Thursday, January 28, 2010

Important things GALORE

Stay with me today kiddos... there is a whole lot going on. (TGF Relay, Lindsay's stuff, a featured challenge blog, lotsa stuff, but) First, please forgive me for the state of my photos. Hubby Reynold has finally succumbed to the sickness. I could not get to my light box - it lives in my bathroom. So, I had to snap these pictures on my funky desk. (Side note, love the amazing desk hubby made me -- at least in part because I can stamp, ink, paint, cut, wipe glue and all sorts of random stuff right on the surface. However, this makes for a REAL interesting background for photos.) Forgive!

This first card is my Thursday Lindsay's Stamp Stuff card.
Shop HERE .................... and find this stamp set HERE
Lindsay's blog HERE
Design Team links HERE
Sketch and our featured challenge blog HERE
Ingredients - Basic Grey Nook & Pantry, a sweet little metal cupcake, copics, spicas, stickles...

Card numero DOS!
TGF RELAY - check their blog HERE for details ... today should be day 4 of the competition, but I'm afraid it crashed and burned... so I am hoping that we will get credit for trying. Of course, if you've been paying attention, I made this card almost exactly like my TGF card yesterday. Again with the sickness in our house - along with being overwhelmed getting back to work after sickness... I guess I thought I'd stay simple and make it like a series?
Details - nook and pantry (BG), copics, primas, dewdrops...

Okay, you stuck it out. Your reward? If you check the TGF blog, you get the prince Ian stamp FREE, plus, Lindsay has her buy 5 get 1 free sale still running... plus, dude, you got to see all my stuff and read the whole post. Duh. I'm part of your prize (see my cheezy grin?)

enjoy everything!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

TGF Relay Day 3

Please forgive the simple card and the quick photo on my desk.

I used a piece of paper from the basic grey nook and pantry stack. Some cute printed primas, dewdrops... I colored the cute lil bear with copics. I put some of the liquid pearlz on his claws and teeth, but with my quick photo - it just doesn't show.

I'm sorry for the simplicity in the card and the photo! I just want to keep up with this contest, and with how sick the kids and I have been, then today I had to get up early and hurry to work and {insert lots of pitiful whining here} I just couldn't get super creative this time. I'll try with the next one!

Enjoy ... it's hump day!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

TGF Relay Day 2

How cute is this girl? Her name is Charlotte and she's part of the TGF CHA relay competition.

This is a really fun contest. Check out the details on the BLOG. (Check the last few posts for details.)
I didn't get too creative today - I was throwing up most of last evening and night and I'm trying to be mellow today. Actually, as soon as I finish this post I'm going to try for a nap. (Luckily, both my kids are over this now so they're at school & daycare so I CAN rest.)
Indian summer (basic grey) papers, ribbon was a dollaaaaaaaaaaaa bin from Michael's. I colored with copics and spicas. I hope you can see the sparkle from the pink spica on there...
That's all I've got. Enjoy!

Monday, January 25, 2010

MerMan Ian

TWO superfun challenges with this little cutie...

First and foremost - the TGF (cha) relay. Go to the BLOG and check the last few days worth of posts to get all the details for the challenge(s). But hurry, deadline is 6pm (cst) tonight to get in on the fun!
Second - I used today's MOJO sketch. I just love their sketches. I wish there was a place where all their sketches were loaded into an easy to view/copy/print format so that I could use them to inspire me whenever I'm feeling creatively dumb...
Third - deets! I used papers from the Basic Grey Obscure 6x6 stack. (LOVE THOSE, each and every one.) I used a fun new ribbon/fiber I found at Michaels. It is fun and furry, but has a thin wire down the middle to make placing it where you want it a little easier. I inked everything up, cut ian with a nestie, colored with copics... oh, I found these neato shell things in the clearance section a while ago at Hobby Lobby. I knew they'd come in handy someday... when better for shells than when you're adorning a merman? Also added some primas.
That is all.
ENJOY! (your day should be better than mine... even though I'm home instead of at work, I'm also cleaning puke...)