Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Celebrating students academic excellence

Majlis ni dibuat utk celebrate "dean's list achevers" for 2 consecutive semester for the year 2005.. haha 2006 baru wat.. masa nih, nazrin taknak ikut.. so aku drive sorg2 la dari Bangi ke UIA.. haha.. tak ramai sgt geng masa nih.. sbb diorg sume dh tak cukup kredit nk dpt dean's list (walaupun pointer gempak giler..) sbbnya, aku masih bykkkkk lagi kredit (ya ampun tak tau nape aku amik ninor in business-sudahnyer keje menda lain gak(education-based )).. Just a few snaps-blur plak tuh

Inila saat2 gemilang (wah-wah..) yg memang aku taknk lupa.. susah payah belajar, walaupun tak pandai2 gak.. tapi aku bersyukur dgn nikmat yg Allah beri padaku.. Syukurrr...

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Upside down

In life, you will always face choices.. you have junctions when you drive, you have to choose the right things to do from an exhausting 'don'ts', you have to resolve your conflict of interest from the public interest ( start to become "ethical" huh(^^,)..may be due to an exhausting semester of ethics..). And this time the choice I have to make have definitely knocked me straight to my head..

My final projects have finished technically but officially not since I haven't done the reports yet. And I still feel guilty to my husband for helping me a lot in this assignment. Then, we got offered the position of RO in CAIRO. Have to accept to get some money..

Myspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter Graphics