Showing posts with label roseate spoonbill. Show all posts
Showing posts with label roseate spoonbill. Show all posts

Sunday, 9 February 2020

Argentina 19th December 2019

We had a full day around Buenos Aires before our cruise started the next day. We spent the 19th visiting the pampas grassland and marshes area around the Ceiba and Entre Rios area which is about 100km north of the capital city. Our guide for the day was Marcelo Gavensky of
A quick stop at a nearby petrol station resulted in a few lifers as was usual with every stop during the entire trip.
The main targets here were the some of the many species of seedeaters and Saffron-cowled Blackbird. The latter species has undergone a rapid decline in recent years to that stage now where it is classified as Endangered which an estimated population between just 1200 - 7000 individuals. The many threats included habitat change due to agriculture intensification, predation, parasitism by Shiny Cowbirds and illegally trapping. We were extremely lucky to encounter around 14 birds in a mobile flock. A lot of conservation work has been started by Birdlife Argentina but the species seems to be on a knifes edge at the moment. We encountered some "Colony Guardians" trying their best to protect the species.
We did very well with seedeaters also, the other main targets here. We recorded six species in the area - Double-collared, Tawny-bellied, Dark-throated, Rufous-rumped, Chestnut and Marsh Seedeater. The last species is another Endangered species under threat with just a global population of 600 - 1700 individuals left.
We tried another area nearby that had a few more areas of wetlands. Some great species here also with large numbers of American Golden Plovers feeding across the grasslands and many Southern Screamers feeding in the wetter areas. We also got some fantastic close views of a pair of South American Painted Snipe feeding in a roadside pool.

Roseate Spoonbill with two Silver Teal.

Greater Rheas

Greater Rhea

Greater Rhea

Southern Screamer

Silver Teal
Snail Kite

Savanna Hawk

Giant Wood-Rail

Spot-flanked Gallinule
Plumbeous Rail
American Golden Plover
White-necked Stilt

Southern Lapwing

Pectoral Sandpiper
South American Painted-Snipe

South American Painted-Snipe

South American Painted-Snipe

South American Painted-Snipe

South American Painted-Snipe

South American Painted-Snipe

South American Painted-Snipe

South American Painted-Snipe
White Monjita

White Monjita

Chopi Blackbird

Chestnut-capped Blackbird


Glittering-bellied Emerald

Glittering-bellied Emerald

Greater Pampa-Finch

Red-crested Cardinal
Campo Flicker

Marsh Seedeater

Marsh Seedeater

Spectacled Tyrant

Hooded Siskin

Hooded Siskin
White Woodpecker

Rufous Horneo nest.

Saffron-cowled Blackbirds

Saffron-cowled Blackbird habitat.


Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Florida 16th November 2012

Visited Fort De Soto Park and Honeymoon Island State Park both West of Tampa today. Again no sign of the large numbers of shorebirds that alot of the site guides go on about. However I did finally manage to catch up with Yellow-crowned Night Heron. At least a dozen along the causeway before De Soto. Don't know where they had been hiding up until now. This proved to be my only tick of the day, it was getting a little dry for ticks at this stage. I'll let the pics speak for themselves.

Adult Little Blue Heron

Juvenile Little Blue Heron

Roseate Spoonbill

First-winter Laughing Gull

First-winter American Herring Gull

First-winter American Herring Gull

Juvenile Red-shouldered Hawk

Juvenile and adult Brown Pelicans

Sub-adult Brown Pelican
Common Ground-Dove

Northern Mockingbird

Great Blue Heron
Adult Yellow-crowned Night Heron

Adult Yellow-crowned Night Heron

Adult Yellow-crowned Night Heron

Sub-adult Yellow-crowned Night Heron

Black-hooded Parakeet

Redheads, Ring-necked Ducks and Shovelers

Short-billed Dowitcher

Least Sandpiper


Female Brown-headed Cowbird

Brown-headed Cowbird
Black Skimmer

Black Skimmer

Black Skimmers

Cabot's Tern with Black Skimmers
Second-winter American Herring Gull

Near adult American Herring Gull
Royal & Sandwich Terns, Black Skimmers and Laughing Gull.

Forster's Tern

Adult male Downy Woodpecker

Nine-banded Armadillo

Nine-banded Armadillo
US Coast Guard HH-60 Jayhawk

You can say that again!