Saturday, November 24, 2007

Jalan-jalan di Aachen (zu Besuch)

Well, as expected.. kitorg merantau ke Aachen which is quite a border to "die Niederlande"-kata org Jerman ni- dekat dgn Belanda.. Kat Aachen ni, ramai la member.. especially dua org geng UTEM, Nik Syahrim ngan Rahimah.. kitorg berlima singgah umah Nik dulu- which is a 3 hour trip from Siegen. org umah Nik baru je smpai dalam seminggu, so kesian gak la kat dia, sbb byk beli2 brg semata2 nk provide kitorg with the greates hospitality possible.. Thanks Nik..

But aku ngan hubby dan Rusdy lepak umah Rahimah sbb umah Nik kecik je, so cam tak muatla kalau 5 org nk duk situ..Esoknya, kitorg trip the whole Aachen, saja jalan2 tgk bandar.. lepas tu singgah umah Abg Rahadi ngan Kak Mijon-which is abang dan kakak ipar member UTEM gak-Rahifa.. Diorg ni la, one of the first people I tormented before coming to Germany. Thanks for answering those silly questions.. Kak Mijon masak byk.. sdap lak tu... susah2 jek..

Besoknya plak, kitorg plan nk gi Maastrich, kat Belanda tapi cancel last minute sbb cuaca tak mengizinkan. Last2 tukar plan ke Koln plak.. Well.. things never as we expected..Enjoy the pics

Abang and I, in Aachen Town Center
All together besides MAYERSCHE-the famous bookstore KINOKUNIYA-like

Nabhan and I, which is why I miss my daughter soooo much

Rusdy, Dilla, Matnur, Yus(Rahimah's hubby) and Nabhan-what a cute pics

All together in front of Kak Mijon and Abg Rahadi's house

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Road to Class..

Hmm.. saje jek amik gambau nih.. this is the route we took when we missed the bus.. haha very "leavyy.."-mcm takde dlm kamus jek.. papelaa..

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Aina-the latest

Alahai..kuyunye mata diaaa..

Ni apsal wat muka popeye lak nih..

Dh dapat dh menda yg nk dikoyak..

Elelele..prasan la tu..

Gambar masa raya.. alala dh makin montel anak mama nih..

This is for my in-laws.. adui, kite pun sedey tak dpt jumpe dia..

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

It's snowing..

It's snowing.. finally!!! Mlm td aku ngan nz gi IKEA, beli barang2 sket nk masuk umah baru.. and on da way tu, dh nmpak snow sket2.. tapi mcm tak caya jek.. but then bila kuar bas.. huhu bestnya. Snow turun mencurah2.. hehe rasa gakla mcm dlm cite.. best nya.. (yela, tak penah merasa snow seumur hidup kan..) It is still snowing pagi ni masa nk gi klas.. very nice.. Bak kata Lorelai Gilmore "I love it when it's snowing.. It's just..MAGICAL.."

Saturday, November 10, 2007

A celebration in Koln-which I don't celebrate

Koln Hauptbahnhof-Main Train Station

A couple just wanna smash in..

Lots of people gathers in TOWN CENTER-wit concert

Also the same spot-"spot" the costumes

Nice "statuette"

Tpaksa mgglamorkan Rusdy-to drag the "DOME" into pictures

Beside 'DOME'

Well, on da way balik from Aachen, aku ngan geng singgah Koln (which is Cologne-in English).. Mamat2 omputih nih ada some kind of celebration "kuhnunnya nk celebrate hari pertama diorg puasa".. aku pun tak tau puasa apa tapi from now until February next year.. So, it's a kind of "gila2"nyer celebration. People wear costumes, pastu ada parade and such.. main muzik, gendang.. Hmmm.. quite new to us, cause we're not such a party animal back in Malaysia.. haha, quite scary though..

Saturday, November 03, 2007

Pak Yanuar, Mbak Nafiah und Shadiq

The lovely "SHADIQ"

Bila nk bwk tren ni.. tak jalan pun..

All of us- makan2 vege food + ikan salmon @ mensa

I really gonna miss them all.. Tanpa diorg kitorg takkan mungkin semudah ini nk settle down di Siegen nih.. It's been such a wonderful time knowing them all.. Thanks especially to Mbak yg byk bg tips nk cari makanan halal, kenalkan kitorg ngan makanan fav Shadiq "Nougat Bits"-which eventually jadik makanan fav Rusdy-hahaha.. kantoi!!

Friday, November 02, 2007

Trip to Dillenburg

Anyway.. the trip happens to be quite embarassing.. Ulla and da gang (Mikhail und Midori) yg ajak kitorg ke Dillenburg (which is the last station yg kitorg nyer semester tiket valid-which means free transport la).. Kat Dillenburg ni, ada satu castle yang cantik, but masa kitorg gi tu, castle tgk 'under preservation work'.. so gambar tak cantik la.. Tapi kawasan dia agak cantik la.. And it was found by William of Orange (aku pun dh tak ingat camana aku blajar sjarah dulu, tapi mcm pernah dgr la.. Enjoy the pics.

My hubby and I, wit vry nice "nice-view-in-postcard" kinda thing

The famous "William of Orange"-dunno what really matters wit da dog

Midori makes the nice "nasi kepal"-hahaha

The famous "SWEET CARROT" by Mikhail

Arghhh.. tensen btul tgk "green net" kat blakang tu..


"CATHEDRAL"-sooo not allowed to go there

The view-half of the way

Nazrin & Rusdy with Dillenburg in background

The famous,oldest building way back to 1900- now the elders daycare