Wednesday, May 22, 2013


This is our January in random phone pictures...

These boys just love having baths together and I love them!
 Sadie had a birthday and turned 5! Ty had so much fun bowling for the first time!

 Kael thinks his big brother is so cool!
 We started a new Bunko group and had so much fun together!
Kael is the happiest baby when he wakes up from his nap.

 Falls asleep for his "nap" in the most random positions sometimes
 Ty learned how to make his bed all by himself!
 Crazy boy jumping off the toy bins...
 Starting finger foods and loving it. I love to watch little fingers work.
 Just loving "Preschool Prep" videos. They are the greatest.
 Kael loves the baby food pouches and it makes it nice for mommy to give him while I do dishes.
 A sick sick baby...

 We had a rain storm and it brought in the scorpions! We found 3 in one day!!
 They just make me happy...

Best Friends

{Dec. 31}

I was so lucky to be pregnant with my long time best friend.
She was due 2 weeks before me, but I ended up having Kael a week before Chloe decided to come.
It's so fun to see them together. 
I hope someday we will live closer and they can play more.
Chloe just wanted to get Kael and he just wanted to love on her.

Christmas Day

Santa Definitely stopped at the Partridge house this year.
Ty had asked for a "real Woody and real Buzz."
He was so excited when he woke up to see his presents.
Kael had already been awake for a little while and we just kept him in our room.
Grandma and Grandpa made it for most of the unwrapping and fun.
Christmas morning is just so much fun with little kids.
I loved watching Ty's face light up over every little thing.
He kept saying, "(gasp) Fanks!!"
He just couldn't believe he got so many fun things!
After presents were over we went to Grandma and Grandpa's for Breakfast,
then back home to get ready and have naps and get ready for dinner.
We had the annual Prime Rib Christmas dinner.
This year it was just my family, with Nana and it was so much fun.
After dinner was over the kids all wanted to sit in the hot tub.
Such a perfect and exhausting Christmas day!

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve is always full of fun, traditions, craziness, family, craziness, love, and more craziness!
The whole Gubler family gets together at Grandma Gubs.
We eat a yummy Turkey/ham dinner with all of the amazing sides.
We are lucky to have a lot of good cooks in the family.
After dinner the kids dress up in Nativity costumes and we read through the nativity and sing the primary nativity song.
This year Ty refused to be in the Nativity, and it definitely wasn't worth the fight.
Kael was baby Jesus and did so good through it.
After the Nativity we sing Christmas Carols and Santa comes!
The little kids get pajamas from Santa.

This has been a tradition ever since I can remember.
The family has definitely grown and it is kind of a mad house, but I wouldn't want it any other way.
Love this family and these traditions.

After Grandma and Grandpa Gubler's we headed back to Grandma Nancy and Grandpa Lonne's to open presents with our own little family.
The little cousins each get a present for someone in the family.
I love these little cousins SO MUCH!