Saturday, September 20, 2014

Phicops & Diva Dance

Greetings Folks! I've been such a baaaaad girl and have not been keeping my blog updated. So sorry if you have been stopping by now and then to see if anything has been brewing. Life certainly has its way of getting in the way.

On to the tangling! This week's Diva challenge is to create a tile using the tangle patterns Phicops and Diva Dance. Here's my entry.

Last weekend I was playing around with a new tangle called Cosmic, created bySharon McKenney, CZT.  How I love this one! It is a lot of fun to draw and play with. In this one I just added a little of Rick's Paradox.

This next one I wanted to see if I could add another couple of petals and put some Ing around the outside of it, filling that in with orbs, spirals, and Shattuck. I like it.

 And finally, I was thinking of dear Bijou and came up with this after seeing a photo of an endearing snail:

B'dylan and the snail

Thanks so much for visiting. I'm hoping that it won't take too long to post another tile.

Friday, August 15, 2014

A little Plaid

Back in the blogging saddle again. Wow, it seems that time just goes whooshing by. Summer is such a wonderful time to get out and enjoy nature's creativity, and time with family and friends. Actually, all year round it's wonderful but it's just easier, perhaps, in the summer.



You might have heard the big news in the Zentangle world, the introduction of Bijou® tiles. They are 2"x2" tiles, fun to tangle on. The idea is to tangle on your tile like a snail, slowly, simply, pausing often to admire the view, etc. They are available in a tin of 55 tiles with a couple of "Bijouism"s, like Breathe, Relax, Savor, Comfort.
Here is the tin of Bijou® tiles and some characters I made from the packing peanuts (don't ask)
There is so much excitement around these fun-sized tiles. Cherryl Moote, CZT has come out with directions on how to create a cute tile folder, which I had to give a try:                                                                  


I took a class on Tangled Labyrinth Journals with Sadelle Wiltshire, CZT with a wonderful group of folks. What fun! We first created a beautiful meandering journal then began to learn to draw different types of labyrinths. I can see making these with some of the kids at school…it just might be good for them!
Meandering book

My first filled in labyrinth

Goddess Labyrinth
This one on the right is called the Goddess Labyrinth and so I decided to create the goddess as well.

On to this week's Diva Challenge #180, using Anneke Van Dam's pattern "MacDee". Being a Mack, then MacKugler, I knew that I'd love this plaid pattern. I was going through my e-books and decided to work with Helen William's Flips, Folds, Ribbon and String book. I'm pleased with the result of this one.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Tangling on vacation

Well, I guess that I'm finally relaxed enough to write a blog post. I'm sitting on the porch right on the water, watching kayakers, sailors, and fishermen. Friends should be showing up here in about an hour then we will be heading on the water ourselves. In the meantime I can show you what we've been up to here at Lake Willoughby in the Northeast Kingdom of Vermont.

From my kayak trip this morning.

Hiking up Mt. Hor with my son and his friend. (See all that beautiful green along the trail? That's stinging nettle! No problems though.)

A little tangle break by my son.

One of our beautiful sunsets.

Son trying out my Hobie Revolution kayak with sail.

On to the Diva Challenge #175! This week is a UMT, or use my tangle, using a tangle pattern, Crux by Henrike Bratz. Here's my entry:

I also used my own tangleation of an Acoma Pueblo inspired pattern.

Before coming up here for vacation, I made a traveling watercolor book of paints. I've only used it a little so far, but I do like it a lot.

Here's the book and water brush.

These are Inktense watercolor pencils.

These are Tombow markers. Other pages have Caran D'Ache water soluable and prismaloi aquarelle pencils, Dr. PH Martins Hydrus water colors.

Here is an example of my painting using my nifty book.

Hope you enjoy your week!

Saturday, May 3, 2014

It's spring with Camelia!

Phew, Spring is here. I love to hear the birds and frogs and smell the earth and rain. Spring in Vermont after a looooong, coooold winter is so amazing. Our snow is gone in our yard but the ski trails on the local mountains still have the snow. It reminds me of my oldest son when he was little. He was so excited for his birthday to come (May 16th) and I told him that it wouldn't be his birthday until all the snow has melted. Not yet, Cam! He will be 27 this year, once the snow melts.

I have been neglecting my blog and my Zentangle classes this winter. I guess that life just got in the way, but now I'm back. I spent 3 full days of tangling with over 100 CZTs (Certified Zentangle Teachers) in Portland, Maine at our second annual Tangle University. It was such great fun to see old friends and meet new ones while learning and getting inspired. Such wonderful and talented folks from all over the world!

On to the Diva Challenge #165, a UMT (Use My Tangle) challenge using Camelia by Anne Marks. I've enjoyed this tangle pattern in the past so it's a great one to help me get back into the swing of things. I also bought some Zentangle supplies and broke out the tan Renaissance tiles with brown and red Microns in addition to my black one. This is the first time trying the Renaissance tile and I had fun exploring it.

 At TangleU 2014, many of us had brought our CZT trading cards which we had ordered from Zazzle. When I opened my pack of cards I expected to smell the bubble gum, but the smell was not there. Funny how our brains work. It was fun to trade and collect the cards and later set them out on a table to revisit everyone. Not everyone had a trading card, but enough did to have some fun.
Enjoy your week!

Saturday, January 11, 2014

It has been a while

I haven't updated my blog for a while. Holidays and vacation happened. It sure was a busy time, but now life is slowly getting backtrack to normal. We had a nice, quiet Christmas with local family then my husband's brother and family arrived from MD to help celebrate their father's 90th birthday. It was a lot of fun with a lot of cooking and celebrating. I was able to teach a Zentangle class during that crazy time, which was wonderful, then I taught an extra class to my talented niece and nephews. They were quick learners.

This week's diva challenge was to create a tile using 2014. I had already signed up for a postcard swap for the new year and was a little slow getting them out, but it worked in the long run since I could use them for the challenge! I love it when it works to my advantage.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Merry Happy! Challenge #148

This week's challenge is to create a piece for the holidays using Zentangle & the holidays as the inspiration. Since I was in need of creating neighborhood presents, this came in handy. I wish that I had taken a picture of the series of votive covers I made, but I just didn't get around to it. You know….a crush of time to get them done. I also made a few cute birch bark ornaments, but those too, did not get photographed. Ah well. They were well received.

I got a pad of Dura-Lar by Grafix which are like mylar, but not. It was wonderful to tangle on using a Pigma Sensei pen by Sakura and adding some color with either Tombow markers or Prismacolor Premier colored pencils, again, a delight to use.

Here is what is left from the presents: These were used with the markers. They do look better in person, but at least you get the idea.

I wanted to make some more, so I cut up another sheet and created these using the colored pencils. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with them, but I do like the light behind them. I lined them up, keeping them flat, so you can see them all.
Merry Christmas!
Happy Holidays.
Merry Happy.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Different challenges

This week I had to focus on my needle felting more so I could have more product to sell at the Mountain Painters & Artisans Gallery. I did get some tangling done as well. I got a pad of Dura-Lar which is like Mylar. It is wonderful to tangle on and colored pencils work well with it. What a joy to play with it. I bought some battery powered tea lights and put three behind my tangled piece. Here it is:

And here are most of my felted pieces completed:
Sled full of Needle Felted Creatures.
Felted stacked barnyard animals…framed.