Here are the belly shots:

I really want to have these pictures in order from Feb. to now, but it's been so long since I've posted that I've forgotten how to do everything. I decided you'd all rather see the photos than have me spend all day and then give up. This first one was taken yesterday, May 24th. I'm 34 weeks along. About a month ago I measured 40 weeks for a single pregnancy. Last Wed. at the ultrasound they said baby A was 6 lbs. 1 oz, and baby B was 5 lbs. 6 oz. That's 11 1/2 pounds of baby. Holy cow!

Here's my brave bare belly shot on May 12th at 32 weeks 3 days. Crazy. I continue to be amazed that there are still no stretch marks. Here's hoping.

This was long long ago when I was kind of enjoying the pregnancy. This was taken clear back in February, the 26th to be exact. Ahh the good old days when sleeping was possible!

This is my March picture, the 27th. I was still able to wear the comfortable maternity jeans. I thought I was tired and uncomfortable then. Ha ha!

This was April 17th. We got to go up in a small airplane, it was awesome, but I got really sick to my stomach and the seats were uncomfortable. We went to a BBQ before the ride and people kept asking me when I was due. This is when I had to start explaining in the first few words that I was having twins.
Well, I hope you enjoy the freak show that is my belly. I don't know if I'll post again before the babies are born. I'm really hoping for next week, but the doctore says he still won't start me until the 15th of June. My only hope is some home remedy form of inducing labor. I'll let you know.