
Showing posts from September, 2007

First day of school

Again it is the cameras fault that I am so late posting these. The girls have been back in schol now for four weeks. The routines are starting to come together. Lunches aren't always packed but at least we are moving in the right direction. Here are the girls pictures fromt heir first days of school. Kalaree in middle school finally (7th grade): Kezri in 2nd grade: Kambrya 2 year of preschool:

Fair time

We made it to one day of the fair. I like to go and check out all the craft things and I like to see the animals. Kalaree and Kezri decided that they didn't want to go so it wa also a great Mommy, Daddy and Kami time. We looked at the crat stuff. I so should of entered a few crochet items. They mostly had afghans and very little clothes/dresses. So next year I totally plan to enter some. I also thik I will get the girls involved in it too. Kami loved the pigs she was able to get in a pen (got to love those 4 H kids.) She even wanted to sit and watch them show them. Funny little thing isn't she? She then was watching a gal milk a goat and she said that when she was older she was going to do that. What do you know, she got to give it a try. According to Kami, "It doesn't work for me." She wasn't able to get any milk out but she at least got to try to. They didn't have the petting zoo this year like they have in the past. Which is kind of sad

It came

I got my diploma in the mail about a week ago. The picture has been sitting on my camera waiting for me to upload it to the computer. Seems almost weird to be done. the last 9 years I have done so much schooling that I am not sure that I am really working but instead I am just finishing up one more school project. I am sure it will truly hit next summer when there is a class to register for or maybe even in January when I should be doing something at the college and I am not. I do have to stay that it was a challenge even up to the end. Even after all was said and done I got an email saying I didn't have enough credits to graduate and that I needed to figure something out. But guess what, they had just coded a class wrong and it was all good by the end of the day. Then with my certificate they didn't tell me I needed to reapply, which was fine but then when I did they lost that one. So I had to do it again. I am so glad that I can finally be moving on in life.

Softball game.

Kalaree has taken up softball in school. I think she really likes it. Their team is rather large. It had to be divided up into two teams, which means she won't play as much. They have ahd her pitching some but at her game on Thursday they put her out in center field. Her team won 14 to 2. Not bad. Kalaree got two base hits and then was walked once.

Itchy the Witch

We have a wonderful lady in our ward here that has written a couple of children's books. They are rather cute. One is called Anabell's Angels and the other is Itchy the Witch . Anyways she has been doing book readings and book signings these last few weekends at the various bookstores around town and she asked if Kami would come be Itchy for her. She has this really cute costume and Kami loves doing it. The story is rather cute too. It is about a tiny witch that figures out how to save Scarytown on Halloween because a strange pink breeze was blowing in from Happytown making everyone act funny.

Bad Holly

I have been absolutely horrible about posting these last few weeks and I know that one excuse is just as good as another. But my excuse is that I wanted to post pictures and my camera broke somehow and now the cord that goes from the camera to the computer won't register the camera so I couldn't pull pictures off the camera. Well I had to wait till payday to go buy a card reader so I could post pictures. I am going to break these up into many different posts but wanted to explain first why so many at the same time.

Busy week

This has been a rather busy week. With the new ward boundary changes we lost our primary president and the bishop told her to hand her stuff over to me and to not worry about it. Well we are also moving into a brand new building. Who would of thought that so much stuff has to get done? Plus on top of that I have been trying to track down subs for those callings that we lost people in. I am so glad that this Sunday is a regional conference and then I only really have to worry about one Sunday. Hopefully, they will have someone called before the Sunday after that. My schedule at work has finally picked up. I spent two days straight with back to back meetings that latest about 5 hours each. That is so draining when that happens. But on the plus side I finally have something to do and don't feel like I am wandering around looking for work. Kalaree and I went to Keith Urban this week also. The Wreckers opened up for him and they were okay. I was kind of disappointed in them, almost want

Quick update.

Really we are just trying to get into the groove of being back in school and back to work. Kalaree has joined softball. She seems to be enjoying it. The school has a policy that if you make every practice between games you play at least 50% of the game. Not a bad policy but then again there is a part of me that says you earn your spot onthe field. Kalaree has been making friends and learning to get around the middle school. I think that she will do great there. Kezri has an awesome teacher this year. Very open to the Irlens. She has worked with Kezri to make sure that she is seated where she is comfortable and she has been wonderful about letting Kezri know that she can use what she needs. I haven't even had to ask about the homework on colored paper, she did that automatically. She is just really on the ball. Kami started preschool yesterday. She is so glad to be back and she is the classroom helper right now since she is a returning student. She has a little boy from h

First days of school.

I will start with Kalaree. Kalaree started in connections (homeroom) and they called everyone name but hers. It turns out they changed her schedule and didn't bother to tell her. They got that all worked out. She was accidentally place in concert orchestra instead of the one she was suppose to be in. It worked out and she even doesn't have to take PE this semester. She has met a few new people and says that she is really liking being in middle school. But they haven't really started on the homework yet. She had her first meeting for softball today and she starts practice tomorrow. Kezri has a few friends in her class. She says she loves her teacher and that it is going to be a fun year. The buses have been running way late. Kalaree hasn't beat me home yet. I haven't had to tough of a start. So far so mild but starting next week I will be crazy busy in meetings everyday for the first three days.

Forgot to post.

I PASSED MY PRAXIS!!!!!! I haven't gotten the actual paper in the mail yet but I called on Friday and got my score. I had to have 660 and I got 660 exactly. Pretty scary but I am at least done now and can move on. There have been a lot of problems with certification amongst my classmates so I am rather nervous that they will mess up mine too but the gal said I had everything in that needed to be in so we shall see. I still have my emergency cert till the end of September so there shouldn't be any problems there. Things have seemed to just work there way out. Still no news on the PO job for David and I figure we won't hear anything for a bit since it is a Holiday weekend. It would be nice if it came through and he got the job and could start on Oct. 1. He is down to running the mile in 1 minute. He still has to take the PAT test for a PO job so he is trying to get there. He is also up to 7 push ups done right. That is a huge accomplishment since his shoulder is p

New glasses.

Kezri got her new glasses yesterday. When she was in California the frames broke in her old ones. We were lucky and the insurance covered the new frames and we didn't have to pay for the full evaluation just the lens this time. She picked out some rather cute frames and she looks really good in them.