Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Visit Turkey 23-28/12/2008-First day

Well, as promised here's a few snap from Istanbul. There's a lot of them, and I don't know which one to pick, so I just grab some and put them here.

The first monument that we visited is Hagia Sophia (or Aya Sofia in local pronounciation). It was a very huge building, originally a church in Byzantine times before converted into Mosque during the Ottomans. However, Mustafa Kemal Attaturk converted this mosque into a museum during his reign.

Hagia Sophia from Sultanahmet Square

Inside Hagia Sophia

Hagia Sophia - 2nd floor

Then, we went to Blue Mosque or (Sulmaniye Camii) just opposite Hagia Sophia. It is the Ottomans answer to the gigantic Hagia Sophia and built with 6 minarets. A very beautiful mosque indeed. It is a working religious facility and therefore there is a restrcition for tourist inside the mosque.

In front of Blue Mosque (Alahai spoil..tutup mata lak..)

Inside view-very astonishing indeed

Lepas solat..

Monday, December 22, 2008

Go Turkey 2008

Blue Mosque, Istanbul

Yup.. that's where I will be going tomorrow. We will board a flight on Tuesday morning at 7.00 am in Cologne/Bonn Flughafen and thus we need to get there at least before 6.00 am. It will be tiring I know, since I ahven't got enough sleep these few days, but I can't wait to be there..well,of course Istanbul is full with Islamic monuments which is a look to die for; unlike so many churches that I visited during European visit. SO, it is an excitingly anticipated journey. We will have a 3 hour transit in Prague before arriving in Istanbul at about 3.00 pm local time. We will be there until 28th December before flying back. Pray that we wil have a safe trip to and back, ya!

See you later!

Friday, December 19, 2008

Tag by Ckin

Hahaha.. malas yg amat nk menaip sebenarnya.. tapi layan jela..


1.Link to the person that tagged you.
2.Post the rules in your blog.
3.Share 6 important things/habits/quirks about yourself.
4.Tag 6 random people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs.
5.Let each person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their website.
6.Reply to me when you're finish.

6 important things/habits/quirks about me???

1. almost perfectionist..
when i say almost.. it's because i don't always be perfect, but to a lot of circumstances, yes! That's why people can be easily annoyed with me because i want things my way. In some sense, I cannot easily get things done because I want everything to be perfect in stages, thus tasks are not easily completed. The good thing is, it helps a lot throughout the hardest of times, but on the other hand, I always end up hurting the people I care the most.

2. easily get frustrated, and lay it out to someone else..
hahaha.. my hubby knows the best.

3. love cooking.. something new
i loike the way things turned out nice when i tried doing souffle or caramel pudding or even the blackforest cake. It's such an amazement how food can turn out sooo delicious, and it is just a matter of learning. well, I'm perfecting my skills in Siegen (because I always get to try new recipes..no food stalls to challenge my cooking skills, at least I don't get frustrated (hahahaha, refer no. 2). My new internet Guru- Nigella Lawson..

4. internet junkie...
yuppp.. i dunno how I am going to live without amazon.de or ebay.de; worse when obviously there'll be no 16MB-unlimited-surf in Malaysia (huhuhuhu..)

5. hate last minute things..but work rather fast last minute..
i dunno why i still favor last minute work even though i truly hate it.. the adrenalin rush.. the haywire.. well, maybe that factor lead to speed increase.. but i will always forget something important in between.

6. talkative...
to some extent.. unstoppable.. hehehe, anyone that knows me by heart should understand, that's the way my body work.. I always think out loud...and sometimes (or rather most of the times..) i tend to say something i don't mean, and difficult to mend.. i wish i could change that.. huhuhu :-(

6 people to tag:
1. you (yes.. you are the one reading right now.. )
2. your closest friend
3. your most-frequently-visited-blog owner
4. definitely not me again.. find somebody else
5. my true friend (well, who thinks they are one..whoever..)
6. any volunteers..

(hahaha.. i simply do not need to do step 5, do I??)

Monday, December 15, 2008

Aidiladha di perantauan

The title seems sad, isn't it? But it ain't so actually. We were glad to be invited by the Personal Assistant of the Germany representative of the "Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awam", Pn. Suharti Shuib to her house in Sulzbach, Hessen on Eid day. It was quite an experience seeing her 2500-euro-a-month house, compared to ours. Her house is 4-storey including "keller" and somehow, it felt nice even though there were so many stairs; 'Ainaa kept on climbing up and down until a point that I let her do it on her own (naughty mummy eh!). The food was amazing, we had sate (yeay.. my favourite food finally arrived!!), and nasi beriyani (along with "daging masak mamak"), laksa, marble cake..(uhh I couldn't count, there were so many!).

THE food!

Kak Ati (as I called her, even though she said, there'd been a long time since she heard people calling her by that name!) is a very astounding chef (hehe! up sket..) keeping in mind that she hadn't cook much in Malaysia. Well, at least she amazed me! I have not achieved that yet apparently, and I do have to work harder, phewww!!

Ainaa with Kak Ati's youngest girl, Hannan

I miss satay kajang!!

The making of sate: I didn't joint, so I held the honor of taking pictures from Rusdy

Abg Ijat with the grill gadget

Sate lovers indeed!

The men behind the scenes! Muehehehehe..

The generous Kak Ati and Abg Ijat

Then yesterday,we invited friends to come over for a little gathering. Ulla Maharani (Indonesian full time 'Deutsch as a foreign language' student) brought along her friend Suleyman (German born Turk), Issofa (Camerooon) and Majid (Pakistan). We cooked roti naan with dhal for Majid because he's been craving that so much, and mee bandung. Dilla had generously made "Agar-agar santan" in the morning even though she was sick and I did the Japanese souffle cake. Huh, now comes the story. I made the cake in a 28-cm pan when the recipe says 17cm. The result was, too thin even to serve. So, I cut it into small cubes then put it in a bowl. In short, it didn't come out the way it should have been. Pity me! It was soooo difficult to make!

Anyway, enough with all my yankees, have fun with the pictures

From left: Suleyman, MNR, Issofa and NZ

Busy eating.. thankfully the dishes turned out nice!

Mee kuning (from spaghetti with "kunyit"), roti naan, 2-min coch muffin, dhal and sardines

Agar-agar santan and mee bandung's gravy

Saturday, December 13, 2008


Officially, all my family members are sick. Aina is already sick because she has cold and flu, not to exclude the continuous nose-running and coughing since April. It's very cold right now, and unfortunately our bedroom's heater was not functioning last night. Thus, it gets worse. Everybody is snoring at night, including my little daughter. Pity them and well.. pity me too! I actually have lots of work to do: I need to improvise my studienarbeit draft as well as do a MATLAB simulation for the sensor, my 4th case study for software engineering is not done yet, the project work for mechatronics design is still in stalled position, the web development and database for the software engineering subject has so much work to do and what-nots. The problem is, my body is so wary that I cannot even think if doing anything. Today, we are inviting people to our house for a little celebration for Eid-ulAdha. And I need to cook for 10 people today. Still, too much work to do. Alhamdulillah, thankfully Aina doesn't really make my life difficult right now. Pheww..

Will update later:
The Eid celebration in Frankfurt
The Eid celebration in Siegen
The Japanese Souffle Cheesecake (if it turns out ok today!)

Sunday, December 07, 2008

Salam Aidil Adha

Buat seluruh ahli keluarga, sahabat dan sanak-saudara yang mengenali..

Selamat Hari Raya Aidil-Adha. Semoga apa yang telah kita korbankan mendapat restu Allah dan jalan yang penuh rahmat dari-Nya.

Salam sayang,
Nazrin, Diana, 'Ainaa Qistina

P/S: skrg pukul 3 pagi.. masih mengadap draf tesis.. haduyai, penat betul..

Saturday, November 29, 2008

My first blackforest cake..

And I did it myself..Voila!!

Nasi Ayam and Ainaa

Yesterday was quite a busy day. I was hoping that I could do something to my studienarbeit draft, but to no avail. My hubby was planning to go to buy Ainaa's new snow robe and we have no other time. It's not a good idea though because I have so much thing to do, but it will be also not a good idea if we do it today and bring Ainaa along. It will be tremendously difficult. We arrived home around 12.15pm and Nazrin decided to invite a new Malaysian who is currently studying in the first year for a dinner. So, he suggested that we cook nasi ayam today, and because I did it so many times, it will not be such a problem to me. So I started cooking nasi and the soup as well as a number of muffins. I marinated the chickens and started to put them in the oven when I realized the time was 3.30pm. My hubby was supposed to take our daughter today, and seeing him sleeping soundly, I just thought maybe I should just go instead.

The temperature reached -1 degrees Celcius outside and it took me quite sometime to reach University because the bus which was scheduled on 3.52 pm didn't come. I had to wait some more and bumped into one of the mothers that wanted to take her daughter too... We had quite a chat, and I initially wanted to go to library to borrow Fiber Optics books, but since I didn't catch the 3.52 bus, I had to forget the idea. Ainaa was as usual; she didn't want to ride the stroller. But since my friend is there, she didn't whine much. Well, that's the habit of her. If she is surrounded with anybody else besides Nazrin or me, she would certainly behave... Well, at least in some situation!

I reached home around 5 .30 because I had to change bus. I took two different bus because the temperature was so low that I was afraid Ainaa would get sick if she stayed too long outside. At the time when we reached the bus stop near Kindergarten, another bus that would be going to Weidenau Busbahnhof was there. So we just took the bus, and change to bus number 105 in Weidenau to reach Friedrich-Flender-Platz haltestelle near our house. Well, I was clearly exhausted because of the non-stop work, thankfully Ainaa didn't have so much complaints and we went to bed around 9.30 pm...Huh, what a long day..!!

Ainaa with her new snow robe eating fried chicken. SOooo funny.. My hubby keeps teasing her " a new Malaysian astronout who had to bring fried chicken to space..."..kikikikikikiki...

Thursday, November 27, 2008

My little daughter..

'Ainaa Qistina will be two years old this February. And somehow I am quite surprised by her ability to understand and express her feelings towards us..her parents. Sometimes it does get into my nerves and Nazrin's too, to the extent that I would scream or slap her butt. But the thing is, even when she does stop her crankiness when I did that, I feel bad inside. I don't want her to turn up like me, well at least my parents know well hgow bad I behave when I was a child.

It was difficult to get to her level; it's not that she is naughty or such..It's just that when I have so much work and time keeps demanding my presence, she will keep me from my work with her whining and crying, throwing things or even throwing herself. It makes me sad to see her like that, just because she doesn't get what she wants. I wonder why she keeps extending her screaming at me, is it because I simply not credible enough to be her mother?

Yesterday for example; she didn't want to sit in stroller and didn't even want to wear jer shoes. We were catching a bus and therefore, I could not afford to have her crying and being grumpy in the bus as you know the Germans wil give you the you-don't-know-how-to-take-care-of-your-daughter look. So, I put her in my arms and start carrying her. The bad thing is, we missed the busand even the next bus at 8.12 doesn't stop to give us a ride. I was so tensed with the situation because my bag was heavy with laptop and I had 12kg-daughter in my arms as well. I had to carry her to another busstop which is 500 m away and ride another bus. Thank God it is not full as always. When I arrived in the University bus stop, I had still to walk for another 700m up the hill to bring her to the kindergarten. But she still refused to walk and thus I had to carry her till there. It was a maddening experience because my body just cannot stand the weight, but maybe God wants to train me to be strong, well who knows..

The result was, I just have no mood whatsoever to do my overloading work. I just can't stand it anymore. I came home crying to my sleepy husband who has been working all night in front of his computer, and that was useless. I called my mum and my father in Malaysia, and thank God, I did found peace. I'm just so grateful that God still let my parents be, when I am in trouble. Even though I always makes my dad mad at me, he just always had the formula for everything. And Abah, thanks for the advice. I know I am not a very obedient daughter to you, and I did have my share too. Thanks anyway for everything.

P/S: The moral of the story is, be EXTRA patient with your daughter's whining..

Monday, November 24, 2008

Heavy snow..

It's very cold in Siegen right now since the snow keeps falling. The temperature drops below zero and it has been two days since the first drop. I really cannot stand the cold and 'Ainaa also has running nose already. It's very thick on the ground and I wonder how can I walk through it tomorrow while pushing the stroller. A new challenge awaits!

Picture taken minutes ago. Can you see the snow drops? It's very obvious isn't it? The whole rooftops are covered with snow, and as you can see, they are thicker at the window frame..

The car surviving the heavy snow! I wonder who is the owner?

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Microwave Oven/Grill & Nuby??

Suddenly contrasting topic? Anyway, I am writing this entry in response to my favourite-always-read-blog Kak Ayu, and Pn. Nurul Diana. Microwave oven with grill is the in-thing. Besides you can use them for microwaving i.e heating food and cooking (if you know how to do it!), you can use the grill setting for browning the food and of course baking. Well, I never had one, but my friend Liza in Frankfurt had this and she did a tremendously wonderful bakeries with them. Not to mention you can bake pizza and such! One of the best rated are as follows:

LG MP9287NL Digital Combi Microwave Oven Stainless Steel 32L 700W
Panasonic Slimline (NN-A554) Combination Grill & Microwave

Whirlpool GH6177XP
(Cooking Features: Reheat, Grill, Defrost, G2Max SpeedCook Technology, AccuSimmer cycle, AccuWave)

For those who doesn't know what NUBY is, it the baby's feeding line MADE IN INDIA. I had few difficulties introducing the bottle to Aina mainly because the teats are different from those of AVENT that she used to have. But the pros about the NUBY's teats are that they are non-drip even without cap. You can turn the bottle upside down and there is no single drop of milk coming out from the teat unless the baby sucks it.

For more info: http://www.nuby.in/index.php

And I understand of those concern about the BPA issues that can cause cancer and such, and this company claims that they are BPA-free. This is what in their FAQ says:

"I’ve gotten this question quite a few times so I thought I would address it since it seems to be a concern for parents who are taking BPA into consideration when buying for their little ones. Bottle nipples tend to come in two materials. One is Silicone. Silicone is the popular choice for parents these days and with good reason. Silicone is soft and easy to sterilize and importantly is non-porous. not to mention it does not contain Bisphenol-A, Phthalates or PVC so it is a safe choice for your baby. When buying silicone nipples, opt for products that use “medical grade” silicone when possible to ensure the silicone was made with the highest standards.
Other bottle nipples are made with Latex. Infants sometimes take to latex versions easier and there are also pacifiers made with it. Latex is also BPA free but there have been some research showing that over time, latex can leach carcinogens called nitrosamines. The FDA regulates levels allowed in latex bottle nipples but some levels are permissible so medical grade silicone is the better alternative. It has also been suggested that exposure to latex early in life can trigger a latex allergy."

Anyway, enough with science i just want to show some pictures.Have fun!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Get-Together Dinner for NRW Students

Few pictures from last night. Not many as the crowd was huge and I had particularly no time to snap. Busy chatting around with fwends and of course, the celebrity chef..Chef Ismail. Anyway, not much to say, as I don't have much strength to write anything. Till I update more with Rusdy's photo..bye..

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Whaddaya think by the sound of the title??.If you guess it sounds fun.. I assured you guys that it does makes me think of fun pronouncing it.. hehe, I know what's on your mind right now.. Well, I have long forget my interest for buying Nintendo Wii for sometime because firstly, it's expensive and for God sake, I really have no time to leasure around. My work, studies and of course taking care of a cute little bunny make me think twice of buying such thing.

But anyway, my housemates just returned from a trip to Aachen; fulfilling the birthday party invitation by one f our collegue and Dilla has constantly expressing her joy of playing Wii (the new one bought by Nik for his wife, Shahida..). Aaaarghhh, that really makes me rethink of my decision. If I ask Nazrin, well of course, even though his preference is the Sony Playstation 3; he would not object. Game WAS his life anyway before marrying me..hahahaha.. pity him! I love to have Wii, so we are still considering whether to buy it or not..

What do you think?? Should I buy..(waaaa, at time like this I don't know how to weigh the pros and cons..)

Sunday, November 09, 2008

New theme..

Well.. to those regularly visiting my blog would have known exactly this is not my usual theme. I know the last theme was amazing but anyway.. I am easily bored with the same stuff.. so the last theme had to find its way home.. I landed with this one.. I know, this one is kinda simple, but it is not soo messy as the last one.. and I have reorganized my blog lists so, it is categorized..

It is 8.42 pm.. and I dunno why I can't feel the need to study yet..my eyes started blinking too, begging me to sleep.. but I can't bcos 'Ainaa is already awake because she had been sleeping since 4.30pm.. I know it sounds strange to Malaysians.. bu in Germany at this moment, with Winter just under our noses.. Maghrib prayer time is 4.50pm.. So imagine that we only get around 8 hours sunlight ( a shadowed one!! huhuhuhu..) and around 5 o'clock in the evening, it is already very dark outside..

'Ainaa is sitting on my lap right now, begging me to finish her puzzles.. so gotta go!

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Nasi kerabu and of course.. my little bunny new tactics

'Ainaa when she lost her temper. Haha.. don't forget she's my daughter, and of course not all the good things are inherited.

Finally, I managed to snap the third batch of my nasi kerabu. It's so yummy that reminds me of home everytime I ate them. Waaaaaa..I miss my mother... Of course, there's no such "ikan goreng tepung" that can be made here, since fish like "ikan selar kuning" are totally out of reach. So, I matched them with fried chicken instead..Thanks to Kak Ati for making this recipe available.. Believe it or not, I have never made "Nasi Kerabu" in Malaysia because I am too lazy even to learn how to make it. And of course, living in Germany with not so many things you can buy outside, you resorted to home made cooking instead. That's one thing that benefited me clearly when you are away from home... Definitely..

Tuesday, November 04, 2008


Aduyai.. banyak nyer keje.. tapi satu pun tak wat lagi.. nape tah, mcm tak cukup kuat nk bangun tgh2 malam wat keje..

dh masuk 3 malam dh, aku tbangun kul 1 pagi.. tapi badan ni tanak gak bangun, pegi kat meja studi tu wat keje.. apa tah nak jadi nih.. deadline dh la besok.. hari ni lak kelas smpai kul 8..waaaaaa... sejak bila jadik pemalas ni!!

memang mencabar jugak wat studienarbeit ni.. mana tah aku nk cari sumber2 nya... sapa la yg nk bagi principle of operation open camtu jek kat public.. boleh Google jek terus dapat kan.. result plak bila tekan "fiber optics displacement distance sensor".. mak aii.. beratus ribu sumernya.. mana la larat nk tekan sumer..

pagi td pun aku bangun kul 7.15.. dh terlepas Subuh.. sbb bangun kul 5 tdo balik.. Astaghfirullahalazim... ishhh bila la nk berubah ni.. sudahnya, dr pagi2 lagi aku tader mood sbb satu menda pun tak jadik.. masalahnya, aku dh jadik addicted ngan blog nih.. kalau boley setiap minit nk tgk.. bule dakkk???

tapi tu la, nk salahkan saper? diri sendri gak.. huwaaaa...

Monday, November 03, 2008

Turn masak hari ni.. hmmm.. masak lagiii..

Early morning I have started to think of what to cook today. Well, I gave up the regular recipe, as I thought my stomach can no longer take all the spicy stuff and since Dilla had already made the "sambal ikan bilis" yesterday, I decided to let go the chillis for today.

So, I googled up to get new recipes, even though I had in my mind to cook the "ayam goreng lengkuas". I went to this Singaporean blog that I loved so much because of the varieties of menu that she had put in it, only to no avail as I found out that she had already made her blog private.. Urghhh.. Decided not to give up on doing the lengkuas part, because I loved them so much.. I do it in Google and found out the Indonesian version of this recipe.

Know why I loved the "ayam goreng lengkuas" soo much?? In the Mahallat's canteen where I used to study, which is in UIA, this makcik used to cook them everyday and even thinking about it made my stomach growled. So, then it is decided, I did it as you can see above. And for those who wondered how to did it. I will put it below, just for reference; not that I am that good in cooking though:

untuk 1 ekor ayam (saiz sederhana)

Bahan A (blend sumer)
2 labu bawang merah India (yg besar tuu)
4 ulas bawang putih
2 batang serai
3 inci halia
garam dan gula secukup rasa
lengkuas (yg ni takyah blend tapi sagat..)

then all the ingredients are used to marinate the chicken. Leave it for half and hour. Then without any oil, put it all in large pan, and heat it untill all of them are half cooked. Heat frying pan (as if u want to fry the regular "ayam goreng"), then fry them all (tapis sumer abuk tu, pastu goreng..)..I used the spices sent by mum in law to make the set for pecal and my housemates love them very much.. wuhooooo..

anyway, I did the choclate cake too.. again hahaha, since I had already succesfully did that before. To those asking the recipes, here it is, I took it from Pn. Norzailina page:

Bahan A: (Dimasak)
1 cawan serbuk koko
1cawan gula pasir
1 cawan susu cair
1cawan minyak masak
½ cawan susu manis

Bahan B: (Diayak)
1 ¼ cawan tepung gandum
1/2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp soda bicarbonate
3 biji telur(Di pukul sebati-jangan terlalu kembang)

Bahan C: (topping)
200 g coklat masakan
2 tbsp minyak sayuran
How to: Use double boil technique.

Masak bahan A. Campur sume ngan bahan B. Pastu, kukus 45 minit. jangan lupa balut loyang ngan aluminium foil kat atas so that air tak menitis. Api untuk mengukus jangan terlalu kuat (terlampau banyak wap atau stim). Memadai sederhana kuat saja. Selepas dikukus (bila sejuk) tapi hendaklah sapu chocolate rice ke atasnya dengan sedikit coklat cair supaya chocolate rice mudah lekat.

for my mum: can you believe it I did it all???

Friday, October 31, 2008

UTEM's VC visit to Germany

In front of Aachener Dom
From left: Nik, Rusdy, En. Hassan, Hatta, the new VC, Prof Marizan, Najib, Nazrin, Ainaa & I, Dilla

Wonder what is VC? It is THE VICE CHANCELOR of UTEM.. which is my uppermost-rank boss of the bosses. It was not just the VC but also my DEKAN. I was so tempted to go since I have my own agenda which is - to further my doctorate study in Siegen. There's a lot of things that ae not sure at that moment, and since the Malaysian government has so little money for the next year's scholarship; I need to do something to be assured. Well, that is going to Aachen to meet them.

FKE staff (Nik, Prof Marizan (my DEKAN), Dilla, Rusdy and I)

It was indeed a wonderful meeting. The new VC is so people-oriented and loves to hear our stories (at least in our eyes!!). My DEKAN is also supportive of my decision as he said, "apa-apa yg senang dan tak menyusahkan awak.. ok jugak la pada saya..". Which is WOW!!! I got his encouragement as well as Mr. Hassan, the Head of Registrar. Now, the problem will lie totally on me. Whether or not I will be accepted as PhD student in Siegen. Phewww... what to do??

I must at least be excellent in Master Thesis to prove it all. But, do I have the capability to do that? I can ony plan.. but Allah will make it happen. And HE knows it all...

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Malaysian's Open House in Siegen

Yup.. this entry is the very same entry as my friend Mr. Rusdy has already uploaded in his fotopages. But I want to did it anyway.. It was totally awesome.. 15 friends and families were gathered in our (which is actually our hausmeister's) little hut in the backyard to celebrate the month of Syawal. We cooked a lot (compared to what we usually do..hehe)..The menu comprises of:

Lemang with Rendang, Nasi Impit with Lodeh and Kuah Kacang, Meehun Sup
Desserts: Seri Muka, Puding Keramel, Chocolate Cake, Dadih Koko

Believe it.. sooo much Malaysian infusion in those menu but all of our friends liked them so much, (since a lot of them are Asian) and thus, relieved the sad feelings of being away from home. This is the first time ever this kind of occasion is organized. No wonder they had so much fun.. We even do the self-broadcasting (hahaha.. so it's called-it is actually recording thru vid-cam). We dressed in our own baju raya, and it did feel like home.

Enjoy few pictures grabbed from Rusdy's fotopages:

Yeay.. choc cake..

Setelah sekian lama aku mencuba.. akhirnya.. dengan macam2 strategi oter Tefal nyer steamer tu..
kek coklat kukus aku menjadi jugak..huhuhu.. sebak rasanya..

Friday, October 24, 2008


Hahaha.. tak penah2 nyer wat kueh mueh lembik2 nih.. sbb bukan suka makan sgt..
since Nazrin yg suka, pastu tambah plak nk try untuk majlis gathering hujung minggu ni, aku pun buat PERTAMA KALINYA.. mengukus seri muka..

not bad la buat first timer cam aku.. cuma rasanya kureng sketla.. gula kurang, so mcm tawar jek atasnya.. rupa tiptop (hahaha..puji diri sndiri..)-yela, tak penah watkan..dengan tatau bilanya boley masak pulut tu.. hahaha.. sbb resepi tulis..kukus sehingga pulut masak.. cayer dak??


resepi ni aku cilok kat hanieliza.fotopages.com (sifu yg telah berjaya mmbuka mataku utk masak)

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Makan tengah hari.. Lunch le tuuu

Hari ni, member2 umah baru stat puasa 6.. so kitorg berdua jela yg tak pose kat umah ni.. so, aku malas la nk masak nasi.. so masak makaroni bakar jek.. a bit overburn sbb tinggalkan dlm oven td.. hhuhu.. bilala nk berubah prangai suka tinggal menda dh masak dlm oven ni.. hari tu wat lasagna pun camtu gak.. hai.. sabau jek