Here are my huge babies. Can you believe it? They are so big and growing up way too fast. Sophie is on the left, Lily on the right. They are 9 months old. Sophie weighs 18 lbs, and Lily a hefty 20! They LOVE food!!! Aren't their little mohawks so cute?

This is me on a trip I just went on with Dan. It was my first break from the kids since the twins were born. I went with him to Manchester, England. It was no Rome or Geneva, but it was nice to have a short break, and I got to sit in first class. He let me help him with the pre-flight and I got to push a few buttons, it was pretty cool.

I don't have a great recent shot of Ellie, but I thought this one was fitting, we all have spring fever, and she's taken to riding her bike around the circle in the house as a way to have fun. Ellie loves her sisters and is a good helper for mom. She is very into painting and playing stickers. She says the funniest things. Last weekend when we were in St George we went climbing. She had fun bouldering around on the rocks but was sad that she couldn't climb the big walls like mom and dad. I asked her if she wanted a harness so that she could climb with us. She said, "Yes, I want a pink one." Then I asked if she wanted the fancy shoes to help her climb too. She said, "Yes mom, I want every fancy thing." Gotta love the diva!!!
It's snowing today, it really stinks. I sure can't wait to get out into the garden and mow the lawn!
Here's a single of Sophie with her long eyelashes and sweet smile. She is so curious. She stands up on everything and loves to tear things apart. She has become quite a mama's girl, and I kind of like it. She is so funny and loves to be tickled. 
This little character is the lovely Lily. She has a little tuft of hair in the front that I like to play with sometimes. She is a big tease. Isn't that smile intoxicating.

These two are all over the place. I just love watching them grow even if it is way way too fast. They are super fun at meal times. They will eat anything! They play pat-a-cake and love to throw their hands in the air when I say "throw it in the oven." They also lean to the side when I say Awwww. It's so funny. Meal time is a very happy time at our house.