Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Belly week 16! September 28th-October 4th

I vote that I am showing now, what do you think?

Woman's Conference September 2009

Standing in front of the temple after woman's conference!
Amy, Grammy, Jacquie, Grandma Finnegan, Auntie Christine, Mommy, Kaity, and Me!

Monday, September 21, 2009

State Fair

We had so much fun with Kens, Steve, Kaity, and Erik!

600 pound pig!

There was also this crazy screaming pig! It started chewing on the fence to get to it's owner! That was the freakiest part for me!

Happy Halloween 2009

My Halloween decorations for our first Halloween for our little Peterson family!

AIDA play & St. George!

Wow! This was such and incredible experience! The play was amazing, but the best part was being with family!

Highland games

We have been getting the baby's room all set up! The wood is dark brown and fits perfectly with our color's of apple green and brown. Right now the room is pretty neutral for a girl or a boy, but if we have a girl we are also going to add in hot pink. We are so excited! Derek and I sometimes just go in the baby's room and think about this wonderful blessing coming into our lives. We honestly couldn't be happier, and feel that family is the most important thing to us!

Belly week 12: August 31st 2009-September 6th

We had an ultrasound this week! Look's like we have a little wiggle worm in there! The baby kept bringing it's hands up to it's eye's like it was playing peak-a-boo. It was so cute and amazing to see that there is a little one growing inside me. We are so grateful that everything is looking so wonderful and healthy!

Our new "Enchanted Cottage of Love"

We moved into our adorable two bedroom house on August 1st, 2009. It honestly is so cute! We also just love our ward! We are renting it, and feel it is a perfect place to have our family!

Belly Week 4: July 6th 2009-July 12th 2009

California trip June 29th 2009-July 5th 2009

We had so much fun at Irish beach, the Redwoods, and the light house! The house that we stayed in was up on the mountain, deep in the woods. It was so foggy and beautiful! The funny thing was that I usually get car sick but this time it was way worse! I couldn't even be in the car without throwing up! Little did I know that I was 3 weeks along!

Telling our families July 8th, 2009 and July 9th, 2009!

We decided to give each of our parents shirts that said, "Grandpa to be" and "Grandma to be". And to be wearing shirts that said, "Mommy to be" and "Daddy to be". We also gave them an adorable poem saying that the baby is due in March.
The Peterson Family
"After Dereks softball game, we went over to Derek's parent's house and luckily we were able to get each family member there. We claimed that it was a gift from our previous trip to California. Craig opened the gift first and said, "ALLLRIGHT!" Everyone then looked into the box and pulled out the shirts. Craig read the poem, and Carolyn teared up with a big smile on her face. Jared looked completely shocked and just kept saying, "What?? Are you serious??" And he kept joking that he isn't going on a mission anymore. Tyler didn't seem he completely understand what was going on. We kept telling him that he was going to be an uncle. Carolyn came and hugged us and said she wasn't really ready to be a grandma yet. Kyle came up right after and said, "But I am ready to be an uncle!" We all put our shirts on and took a picture. Carolyn kept hugging me and saying she loved me. It was so neat!"

The Alvey Family

"We decided to have this gift be for my dad's birthday and gave it to him a day early because we honestly couldn't wait any longer. When we got there, we got everyone to come into the family room. We were so lucky because we actually did get all my family in the room. We all sang 'happy birthday' to my dad and then gave him the gift. He kept taking his time with the gift and it was making both me and Derek so nervous! As he finally got to the gift, he lifted the paper and made a way surprised face! He asked, "Does this have a message in it?!?" We just smiled and laughed. My mom kept asking, "What? What's in it?" So my dad stood up and walked the bag over so that she could see it. She said, "Are you serious?!? Are you serious?!?" Kaity, Taylor, Dylan, and Sammy looked in the bag and all screamed! They all ran over and gave us huge hugs! My mom was so happy that she kept screaming, laughing, and hugging me! Dad read the cute poem out loud and we all started to cry! My mom just ran up to me to hug me again! We took pictures in our new shirts and then we decided that we were going to tell the rest of the family on Sunday, by coming out in our shirts, because they were all coming for cake and ice cream."

Our greatest blessing!

July 7th,2009
Last night, I woke up at 5:45a.m. and just felt this over-whelming feeling to take a pregnancy test. Derek was still asleep in the bedroom. I didn't want to look at the result. I was too nervous that it might be a negative. I finally gathered all my courage and looked... to my great surprise!! TWO PINK LINES!! I couldn't believe it! I felt complete excitment! I screamed for Derek to hurry and come in! The scream scared him sooo much that he thought something was horribly wrong. Ha ha. I showed him the test and we both had the biggest smiles on our faces! I cried and we just kept holding each other. We said a prayer, thanking Heavenly Father for this incredible blessing. We can't even express how truly grateful we are for this miracle! We both have ached to be parents for as long as we can remember. We are so grateful that the Lord is trusting us with one of His incredible children. Thank you! Thank you!!