Friday, August 26, 2011

My top 10 Happy Thoughts

My cousin Lauren is doing this really cute thing on her blog by having people list their top 10 happy thoughts.  It sure was fun putting this together for her...

Hey, I am Meg Peterson and I adore life!  I treasure the small and simple things in life, like dancing around the house with my husband and little girl Olivia or laying under the stars with my sweetheart, dreaming of our future together. 
My sweetheart Derek, is the most wonderful man I have ever known.  His unselfish and loving way of serving our family is incredible.  His most prized possessions are his family, and I truly feel that every day. 
Our little, almost 18 month old, Olivia is such a blessing to our little family.  She truly makes us laugh and feel truly loved each day.  We literally feel that she has brought a little piece of heaven with her when she came into the world.  We are so excited to be giving her a little sister, Grace Christine, in the next few weeks.  There is a special bond that comes with only sisters, just as I have that treasured bond with my sister. 

My top 10 happy thoughts!

1.   Those first little magical moments of life of when your own little baby comes into the world.
2.   When Derek makes sure to always kiss me goodnight and tells how much he loves me before we fall asleep.
3.   Watching Olivia dance and admire herself in the mirror every time we get her out of the bath.  You can feel that she treasures that little body of hers.
4.   The fact that I can face whatever comes my way with the Savior, Jesus Christ standing at my side. 
5.   Those first felt kicks of your little baby growing inside you. 
6.   Getting together with our families at parties or even just a family dinner. 
7.   Having a beautiful garden or creating a beautiful craft to beautify my home with.
8.   Having the house cleaned, a delicious smelling candle burning, and dinner on the table when Derek get’s home from work not too late.
9.   Warm summer night walks, hand in hand with the love of my life, Derek.
10. Chocolate…  mmmm….  Need I say more?

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

New baby girl on the way!

 We took these pictures at 
Drift Wood Beach on the Oregon Coast on our Alvey
 family adventure vacation.  I am pregnant with my second baby
 girl and I feel this is one of my most treasured times of my life.  
I adore being a mother.  I love my baby girls with all my heart.  
I can't wait to meet my new little sweetheart in September.
  I am so grateful for my wonderful husband and his support for me to 
follow these special dreams.  He is my best friend and soul mate.

Olivia sure loves her ice cream cones!

We love our girls!

One of the all time most adorable family moments happened yesterday.  Oli was pointing at my belly saying baby and then giving it quick kisses.  She then laid her face on my belly and said really loud, "Aw baby, aw baby."  The baby jumped and kicked Oli hard right in the face.  Oli looked so shocked and offended!  haha!

Here are some updated pictures of our busy Oli Bee.  We sure love her to pieces!
 Sleepy Head
 Saying prayers
 We love to tickle!
 I love those big brown eyes!
 She loves to dance!

 Giggle queen!

 Daddy loves his Oli!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Pixie Dust Photography

I decided to start a photography business called Pixie Dust Photography! This is my introduction to my blog.  What do you think??  Please follow my photography blog too!


Welcome to Pixie Dust Photography! I capture the magical moments that you share with the one's you love.

I am a mother of an adorable little girl with another baby on the way. I treasure the gift of having children and feel that those first moments of life are magical. I feel that my most treasured picture's are my delivery picture's taken in the hospital. It represents the start of our family and the never ending love that we share.

I am always trying to catch those special memories that are treasured and loved through all ages of life. I have always dreamed of doing a photography business and decided that now is the perfect time to follow my dreams!

I do photography for maternity, delivery, newborn, children, teens, couples, and families.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Look What I Can Do

Look what i can do Daddy! We are in trouble now. Olivia has learned to pull the chair out from under the table all by her self. She has also taught herself how to climb up on the chair and then from the chair onto the table. I can't believe how fast she is learning. We can't take our eyes off of her. She is like a little tornado everywhere she goes she picks up everything within her reach and moves it somewhere else, usually the floor. So much for baby proofing.

Peek a Boo

Olivia has recently found her new favorite hiding place.

The other night Megan and I were watching the Biggest Loser and i heard a thumping noise. I couldn't tell where it was coming from but i was pretty sure that Olivia was the one making the noise. I looked behind the couch, under the end table, under the computer desk and then I began to get a little worried because I couldn't find her anywhere. So then i began looking under the flaps of the couch. I didn't even know she could fit under there. But apparently she can. We'll have to watch out for rotten bottles she may be leaving under there.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Our future looks more PINK!

So far it looks like we are having another girl!!! Its not 100% sure because we are still really early but the ultrasound today definitely looked PINK! Olivia can't wait for her new buddy Madelyn Rene Peterson to come!

Grandpa's Concert Adventure!

Grandpa is in a band!! He is in the bishopric of a singles ward, and they decided to do a battle of the band's activity night. It was so fun to support him. He sang 3 incredible songs! He has such an amazing voice. I am so proud that he is my dad!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Park Play Date

Olivia doesn't even like binkies, but every time we are around Meg,
she always steals her's!

They just ran and ran!

Ready for a nap now.... :)

My dear friend Heather and I took our little girls, Olivia and Meg, on a bike ride and then to the park. The girls had a blast and got along great, besides some teasing along the way. It was so great to have some sunshine!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Olivia's 1st Birthday!! March 2nd, 2011

Olivia sure loves her books!

Oli and buddy Kenz!

Pink all around!

Momma and Grandma made princess cake's

She loved the chocolate cake!

Blowing out the candles!

She loved playing with the balloons!

Olivia had her 1st birthday this month! We celebrated with a princess themed birthday party! We had so much support and love shown to us. It was so fun to see Olivia eat the delicious chocolate cake! At first, she just calmly picked at it with the tips of her fingers, and then she finally started to dig in! We had a slide show of her first year playing during the entire night. She loved to play with all her family and friends, the wrapping paper, new presents, and especially, the balloons!