Sunday, October 13, 2019

We were such friends; but Life was such

We met after a long time 

in a dream, the dream 
that lasted a night long 

we spoke, and we spoke of things 
that had occurred to us, and that
we just thought had occurred 

she asked, where my whims were gone
I said, gone, and long gone 
with the western wind gone wild 

she asked, where my thrills were gone 
I said, washed, and washed out 
in the ravelling skeins of a ceaseless rain, 

she asked, where my laughter was gone 
I said, drawn, and withdrawn 
into the caves of a crazy understanding

she asked, where my smile was gone 
I then smiled a smile in vain
lo, woken up was I from the dream,

And she was gone, gone without a word

a paleness fading into a stubborn light: 
I'd wanted to ask her all the same

 And then Life keeps changing, so do friends and so do I. . .

It's all the same, we're all the same...yet another.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019



In the
falling rains,
a gulmohar blooms
into my moody skies,
bleeding its red grief
across the white layers
of some cloudy retreats
swathing memories of
cerise sun-stains
of all those
days past

In the
blossoms, I see the
splendour of a new
spring, holding promise
for many a skies, across
and beyond the hills
that borders my
tiny world

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

all things

to step back to see life happening, 
to feel lives living through you - 
this silent communion with the world
there is an overriding peace here, 
a distilled joy and a sense of satisfaction

even as there is nothing you can claim. . .

suddenly, all things 
that remind me of my mortality 
become very dear to me

Monday, August 29, 2016

A Dream, A Prayer

It's never too late to have a dream. Have a dream.
Have a grand dream. A prayer.

And let that dream, the prayer create your future. 

And the future of many, who may not even know you or your dream. 
Or your prayer. . .

Tuesday, June 14, 2016


when the world is grieving
do not complain
you are feeling low
it is meant to be so.

Grieve –
it is the time to grieve
shut the music off and grieve
for our own wrongdoings
for the wrongdoings of our own race
to open the doors of an illusory paradise -
a farcical comedy! 

Monday, May 30, 2016

At home. . .

at home,
this vast silence, 
then the sound of a soft rain, 
an occasional wayward 

wind blowing through the leaves,
into its non-existence,
and then again...
a bird, two or three chirping,
to each other,
or to their own selves
someone talking to someone
out there
about some causality,
a pleasing austerity
that surrounds it all
. . .that's all there is
. . . .that's all there is to it!