so proud of her.
Zoey.... well Zoey is a nightmare. Just kidding. She is crawling everywhere. And can pull herself to a standing position on anything and everything. the hard part is getting back onto the floor from some of those things. so she will pull herself up and stand ther for a few minutes but cant figure out how to get back down and will start crying for me to help her. It's sad but cute. she has been saying dada for about a month now and has said nenna a couple of times and last night she said up clear as day and said it like 5 more times. it was pretty exciting.
Yet again I'm behind
There are a million things that get caught up in my thoughts, to, things to do, to, my actions that actually get acted out. so i owe everyone in existence an apology. im worthless. as weird as it may seem alot has happened in my non eventful non exciting life. we went to seaworld with my family (siblings, parents, neices, nephews, and us) it was awesome. I tried to post a pic but it wont work. i will try again soon.
Well, yeah. I got fired from dominos. DUH!!! But I managed to go a little up in the world. I am now a Cashier at Wal-Mart. And it's official I was alone at the cash register today and i had orientation on tuesday the one this week not last week!... what can i say im a natural! yeah anyways. Im out of the........ me cook your dinner and get yelled at for it, bottom of the totem pole. :D Happy day!
But i found a bunch of old cartoons that i used to watch over and over
well I had posted that picture of Zoeys Blue eyes and was looking through my other pictures and saw this one which i took for her hair-do. She cracked one of her infamous mickelson dirty looks and when i saw the picture i thought she looked like a gangster LOL!!! but i noticed how green her eyes are in this one. so i thought id share since i put the one of zoey and just cause i think its a funny picture.
well today Zoey is 3 months old. has it been that long already? she is doing good., and sleeping through the night. I took her to the doctor on monday and got her vaccinations. :( those are sad days for me. she is a smiley little baby and is even starting to experiment with little laughs once in a while. very cute.
This is the only decent one of zoey i could get but i love how possesive kenna seems in this one. LOL!! I know this isnt a very good picture but i couldnt believe how blue her eyes are in this picture.
¶ 12:39 PM2 Comments
Well yesterday Tuesday September 9th was McKennas first day of pre-school. she is going to the sunshine acadamy which is at the old elementary school. Her classroom is my Kindergarten classroom. When i walked in my first thought was IT EVEN SMELLS THE SAME!!! LOL. I was cool for me but i was so excited for McKenna. Her teacher is Miss Theresa. She seems really nice, and has alot of energy so she belongs at a preschool right? well Kenna loved it and I know it will be good for her.
well i figured it has been a long time since my last post so here it goes.
I am working at dominos again and i am just a delivery driver. trevor is no longer working. his boss was closing down his shop.
trevor also traded his x box to somebody in vegas for a wii. it came with wii fit. but when we got home we noticed All of the discs were scratched and would not work. well i started feeling bad feeling like trevor got ripped off cause all of his stuff was in peak condition, and this guys kids were spoiled and didnt take care of anything!!! i couldnt believe. but we went to st george and got all the games resurfacedfor $1.00 each so now they are like brand new! so now we have a wii! Wii fit is awesome!! so here is our free wii and wii fit. our carpet is pretty shaggy and the balance board dosent read your weight or anything correctly so we have to put it on a shelf from our closet. SO THIS IS OUR WII FIT BALANCE BOARD
Zoey is getting bis but she is still dang cute. she talked to the camera for a minute and she almost smiles. but this is our baby today!!She is 2 months and 10 days old. goes by fast!!
Kenna seems to get bigger everyday. she did her puzzle all by herself and is obliously so proud.