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Sunday, August 30, 2009

Prada VS barang kemas?

ok, first skali ak nk ucap 'welcome back' kt diri sndiri coz da brp bln m.i.a (missing in action) dr mengupdate blog ni....(^_^)...sbnrnye tggu cherries berbuah, n then blh la post kt blog ni. kdg2 tu idea mmg byk, tp juz x type je. kali ni, ak gigihkn jgk tgn ni nk menaip...yeay!!! hehe..warm up b4 wat assignment ELT yg kna wat smpi 2500 words..tetttttttttttt (ntah ape la yg ak merapik kt dlm tu nnt, huhu).

entri kali ni psl 2 bnda yg mahal tapi berbeza & special utk kaum hawa je taw...orite, kalo diberi pilihan, which one would u choose? 'handbag Prada' or 'gelang emas'. kedua2 nya sme je hrga dia, rm 1700. so, da plih da?? hmm, as for me, i need plenty of time to think about it.

Prada!!!! sape xnk...mmg cntk & elegan la. huhu, brg kemas pn ok jgk. now, i'm having a dilemma..tettttt... =( mcm ni, ade 1 ari tu, ak tmn kakak ak bli brg kemas. since dia pregnant ni, tb2 plak mengidam nk pki brg kemas. huhu...baby girl agaknye..heee..bertambah la ank buah ak..hehe...back to the story, dia pn tnye la tuan kdai tu hrga 1 charm bracelet ni, skali hrga dia rm1700...wow!!!almost 2k!!! kakak ak mmg trkrjut, then dia ckp "lbh krg ngan handbag Prada tu, Prada, Prada"...last2, dia x jd pn bli brg kemas memandangkan brg kmas dia pakai skjap je da hilang sbb slalu misplace. huhu...ak pn terpikir mse tu, kalo ak jd dia, apa ak akn pilih...hmm..

actually, different people has different needs or desires. biasenye, org akan pikir yg brg2 kmas ni mcm slh 1 drp aset especially ble da desperate nk gne duit...oops..cntk tu pn slh 1 faktor jgk. lgpn, slalu org bli brg kmas ni kdg2 bkn utk kepuasan dri, tp nk menunjuk2 kt org mcm dlm cter mami jarum tu..haha ...tp x smua org mcm tu kn.

berbeza plak ngan ade certain org yg lg prefer utk pilih handbag designer than brg kemas. bg diorg designer hndbag lg nmpk vogue than brg kemas. wah, bgga dpt pki beg mcm tu, authentic taw...ahaks... lgpn, pakai brg2 kemas ni berisiko ckit, yela, skrg kn byk kes ragut & rompak smua tu. tkut jgk nyawa melayang mse diorg ragut tu..tp, kalo korg tnye makcik2 yg kt kg2, diorg mmg x heran la beg designer ni smua. yela, skrg ni kt psr mlm pn berlambak ngan beg tu smua, hrga plak rm4o++ je kut. mmg la jd murah & xde nilai trus kn..pastu plak, beg ssh nk jual blk. x sme mcm emas..hoho...

So, smua ni depends pd kemampuan & kepentingan msing2 jgk. ade org rse style tu penting, kna up to date. bli brg2 tu utk kepuasan dri je. in this case, kalo org tu kaya mayb no problema la kut. tp, ade jgk yg rse saving money is the best, gne utk bnda lain yg lg penting n berbaloi je. RM1700 is a big amount especially to those yg low income. bak kata Brandon dr Sucessful saving (dlm mvie confession of a shopaholic), "I want my hotdog, u want ur money, cost and worth are very different thing". (*_^)...lastly, adios.....

P/S: i still cant make up my mind which one is vital coz i'm a handbag addict. cant resists the temptation of it...huhuhu..haha..bankrup la kalo asyik bli handbag je..

Friday, May 29, 2009

please remember.....(!_!)

Time, sometimes the time just slips away
And your left with yesterday
Left with the memories
I, I'll always think of you and smile
And be happy for the time
I had you with me
Though we go our separate ways
I won't forget so don't forget
the memories we've made

Please remember, please remember
I was there for you
and you were there for me
Please remember, our time together
The time was yours and mine
And we were wild and free
Please remember, please remember me

Goodbye, there's just no sadder word to say
And it's sad to walk away
with just the memories
Who's to know what might have been
We'll leave behind a life and time
We'll never know again

And how we laughed and how we smiled
And how this world was yours and mine
and how no dream was out of reach
I stood by you, you stood by me
We took each day and made it shine
We wrote our names across the sky
We ran so fast, we ran so free
I had you and you had me

Please remember, please remember

p/s: I LOVE U....

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Kisah kaiSARA : Jatuh cinta lg...!!!!

wow....!!!!!! da lme gler x update blog..
siyes rse laen...haha...
cherries yg dlm bowl tu pn da buruk da...haha..lme x dijaga...(ini significant juk blog ak..muahaha...)

diz time i will update my blog frequently..tp xla ari2 kot...haha...
b4 exam aritu mmg ak x bc blog n x smpt nk update blog sndri...
yela, exam kn, pastu plak ak ni x bc pape pn sgt lg.

ok, diz time i will tell u about my youngest sis..nme dia SARA.
da lme x jmpe dia. xpe2, blk nnt siap la dia..haha..
terigt plak kt dia..mmg mcm2 gelagat...ak pn layan je..

aritu ak ade bgtau adk ak (ela) yg ak nk bg hdiah kt sara blk nnt. yea, besday dia x lme lg...1 ari lps tu, adk ak call, ckp sara nk ckp ngan ak...ak pn tnye la sara tu, "nk ckp ape dik?", dia blh plak tnye ak, "kak ninie nk ckp ape?, ckp la..." aik, dia ke ak yg nk ckp?hehe...jeng3...ni msti dia nk dgr ak ckp yg ak nk bg smthg kt dia ni...ooo...wat2 x taw ye...
nk make sure btl2 la tu...don wori, hdiah ttp ada..muahaha...(^_^)

ble rndu, mle la ak tgk gmbr2 dia...ecece...mcm rndu kt bf plak. tp, yg paling best, ak ske tgk vdeo2 dia. dia ni mmg rjin, slalu msti menulis kt buku dia, xpn colour2...yg paling rjin, menari n nyanyi...even dpn org yg br dia knal pn dia da tnjuk belang dia..haha. kalo ade org dtg, 20min pertama, x berapa nk ckp2 lg...lps tu, ble dia da comfortable, haaa...tggu je la dia wat performance kt org tu...

so, kt cni ak ade selitkan antara vdeo dia...

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Tagged by Kucing sepi!!!!!!!

u r not required to think critically for the questions coz it's very simple....ok, here's the rules:

1) Copy the text - (not plagiarism)
2) Create a new note -
3) Replace my answers with yours

4) Send back and add more friends (^_^) (this is wajibal ghunnah okay)

Three names I go by:

1. Wanie (name glamer)
2. Ninie (name manja =p)
3. Dewi wafanie ('name mencapup')

Three Jobs I have had in my life(hehe...mcm xde la plak..haishhh)

1. student?

2. keje kt kdai stationary pak cik ak selama semnggu

3. as the part time housekeeper for my mom (tiada paksaan disitu...heee) (^_^)

Three Places I have lived:

1. 1st kt cheras then pndah kt Tmn pelangi (dkt sblh lbhrye Duke...haha...nk gtau jgk)

2. Kota Bharu...Kelate (2 thn jer...huhuhuhu)

3. Tmn Pelangi....

Three Favorite drinks:

1. Air kelapa (ma all time feveret....nikmat wooo)

2. Horlick ais

3. Iced lemon tea/ teh o' ais limau

Three TV Shows that I watch (currently): (kt mktb jrg trsgt2 tgk TV...cian..)

1. Gossip Girl

2. Dr. house
3. anything that is interested to me...haha...

Three places I have been (byk la...xpe2 ak amek pulau la ye...ni adlh antaranya):
1. Kapas

2. Perhentian

2. Langkawi

People that e-mail me regularly:

1. Friendster (ni mmg tiap2 ari x kre mse anto e-mail)

2. Amirah Nabilah (mmg rjin bg e-mail)
3. VUW...(^_^)...heeee...

Three of my favorite foods (byk sgt......) :

1. Tom Yam

2. my mom's cooking

3. Pizza

Three friends I think will respond:

1. rumetku Farah

2. blik sblh ku, Athiyah

3. rumet kpd blik sblh ku, Azu Syamel

Three Things I am looking forward to:
1. get a degree with good pointer (^_^)

2. be a good teacher

3. Get married with my beloved future husband..ehem2.....insyaallah...(^_^)

Monday, April 27, 2009

window shopping ni bgus....(^_^)

hehehehe.....da lme gler x blogging. xde mood kut...=p..lgpn sjk 2 mnjak ni ak asyk melayan game je..org skype pn ak x layan...haha....itu lg BAGUS...lbh BAIK...dr fikir bnda remeh-temeh & x penting mcm mengutuk2 & msk cmpur hal org...tp skrg da abes da kut game mode...now is study mode.(mintak2 la istiqamah...heee...)

yeyeay.....EXAM da dekat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ALAMAK!!!!!!!!!!!ape yg ak da study neh?????? huhuhuhu......RELAX, DONT BE PANIC & TAKE IT EASY. tp jgn la take it 'too' easy...itu sdh lbih..haha...lgpn, kalo panic sgt, kte xleh nk focus ble study, jiwa kacau... (mak ai, mcm Dr, Fadhilah Kamsah plak =p ).

okay, straight to the point la kn...'saya ingin menegaskan di sini bhwa window shopping itu bagus untuk kesihatan'.. hehe...ak sndri da wat observation kt bbrp org taw =p

mmg la org kte window shopping tu x bgus sbb nnt kte akn trgoda utk nk bershopping. so, x pyh bwk duit byk2...kalo nk kuarkn pn kuarkn sikit je...ATM???haa...sorok(pndai2 la korang sorok, tp jgn smpi x jmpe langsung plak nnt).

ade certain org tu mls nk exercise, sbb bosan la, ape la, letih la. so, window shopping ni pn kira mcm riadah ape. ble kte wat aktviti ni, kte brjln. even jln utk bbrp jam pn blh thn sbb 'excited' sgt tgk brg2(tgk je? hahaha). bayangkan, da brp kalori da terbakar utk aritu, xpyah da nk berpeluh2.

at least, smbil exercise, smbil cuci mata...bkn takat brg je, mcm2 jnis org pn blh tgk...huhu...fesyen pn mcm2...

haa....kalo nk slmt, jgn pg waktu tgh sale, ni mmg BAHAYA sbb hati sape yg x cair ble tgk sale yg melampau2. huhuhu....x tahan den...

as a conclusion, window shopping ni bgus utk kesihatan...haha...x caya? try la sndri...=p

p/s: ia hanya berkesan kalo kte g kt shopping mall yg besor2, jgn la mkn over sgt aritu(mntang2 la kuar, abes smua mknan nk mkn..huhu..), indulge & enjoy it...(^_^)

Saturday, April 11, 2009

~~~tag farah~~~

Get to know yourself better

inilah hasilnya...

Your view on yourself:

You are down-to-earth and people like you because you are so straightforward. You are an efficient problem solver because you will listen to both sides of an argument before making a decision that usually appeals to both parties.

The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:

You are a true romantic. When you are in love, you will do anything and everything to keep your love true.

Your readiness to commit to a relationship:

You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.

The seriousness of your love:

You like to flirt and behave seductively. The opposite sex finds this very attractive, and that's why you'll always have admirers hanging off your arms. But how serious are you about choosing someone to be in a relationship with?

Your views on education

Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can.

The right job for you:

You have plenty of dream jobs but have little chance of doing any of them if you don't focus on something in particular. You need to choose something and go for it to be happy and achieve success.

How do you view success:

You are confident that you will be successful in your chosen career and nothing will stop you from trying.

What are you most afraid of:

You are afraid of having no one to rely on in times of trouble. You don't ever want to be unable to take care of yourself. Independence is important to you.

Who is your true self:

You are mature, reasonable, honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to solve.

do u want to do the personality test too? just go to this page...

tag smua org!!!!!!!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Bersedih...bersyukurlah b4 trlmbat...

lately, ak slalu je trbc psl pemergian org trsyg...(!_!)...KNP smua org tlis mcm tu...KNP...siyes trigt...
pastu mle la ak pkir mcm2...
mmg cdih sgt3...ak pn da pnah rse....byk kali da...
since ak lahir, ak x pnah pn nmpk or knal atuk sblh arwah ayh ak n nenek sblh mak ak...diorg da pergi b4 ak smpt dilahirkan.
tp nsb baik la ad lg nenek n atuk...tu pn da kre ok..at least i still have someone to be called as "tok cik" n "tok". tp ble usia ak dh msk 12thn, atuk ak meninggal...then, form 2, nenek ak plak...so, x merasa la ak nk cium diorg lg...tp, yg paling ak ssh nk accpt, ble arwah abah ak sndri yg pergi tinggalkn kami sekeluarga buat selama2nya....mse tu ak form 4, da bsr la ckit...Ble doktor sahkan dia ade kanser otak peringkat ke3, ak da mle rsu sgt2 sbb slalunye chance utk hdup x tggi...even dia taw dia skt, dia still g keje...uruskn mcm2...wat wasiat...insurans...settlekn smua byaran rmh n kete...dia taw mse dia x lme lg...

then, mse tu bln 5, thn 2004...dia beriya2 ajk mak ak blk kg...so, kakak n abg ak pn bwk la dia blk klntan...dia da krus sgt mse tu, x sme lg mcm dl...bbrp ari lps tu (ari jumaat), ak kt skola mse tu. tb2, ckgu pggl g blik PK Hem...dlm ati ni da rsu da knp ak kna pggil...ak ni ade mslh disiplin ke???x expect pn bnda mcm ni...pastu, ak nmpk pakcik ak ngan mke yg sedih n kitorg pn blk rmh. dia gtau ak yg abah ak da skt tenat, smua org kt kg da bc yasin...dlm ati ni xnk prcye...tp...mse ak n adk2 ak dlm prjlnan blk kg, rpe2nye abah ak da xde....cdih sgt2 sbb xdpt jmpe dia...tp ak smpt smpi b4 diorg mndikn n kebumikan dia...mse tu, Tuhan je taw...ble ak tgk je sebujur tubuh kaku diselimuti ngan kain kapan, mmg air mata ni xleh brhnti...mcm air paip yg mencurah2. nsb baik la spupu ak dtg n tenangkan ak, dia peluk ak kuat2 n srh ak brhnti nanges sbb ksian kt jenazah.x sngka, mlm tu b4 dia blk klntan, tu la kali trakhir ak ckp ngan dia...tlg cbut uban dia... ak mngambil mse yg lme utk trm hakikat. brg2 dia byk kt rmh...senapang dia yg paling dia syg, mak ak trpksa bg kt ayah su ak(adk arwah abah ak) sbb ktorg xde lesen snjata api.

so, x lme lps tu, ktorg brpndah ke klantan...mak ak xleh duk kt rmh tu sbb dia asyk trigt je...tp xlme pn, smpt la merasa skola kt klntan...thanks ma...2 thn lps tu, ktorg pndah blk rmh kt kl tu. tp nsb baik la ok. da x trigt2 sgt...ak paling kesian kt adk ak yg paling bongsu coz dia br je 2 thn time tu, bayangkan...x smpt nk rse kasih seorg ayah...at least, ak pnah la jgk rse even xla lme sgt. As her sister, i will give her as many love i can...kakak cyg sgt adk Su...

hanya doa je yg dpt ak berikan...semoga dia tenang di alam sana...tp, mcm mne pn, ak rse brsyukur sbb dia meninggal ari baik, iaitu jumaat...mayb sbb sifat dia yg mmg pemurah sgt2 (agk2 ak mewarisi sifat dia x?)..hope dia ditempatkn di kalangan org2 beriman...amin...

So, bg mereka yg still ade ibubapa, brsyukur lah...kte x taw sape yg pergi dl, tp gnekan lah ksmpatan yg ade utk mmbahagiakan mereka. terutama ble diorg skt...sbb org skt slalunye grg...so, jgn smpan dlm ati. jg diorg elok2...Spends quality time with them....(^_^)...


P/s: ak slalu tkt kalo mimpi gigi trcabut sbb org ckp ade ahli keluarga yg akn meninggal. so, ble mimpi je gigi tercabut, asyk duk rsu n pk yg bkn2...deep in my heart, I miss my dad so much that sometimes I have to let my tears drop from my eyes...tmbh plak dgr lagu sudirman, SALAM AKHIR....(sobsob...)

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

tiPs-TiPs yg bergunA

hehe...kali ni ak nk bg tips2 yg bermanfaat ni...bgus ni...tp hrp2 la ianya berguna...disini trdpt bbrp senarai tips2 yg ak tahu n ak add sndri...hahaha...cb la kalo brani =p

Membunuh Lipas!!!!!!!!
petua: Amik bbrp biji buah pelaga n letakkan di tmpt lipas membiak. Kalo byk sgt, blh la sediakan ubi kentang yg direbus n dilecek, dicampurkan brsama serbuk penaik n gaul.Buat spt pergedel n letak di tempat banyak lipas. juz wait n c the result...hehe...

petua dewi Wafanie: sonang jo, amik je ridsect...haa...spray kt tmpt dia smbunyi...hahaha...

Elakkan Kelemumur...
petua: potong limau nipis & tenyeh pd kulit kepala. Biarkan seberapa lama yg mungkin & bilas.

Petua Dewi Wafanie: guna lah head & shoulder...xpn CLEAR...mujarab tu...

Petua kempiskan perut!!!
Perahan limau nipis yg dicampur dgn teh tanpa gula n diminum setiap hari. Sebaik-baiknya biarlah teh yg diminum tu teh panas suam, kesannya lg cepat. Amalkan meminum air ini n insya-Allah perut anda yg boncit akan menjadi kempis n kemas semula. Tapi..AWAS...sekiranya buncit ada anak....mintak maaflah... =p

Hilangkan Bau Kaki!!!!!!ni bagus...hehe...
kaki slalu berbau disbbkn sntiasa memakai ksut brttp? hehe...jgn rsu, ini tipsnye...salin ye, jgn x salin..utk atasi mslh ni, amik limau purut, potong2 & gosokkan pd kaki. Lakukan setiap ptg selepas menanggalkan kasut. Insya-allah bau kaki akan hilang..(^_^)

Petua dewi wafanie: haaa...yg ni den x dpt nk tlg...ermm, xpn, cr la bedak utk kaki...trdpt di pasaran...kalo x jmpe jgk, spray je perfume yg kuat bau dia (tu pn kalo bau kaki x mgalahkn perfume..hahaha...)

Ok, last but not least...ni adalh satu petua utk kecut kn jerawat. dl mse skola2 dl ak slalu gne petua ni...sng je, ble jerawat naik, ltkkn kunyit hdup yg tlh ditumbuk..then, tempek kt jrwt tu..hasil tndk blsnye, jrwt akn mngecut n trdpt ksn kuning di ctu..haha...tp ia akn wne tu akn hilang lps 1 ari...ooo...lg 1, ak dl pn pnah gne limau prut utk licinkn kulit...xnk bg ade jrwat..nk hpuskn kuman la tu konon2..tp skrg da mls nk amalkn...=p

So, slmt mncuba....(^_^)

jap2....!!!!! sblm tu, ak ade 1 trbc 1 artkel ni...hayatilah ia ye...adiosss...(^_^)

"Kecantikan wanita bukan terletak pada pakaian yang dikenakan, bukan pada bentuk tubuh, atau cara dia menyisir
rambutnya. Kecantikan wanita terdapat pada mata, cara dia memandang dunia. Karena di matanya terletak gerbang
menuju ke setiap hati manusia, di mana cinta dapat berkembang....Kecantikan wanita bukan pada kehalusan wajah. Tetapi pada kecantikan yang murni, terpancar pada jiwanya, yang
dengan penuh kasih memberikan perhatian dan cinta dia berikan. Dan kecantikan itu akan tumbuh sepanjang waktu...."

Monday, March 30, 2009

Would That Dazzle you?????

diz time, lets talk about life experiences. OK, have u ever think of how much life experiences you have gained in life? some would say that they took part in many activities in school and so on, but do you think all these would dazzle anyone? some might say yes and some may not.

in life, there r many things to be explored and to be experienced...every people will have their own experience. so do I...of course we will experience many things in life..as for me, i would like to experience the bungee jumping, at the world 2nd highest bungee jumping which is in NZ (just pray to god that it will be safe...huhuhu) it's crazy yet coollll.....(it's really cool when u r at the top of the mountain, ready to jump) hahaha...am i really going to try diz?

If you watch the movie titled "21", based on a true story, about a boy from MIT, who busted the Vegas system in order to earn him enough money to pay his for his pre-medic program in Harvard..He went to apply for a scholarship, called Robinson Scholarhip program, and the interviewer really2 didnt think that he is qualify for the scholarship. He is a 4.0, solid, in all his semesters (damn genius!!!!), actively involved in science projects, and a very-very damn smart person. But he is just lack of one thing, it is "life experience"..

The interviewer asked him to tell him any of his life experience that can DAZZLE him and make him qualify the scholarship. Too bad that time, as he was just a kid, a school nerd, just having his life with books and microchips. To cut short the story, the MIT boy came again one day, this time , he gonna tell the world that he is full of life experience. He told the interviewer about how he and his mates made thousands of money in Vegas during weekend, how they beat the intelligent Vegas gambling softwares, how they manipulate the High Low System of card counting in Blackjack games, and how they were narrowly get caught of counting card, as it is illegal in Vegas..

Would dat dazzle u???

Thursday, March 26, 2009

alamak...terkencing dlm class la...maluuuuu

b4 tu, ak nk gelak dl (hahahahahaha)....
ble trigt blk mmg ak rse lawak gle...
ak dl kt skola, mmg pndi psycho ckgu2...
mse tu ak drjah 1, time tu class BM. kitorg kna ddk kt ats floor (duk bersila n bersimpuh gtu..).
mmg sjuk..huhu...dgr jo la pn rozana duk mgajar kt dpn..
tb2....jeng3...ak terasa bladder ku ini sdh terlalu pnuh. duk meronta2 mnta dilepaskn (exagerate la plak kn, hampeh) so, ak pn dgn brsopan-santunnye n penuh ngan harapan memnta izin dr pn rozana. "cikgu, izinkan sy ke tandas sebentar". begini la ayat nye...tp, tb2 hancur luluh hatiku ble dia ckp, "sila ddk kt tmpt awk" (lbh krg mcm ni la ayt dia). mak aii...x thn glos da ni..so, ak pn ngan hati yg x tnteram ni pn ddk la. hehe...da ddk tu, mg da xleh thn kn, ape lg...lpaskn je la...haha...lps tu smua org kelam kabut..ak duk kt bwh tu rilek je, lega je rse...(dlm hati, haa..amek ko) mne larat nk thn2 ni...batu karang kang, br taw..haa, skrg br la ckgu tu kelam kabut nk lap lantai tu, pastu crkn ak bj brsih..yela, xkn nk pki bj tu lg kn. geli gler...eeee....aritu x psl2 class BM terhenti...=p

therefore...moral of the story...kpd bkal2 ckgu or ckgu2 , kalo ade student nk g tndas tu, bg je la dia g...especially bdk skola rndh. kesian diorg..huhuhuhu...kalo kes mcm ak tu la. tp kalo bdk tu mmg disiplin dia truk, mcm smoking or ponteng ke...mayb ckgu tu kna cnsdr btl2 nk bg ke x kn. tkt nnt merewang plak..

p/s: ak ni ade mke bdk nakal ke mse skola dl???still wondering knp ckgu tu xbg ak kuar mse tu. huhuhu...tp kn, ni nk bgga ni...BM ak slalu dpt A taw...hehe..thanks ye ckgu Rozana...(^_^)...yg paling besh, lps tu, ckgu tu slalu ambil berat kt ak..mayb dia rse brslh kut..ekeke..yela, lgpn ak kn skola cina, brp org je bdk melayu kt ctu...heee...jgn jeless...=p


hi...welcome back to blogging..(^_^)
da lme da x update blog...huhu...kind of busy this week..presentation....
u guys pnah x dgr lagu didi cazli? best kn? mmg best pn...simple and meaningful..
teringin nk men gtar ngan lagu ni...hehe...xpe2, someday ak msti blh men lagu ni..=p
uols try la hayati lirik ni...pastu jdkn la ia sbg sajak n bg la kt kwn2 (hehe...tu ak mmg biase wat time skola dl, konon pndi la wat sjk...cewah)


Saat gembira tertawa
Saat berduka kita sama-sama
Duduk bermuram durja

Kita saling memerlukan
Menghormati satu ikatan
Itulah... ertinya persahabatan

Ada kalanya terkasar bahasa
Tapi kita saling memaafinya
Pahit manis kecapi bersama
Bersatu hadapi segala... oohhh

( korus )
Bersamalah teman kita hargai
Mahkota suci... oohhh
Bersamalah teman kita harungi
Istana erti persahabatan

Berkekalanlah hendaknya
Kemesraan diantara kita
Seandainya tak lagi bersama
Semat kenangan mengusik jiwa... oohhh

Thursday, March 19, 2009

>>Let's Learn From the New World's Billionaire Warren Buffet

by Ghazmawanie Ghazi

money...money...money...it's so funny...
in a rich men's world...wallaaa...love it... lets talk about money, things dat always in my mind..heee, sometimes only. i'm going to be a teacher, but i'm kinda interested in investment coz it makes lots of money...is it?

From $10,000 to $30 Million..How the hell he does it?? Let's try to dig out how and what he is investing in till he become the world bilao, let's checck this out first...liona.

Did you know that a $10,000 investment in Berkshire Hathaway in 1965, the year Warren Buffett took control of it, would grow to be worth nearly $30 million by 2005? By comparison, $10,000 in the S&P 500 would have grown to only about $500,000. Whether you like him or not, Buffett's investment strategy is arguably the most successful ever. With a sustained compound return this high for this long, it's no wonder Buffett's legend has swelled to mythical proportions.

But how the heck did he do it? In this article, we'll introduce you to some of the most important tenets of Buffett's investment philosophy.

Buffett's Philosophy

Warren Buffett descends from the Benjamin Graham school of value investing. Value investors look for securities with prices that are unjustifiably low based on their intrinsic worth. When discussing stocks, determining intrinsic value can be a bit tricky as there is no universally accepted way to obtain this figure. Most often intrinsic worth is estimated by analyzing a company's fundamentals.

Like bargain hunters, value investors seek products that are beneficial and of high quality but under-priced. In other words, the value investor searches for stocks that he or she believes are undervalued by the market. Like the bargain hunter, the value investor tries to find those items that are valuable but not recognized as such by the majority of other buyers. Warren Buffett takes this value
investing approach to another level. Many value investors aren't supporters of the efficient market hypothesis, but they do trust that the market will eventually start to favor those quality stocks that were, for a time, undervalued.

Buffett, however, doesn't think in these terms. He isn't concerned with the supply and demand intricacies of the stock market. In fact, he's not really concerned with the activities of the stock market at all. This is the implication this paraphrase of his famous quote : "In the short term the market is a popularity contest; in the long term it is a weighing machine."(see
What Is Warren Buffett's Investing Style?)

article from: http://www.investopedia.com/articles/01/071801.asp?partner=forbes-am

It'S ZoO TiMe.....

hehe....cuti aritu 1 mggu je...ape lg, jom jln2 . haha...tp kte ke zoo negara ye. kalo ikutkn, ni da kali ke brp puluh kali da kut g cni (* ini hnyalah exagerate semata2)....haha..=p tp, ade org request srh bwk dia g ctu. xpe...x ksh pn..mle2 mmg la rse bosan, tp da lme2 xcited plak. tu kn mmg trademark ak, cpt je excited kalo ade catalyst..x ksh la pape pn...hahaha...yg pntg enjoy.

inilah entrance dia, time cuti ni mmg la rmi family bwk ank2, sedara mare diorg...

pd mlenye, mmg la cuaca sprti memahami ak yg x thn pns matahari ni, puteri lilin la kononnye..hehe.. pg2 lg da hjn. nsb baik la tghari tu x pnas sgt. so, gumbira la ak..lalala....mle2, g tgk gjah sume tu..ok lg la...xde la scary sgt. kalo blh, tmpt reptilia la yg paling last ak nk g..kalo blh xnk g pn, goli den...eeee...afan plak siap excited yg x trhgga nk amek gmbr pgg ular...alamak, mati den..tobat xmo g dkt..pnt mmg x trkata..ktorg pusing abes 1 zoo tu..smua ceruk ktorg pegi. and then, tgh jln2 tu....jmpe 1 tmpt ni...di mana...

excited dpt pgg ular...haha..hati2, nnt ular ggit.

huhu...tkt tp smpt lg snyum..1st time tu ddk dkt ngan ular...fear factor ni...tu pn stlh 'disuruh' byk kali...

yeyeay....dpt pgg pony comel...(^_^)

trm ksh abg zoo....hikhik...dpt jgk amek gmbr rmi2..

it's time to go home now...papai...


(^_^)....wow...diz is so unbelieble..!!!! hehe...at last, i have my own blog...should i write it in english or malay???ok, both...senang kn. mcm mne la blh trgerak nk wat blog neh? hehe..tu la, b4 ni asyk tgk my rumate bc blog org n wat blog. i didn't have any interest to read such things before. slalu tgk frh bc blog, pelik jgk...dr pg smpi mlm pn x boring2. haha...dl fikir bnda ni kre mcm wasting time gak lar...however, ade la 1 ari ni, time tu my rumate g penang with her family....mmg bosn gler la thp cipan. he...pastu kn...kn...i started to read many blogs....something new for me..tb2 trdetik dlm hati ni, ceyh..mcm dpt hidayah gitu..haha..best gak ye bc blog ni, ptt la my rumate pnye 'hobi' ni bc blog. haha...jgn mare ye frh...=p so, i discovered this and want to create a blog too. seems like everyone is writing their thoughts and share their experience too. for me, this could be exciting...wallaaa...for a start, let me thanks to my rumate coz she has made me 'accidentally' to discover diz thing. i hope dat i can manage my time well between assignments & updating blog. hehe...so, tggu la my next post...coming soon................sayonara for now.......papai...(^_^)