Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder.
Kami's newest and greatest thing is to carry around the camera and snap pictures. I can just say it is so annoying to always have a camera in your face. She has quite an artist look at pictures. I showed her how to hold it and see the picture in the window and then to snap the picture. For the most part she does well but on others it seems she isn't quite sure of centering, or it could be her artist look at life. Also, what is it about a camera in a child's hand that brings out the desire to document every body part. We have pictures everywhere from her nose hairs to her toes. Then comes the fascination with the animals and documenting all of their body parts. It has been every interesting looking at the 182 pictures that she has taken in the last two days. She took pictures of her toy pile, her mom and dad, her sisters, her animals, her TV shows and the list goes on and on. We can hope that her talent for the camera is something that takes her places. Imagine her snapp