Why Replace Missing Teeth?

Posted by umar adnan 4 comments
The Effects of Missing Teeth
The effects of missing teeth can be detrimental to your long term oral and medical health. Missing teeth are also recognized associated with old age and can make you look older than you are.

As bone loss caused by missing teeth continues, the face continues to shorten and show signs of age.
Replacing missing teeth can dramatically improve your smile and the shape of your face. This greatly enhances both your dental health and self-esteem.

Value of edges of the teeth and lips
An Off-bite Relationship
Having gaps where teeth are missing affects the way the jaw closes. The remaining teeth begin to tilt and drift into the gaps. In addition, food can become trapped in these spaces, increasing the risk of decay and gum disease. The tilting and drifting can also cause problems for the opposing teeth. An opposing tooth will begin to hyper erupt and begin to drift into the open space of the missing tooth, causing the opposing jaw-line to have bite relationship problems; thus beginning TMJ problems (problems with the jaw joint).

Such extracted spaces are detrimental to a person in that food is impacted between and it can irritate gum tissue. The illustration to the above shows how, given enough time, the remaining teeth can shift and drift when a tooth is lost. Such shifting takes time, but 10 to 20 years can, and often does, result in the situation pictured here.
Jawbone Deterioration
As soon as a tooth is lost, either from gum disease or an extraction, the supporting bone in the jaw begins to dissolve.  This process is called resorption. The longer a tooth is missing, the greater the bone loss.

Your jawbone needs the chewing action of the teeth to stimulate it and keep it strong. Otherwise it will begin to disappear (atrophy) in the same manner that the unused muscles beneath a cast supporting a broken bone get smaller. Without the support of your teeth and facial bones, your face will begin to look prematurely aged. The good news is that tooth replacement with dental implants offers a solution to help prevent bone loss.
Over time, resorption of the jawbone has a considerable effect on quality of life and on the possibility of replacing the missing teeth.  As teeth are lost it becomes more difficult to eat and chew food. Studies have shown that  denture wearers eat only soft or mashed foods and  or avoid many foods altogether.  And over time, more and more of the jaw bone disintegrates until it becomes very difficult to place any dental restoration.
Benefits of Replacing a Tooth Immediately
A tooth should be replaced as soon as it is lost. This will retain your oral health by preventing bone loss, reducing movement of surrounding teeth and avoiding excess decay.
Teeth provide more functions than just the ability to chew. They are necessary for the health of the gum and jaw tissues as well, and a prolonged absence of a tooth will severely limit the possibilities for restorations.  Missing teeth may also affect your confidence and well-being.
by umar adnan

Urusan Terjemahan Dokumen

Posted by lilyliyanashatar 3 comments


Sedia maklum terdapat beberapa dokumen atau kenyataan dalam bahasa Arab yang perlu bagi pelajar untuk dikemukakan kepada pihak berkenaan di Malaysia.

Oleh yang demikian, JPMK (Jabatan Penuntut Malaysia Kaherah, Mesir)Malaysian Students Department of Cairo, Egypt menawarkan perkhidmatan transelasi atau terjemahan dokumen dan kenyataan ke bahasa Melayu seperti berikut;

1) Pengesahan Kuliah (Tasdiq)

2) Slip keputusan peperiksaan (Kashfu Natijah)

3) Sijil Ijazah (Shahadah Asliyah)

4) Sijil Ijazah Sementara (Shahadah Muaqqatah)

5) Sijil Diploma, Kursus dan Lain-lain.

Borang yang digunakan untuk urusan transelasi

1) Borang Pengakuan Kuliah

2) Borang Pengakuan Tamat Belajar Di Mesir

Untuk urusan selain dari 2 perkara di atas, sila bertanya sendiri dengan kerani atau pegawai yang bertugas.

Salinan Fotokopi yang diperlukan untuk urusan terjemahan

1) Pengakuan Kuliah

2) Keputusan Peperiksaan

3) Sijil Ijazah

4) Sijil Ijazah Sementara

Proses permohonan terjemahan

1) MULA – Ambil borang

2) Isi maklumat yang diperlukan dalam borang

3) Kepilkan bersama borang;

a. Slip, Pengesahan atau Sijil Asal; atau (dikembalikan semula)

b. Salinan Fotokopi Slip, Pengesahan atau Sijil (tidak dikembalikan)

c. Salinan Fotokopi Passport (tidak dikembalikan)

4) Kemukakan kepada kerani yang bertugas (semasa mengemukan borang, anda perlu bertanya bila boleh disiapkan urusan tersebut)

5) Ambil terjemahan dari kerani

6) Bawa terjemahan tersebut dan kemukakan kepada pegawai yang bertugas untuk mendapat tandangan dan pengesahan.

7) SIAP.

Tempoh Masa Siap

Tempoh untuk menyiapkan urusan ini adalah mengambil kira;

1) 2 jam selepas penyerahan borang; atau

Contoh: serah pada jam 9 pagi, siap pada jam 11 pagi.

2) 1 hari tempoh bekerja; atau

Contoh: serah pada hari Ahad, ambil pada hari Isnin

3) 1 minggu selepas penyerahan borang; atau

4) Tertakluk kepada budi bicara kerani dan pegawai.

Keterangan lebih lanjut : http://jpmk.info

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Baru-baru ini, ramai pula ustaz yang bertanyakan keadaan gigi mereka. Ada yang katanya longgar, ada yang bernanah, ada yang gusi mudah berdarah, ada yang warna hitam muncul di gigi.

Jawab saya mudah saja : "Enta pi buat regular check up dengan doktor gigi." :P
Habis bising mereka kata mahal la, takut la, cuak dengan "drill", takut doktor cabut gigi la dan macam-macam lagi alasan.

Apapun, saya bukanlah yang selayaknya untuk memberikan jawapan yang tepat berkaitan rawatan secara spesifik. Contohnya kisah malam tadi di mana ade seorang mahasiswi di rumah atas kami yang baru mencabut gigi di klinik, tetapi gusinya masih berdarah selepas beberapa jam, meminta tolong cara menghentikan pendarahan. Ayat pertama saya adalah: "Kejut Acap!"(dia tidur awal) dan "Cuba tepon Apang!" (yg menutup telepon dan menghilang) :P . Tapi Alhamdulillah baik-baik saja lepas acap dah consult dengan beberapa rakan sekelasnya dan beritahu apa nak buat (org tak bertauliah dilarang mengganggu). :D Sekarang ramai dah rakan-rakan Dr Malaysia di Fakulti Pergigian Universiti Mansurah yang boleh melakukan rawatan, so silalah membuat appointment dengan mereka (pesanan ini dibawa oleh khidmat masyarakat... hehe).

Ok, setakat brief info, saya bolehlah sedikit sebanyak berkongsi. Since soalan famous yang selalu dapat ialah "kenapa gusi berdarah?" So jom lihat kenapa.

Apakah penyakit periodontal?

Penyakit 'periodontal' atau penyakit gusi ialah jangkitan bakteria kronik yang melibatkan gusi dan tulang yang menyokong gigi. Penyakit periodontal boleh melibatkan sebatang gigi atau lebih.

Apakah puncanya?

Penyakit 'periodontal' disebabkan oleh bakteria di dalam plak (selapaut gigi yang melekit dan tidak berwarna). Jika tidak dibersihkan menggunakan berus gigi dan flos setiap hari, plak boleh bertambah (dan menjadi keras membentuk tartar) dan bakteria ini juga akan menjangkiti tisu gusi dan tulang yang menyokong gigi. Jika proses ini berterusan, gigi menjadi semakin longgar. Poket gusi iaitu suatu ruang akan terbentuk di antara gigi dan gusi, dan membenarkan lebih banyak bakteria berkumpul.

Siapa yang berisiko?

Penyakit gusi boleh memberi kesan kepada mana-mana kumpulan umur, termasuk kanak-kanak (termasuk kanak-kanak gigi :P). Walau bagaimanapun, ia paling banyak melibatkan orang dewasa. Beberapa faktor yang boleh meningkatkan risiko ialah:
  • Merokok, bersyisya atau mengunyah tembakau
  • Penyakit seperti kencing manis
  • Gigi serong dan tidak teratur
  • Tampalan gigi yang telah rosak
  • Kehamilan atau penggunaan pil pencegah hamil

Apakah tanda-tanda penyakit periodontal?

Penyakit ini boleh berlaku tanpa tanda peringkat awal. Oleh itu, pemeriksaan gigi yang kerap sangat penting untuk diagnosis awal.

Tanda-tanda biasa termasuk:
  • Gusi merah, bengkak dan lembut
  • Gusi berdarah sewaktu memberus gigi
  • Gusi menyusut dari gigi
  • Nafas berbau atau rasa di dalam mulut yang tidak menyenangkan
  • Nanah di antara gigi dan gusi
  • Wujud ruang di antara gigi
  • Gigi longgar

Apakah peringkat-peringkat penyakit periodontal?

Gingivitis adalah peringkat awal penyakit 'periodontal' yang hanya melibatkan gusi sahaja dan masih boleh dirawat. Jika dibiarkan tanpa rawatan, gingivitis boleh menjadi lebih kronik dan menyebabkan periodontitis.

Bagaimanakah cara merawat penyakit gusi ini?

  • Penyakit peringkat awal boleh dirawat sebelum ia menjadi kronik dengan mendapatkan pemeriksaan doktor gigi yang kerap.
  • Peringkat awal penyakit gusi boleh dirawat dengan memberus gigi dan mem'flos' dengan betul.
  • Penjagaan kesihatan gigi yang baik akan mencegah pembentukan plak.
  • Pembersihan secara professional oleh doktor gigi adalah satu-satunya cara untuk menanggalkan plak yang telah mengeras menjadi tartar.
  • Jika keadaan menjadi teruk, prosedur membersihkan akar gigi boleh dibuat. Akar gigi yang bersih dan rata dapat mengelakkan plak dari melekat pada permukaannya.
  • Jika keadaan anda lebih kronik, dapatkan khidmat rawatan dan nasihat dari pakar pergigian anda.

So, jika anda tidak mahu menjaga kesihatan mulut anda, anda sebenarnya membuka peuang untuk pelajar dentistry untuk melakukan praktikal rawatan ke atas anda :P. Jadi jagalah kesihatan gigi dan gusi anda sebaiknya. Jika anda mengamalkan pembersihan mulut yang optimum (berus gigi dua kali sehari, berkumur dengan ubat kumur dan flos), membuang tabiat yang tidak sihat (merokok/megambil tembakau), dan makan diet yang seimbang dan mematuhi masa, selain selalu berjumpa doktor gigi anda, ini akan mengurangkan kos perbelanjaan rawatan yang lebih rumit dan menjimatkan masa anda.

Sayangilah kesihatan mulut dan badan anda.

Rawatan Gigi Percuma

Posted by onepisu 0 comments


Kepada semua mahasiswa/wi Mansurah,anda boleh dapatkan rawatan gigi PERCUMA daripada mahasiswa/wi pergigian Tahun 3&4 Universiti Mansurah. Rawatan ini diselia oleh doktor-doktor pergigian Universiti Mansurah.
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Yes, you're in the right blog if you were still wondering. And no, this ain't a motivational post that you gonna read. This is another simple explanation on another simple dental topic.

So again, are you the sensitive type?

What is dentine hypersensitivity?

Dentine hypersensitivity or as known as DH is a brief, sharp, painful sensation that strikes you when you consume hot/cold, sweet/sour food or beverages. The pain can also occur when you brush your teeth or when breathing in cold air into your mouth.

Brief Facts
  • DH is a widespread problem. 
  • Around 40 of the adults suffer from dentine hypersensitivity. 
  • Up to 98% of patients who undergo dental procedures are affected. 
  • Patients who undergo dental procedures are 4 times more likely to develop DH.
  • DH occur more often between 30 and 40 years of age and affects women more than men.
What causes it?

2 things combined, causes dentine hypersensitivity. Its combination of enamel erosion and receding gums.
Factor leading to enamel erosion include:
  • Brushing too hard with too much pressure
  • Brushing immediately after meals (when your teeth is softened by acidic food or beverages)
  • Eating and drinking acidic food or beverages
  • Grinding your teeth during sleep
Factors leading to receding gum inlude:
  • Poor oral hygiene which can cause gingivitis, whereby the gum is inflamed and may bleed
  • Excessive brushing and flossing of teeth
  • Use of hard-bristled toothbrush

How to Prevent DH?

Prevention is definitely better than cure. However, even if you have already developed dentine hypersensitivity, there are still effective measures that you can use to prevent worsening of the condition.

  • Practice good oral hygiene
  • Minimize your consumption of acidic foods and beverages such as pickled foods, yoghurt and acidic drinks
  • Brush twice daily with a desensitising toothpaste to reduce hypersensitivity
  • Use a soft-bristled, end-rounded toothbrush
  • Brush your teeth before meal times to avoid enamel erosion
  • Over brush with excessive pressure for a prolonged period of time
  • Excessively floss your teeth
  • Brush your teeth immediately after meals
  • Pick at your gums or use toothpicks inapprpriately
  • Use products containing harsh abrasives

Daily use of desensitizing toothpaste is the first-line treatment. Basically, they are non-invasive, efficious and inexpensive. Most of them contain Strontium Chloride, which acts as protective barrier on your teeth against external pain stimuli. And they also contain Potassium Nitrate, which prevents the transmission of pain signals in the nerves of your teeth.

Certain risk factor can predispose you to dentine hypersensitivity such as:
  • History of dental/periodontal treatment
  • Poor oral hygiene and dietary habit
  • Habit of excessive brushing/flossing
  • Habit of brushing teeth immediately after meals
  • Habit of grinding teeth, especially during sleep
  • Used products containing harsh abrasives
  • Regular consumption of acidic foods or beverages
But, the best way of curing/prevent this is by talking to your dentist. They can advise you on the daily solution to relieve your pain. Until then, do care your teeth, or else I might as well extract it rather than left it there to decay. Beware.

  1. Drisko CH. Dentine Hypersensitivity - dental hygiene and periodontal considerations, Int Dental.
  2. Banoczy J. Dentine hypersensitivity: general practice considerations for successful management. Int Dental
  3. Addy M. Dentine hypersensitivity: new perspectives on an old problem. Int Dental.
  4. Haywood VB. Dentine hypersensitivity: bleaching and restorative considerations for successful management. Int Dental
  5. Tarbet WJ, Silverman G, Stolman JM, et al. Clinical evaluation of a new treatment for dentinal hypersensitivity. J. Periodontol.
Tahun 1

مواد الحيوية - Dental Biomaterials

تشريح وصفى - Oral Morphology

هستولوجيا الفم - Oral Histology

كيمياء حيوية - Biochemistry

تشريح عام - General Anatomy

Tahun 2

الاستعاضة الصناعية - Prosthesis/Prosthodontic

العلاج التحفظى - Operative Dentistry/Conservative Denstistry

تكنولوجيا التيجان والجسور - Crown & Bridge

حقوق الإنسان - Human Rights

علم الأدوية - Pharmacology

Tahun 3

علاج الجذور - Endodontic

تقويم الأسنان - Orthodontic

طب أسنان الأطفال - Pedodontic/Pediatric Dentistry

الصحة الفم - Dental Public Health

التشخيص - Diagnosis

جراحة الفم - Oral Surgery

جراحة العامة-General Surgery

الأشعة - Radiology/X-ray

أمراض باطنة - Internal medicine

Tahun 4

أمراض اللثة - Periodontology

Lecture akan bermula pada 18/9/2010 manakala practical akan bermula pada minggu kedua. Jadual untuk pre-dentistry masih tidak diketahui lagi. Senarai nama untuk pembahagian section masih belum diumumkan dan keputusan peperiksaan dur thani akan menyusul kemudian(sebelum atau selepas start kuliyyah). Sebarang pertanyaan atau ketidakfahaman boleh diajukan pada ruang shoutbox. InsyaAllah akan dijawab mana-mana yang mampu.

Pemberitahuan untuk pelajar-pelajar tahun 2 yang plan nak balik lambat tu, jangan sampai miss klas lebih daripada 2 minggu.Kalo tak,menyesal...Practical prosthesis sangat susah dan ambil banyak masa untuk buat satu-satu requirement.Setiap bulan ade oral and practical assessment.

Harap maklum.

Quick review. Hope you guys already know this.

Sehelai : 2 muka

Cara-cara teknikal menggunakan kertas jawapan.

  1. Isi kertas depan (kepilan kecil) dengan maklumat sepatutnya seperti yang diberitahu pengawas.
  2. Mulakan menjawab dari kiri ke kanan (belakang ke depan).
  3. Gariskan pada setiap muka di sebelah kiri dengan garisan vertical.
  4. Sehelai kertas (2 muka) untuk satu soalan sahaja. Bila dah habis jawab, gariskan horizontal di bawah jawapan terakhir itu.
  5. Jika jawapan lebih dari satu helai, pada helaian pertama – muka kedua (bawah sekali) buatkan anak panah ke helaian ke dua dan sambung menjawab. Bila selesai menjawab, gariskan garisan horizontal di bawah jawapan. Kemudian mulakan menjawab soalan baru di helaian baru.
  6. Pada setiap permulaan helaian, tuliskan nombor soalan seperti – “Question 1”

Tgk gambar kalau agak tak faham.

Isi kertas kat depan.

Mulakan dgn tulis nombor question, then garis di kiri page ni.

Di muka 2 helaian yg sama, kalau dah habis jawab (katakan full page), gariskan horizontal di bawah jawapan tu.

Mulakan jawab soalan baru di helaian baru

Kalau sehelai tak cukup, buatkan anak panah di muka 2 helaian itu (bawah).

Then, kalau habis sekerat muka je, gariskan horizontal di bawah jawapan tu.

Selamat menjawab. Tips2 lain boleh rujuk senior. Atau baca di - http://akademikpcm.blogspot.com/2010/04/temuramah-bersama_30.html

Bittaufiq wan Najah.

I know that we are too busy with exams and other things in our life that we need to focus on, I still want to say this. "Where are we in Palestine crisis?"

For decades, we already heard and saw the news about what happen in the middle east. We have been fed with so many ideologies and the causes of the crisis.

Some take it lightly as its not their problem.
Some only sympathize and felt sad for those casualties for some time.
Some take it more seriously when there's an issue or situation like the January 2009 situation.
Some put it in their heart and hold it as they hold their principles.
Some already grasp it tightly and been spreading the cause to mankind.
Some take it to the higher level by readily to sacrifice themselves for this.

Where are you in these people?


We better start questioning ourselves about this issue as it shows how much humanity left inside us, not to say about where did our Aqidah (Faith) actually stand on.

And I'll clearly state that we don't hate the Jews. We will even send help if they are in the needs. But whom we hate, and whom we disgust is Zionist.

Zionist whom we hate is those who are against humanity.
We hate them because they declared others as non-equal for human rights as the Jews, and even define others as animal (Goyem) which can be killed mercilessly.
We hate them because they seized Palestinian land inches by inches with spilling Palestinian blood.
We hate them because they approve the killing of men, women, children, and old people for their sake.

And we already saw what kind of terrorism happen in Palestine that I and hundred thousands of people make a stance over this issue that we will not sit still and do nothing anymore. And more over, Al-Quds and Palestine is a Muslim issue.


Dr. Yusuf Al-Qaradawi in his book "Al-Quds Qadhiyyah Kullu Muslim" listed the reasons why Palestine and Al-Quds is our problem.

1. Al-Quds (Al-Aqsa Mosque) is the first Qiblah for the Muslim. The place where Prophet Muhammad pbuh and his companion faced in their prayers in early time.

2. Al-Quds is the place of Isra' and Mi'raj of the Prophet pbuh. It's one blessed land for being the land where Prophet Muhammad was lifted to meet God.

3. Al-Quds is the third noblest holy city in Islam. The first holy city in Islam is Makkah which is blessed with Masjidil Haram. Second holy city is Madinah Al-Munawwarah which is blessed with Masjid An-Nabawi and tomb of the Prophet pbuh. And the third holy city in Islam is BaitulMaqdis and the land around it which is blessed with Masjid Al-Aqsa.

4. Al-Quds is the land of the prophets and the blessed land. In Al-Quran, prophet Muhammad pbuh was isra' and Mi'raj there. Prophet Ibrahim was also there. Prophet Moses (Musa) was also there in the pharaoh(Firaun) time. Prophet Sulaiman was there too with his kingdom.

5. Al-Quds the land of struggle and jihad. This is proven with the crisis which is going on there since the day of Khalifah Umar Al-Khattab till now.

As for these causes, many has stood up against the seizing of Palestine and the blockade of Gaza.


And now (May 2010) an armada with 8 ships carrying 10,000 tonnnes of aid and about 700-800 activists and politicians from more than 40 countries. The cargo includes building materials, medical supplies and paper for schools. One boat is carrying a complete dental surgery including drills. Crayons and chocolate are also on board for Gazan children. The cargo has been paid for by donations.

"We're trying to break the blockade of the Gaza Strip and tell the world that Israel has no right to starve 1.5 million Palestinians," said Greta Berlin, of the Free Gaza Movement, another organiser of the flotilla. "We are bringing in vitally needed supplies so the people of Gaza can rebuild their infrastructure."


The boats

• Four cargo ships
• Four passenger ships
• Coming from Turkey, Greece, Ireland

On board

• 700 to 800 peace activists and MPs from more than 40 countries
• 10,000 tonnes of supplies, including:

• Cement
• Generators
• Water purification equipment
• 20 tonnes of paper for schools
• Prefabricated homes
• $1m (£700,000) of medical equipment, including: CAT scanners' wheelchairs, crutches
• A complete dental surgery, including drills and a chair
• Sports equipment, including footballs and basketballs
• Crayons and pens
• Chocolate

Paid for

• By donations, ranging from $1.39 from an individual in Brunei to €300,000 (£256,000) collected in Malaysia

As for now, the ship is already set sail to Cyprus and meet other ships and enter Gaza sea together. Now, what we really need (said NGO's spokesman)

1. Your prayers. Nothing we need more than the need of God at all time. As Du'a is the best equipment and aid for us to reach Gaza. Gather round your family and friends and do Solat Hajat together so that all of us are aware of the situation.Pray that our Niat is only and only for Allah's sake, non other. And pray that with this mission, people from all over the world especially Muslim will unite to help their fellow brother and sister as a human.

2. Donation. The Gazan are in the need of many life supply as the Israeli government put blockade toward Palestine and Gaza especially the last 5 years. And for this (Freedom Flotilla), we don't have enough supply and donation and we already in debt with I.H.H (Turk's humaitary NGO) about 2.5 million Euros which they take from other humanitarian funds (africa, afghanistan, china etc.). And this convoy only bring the "basic" life supply, such as medical supply, food, and building equipment, electrical generators and other basic things. We will come again for the second time with other supply which will need your kind donation.

3. Boycott Israel products. As stated in recent Fatwa by scholars and clerics, we urge you to boycott all products and goods which will promote Israel. This include American products because they clearly state their support toward Israel and already funding in Israel military for the past years. Remember, 1 dollar you spend will be asked hereafter as you chose to oppress your fellow brothers and sisters.

4. Spread the cause. As known, Israel already vows not to let us enter Gaza, and some news stated that they already do military training and prepare detention place for 1000 activist on board. With people spreading this, all eye will be on Israel and may make them to back off from preventing us entering Gaza. Organize functions and tell everyone what happens so that everyone will know about this. Remember, this is also an issue of our faith. No Muslim are left behind in this. Inform you local media about this and request them to air this news from time to time.

5. Alert with any news. As we will be on the ship from now, the fastest we can go and back to Turk is within 15 days. BUT, we doubt that and it may take 15 weeks, or even 15 months. But rest assure that we will enter Gaza no matter how. Our primary plan is to enter Gaza, plan B is also entering Gaza, and plan C is also entering Gaza. This is one way ticket, and no turning back. And we beg for your cooperation in any request made by our crew. As there are threats from Israel, we absolutely have no idea what will happen out there that we need your cooperation. If something happen out there, and we need you to suppress your words, please do so. Especially those with Israeli embassy in their country.

Help your brothers and hope for blessing from Allah swt.


Any donation can be made to
Tabung Palestin HALUAN
Maybank 5-644-902-085-28

And if you're here (Mansurah), you can donate to anyone appointed for the Palestine donation (which before this is LLGMansurah in GelombangUmmah blog, but I don't know what happen after that - if there's already committee or people incharge of this, please do inform me) or you can forward the donations to me, which also will be directed to the appointed bank account.

(Nur Muhammad Abrar bin Mahmud - 016-5064448 - mrluffy2007@yahoo.co.uk),

Remember, its a continuous work, not just for some time. And furthermore, this work isn't the one which you can brag about. If I just want popularity, then I can get it easier than this. Always remember our niat and intention. Anyone who is capable of any work at all are welcome to help.

Remember, Silent IS Complicity.

Follow the Freedom Flotilla here
Malaysia: http://www.lifeline4gaza.org/
Twitter: http://twitter.com/lifeline4gaza
Facebook: LifeLine4Gaza in Facebook

International: http://www.freegaza.org/
Twitter: http://twitter.com/freegazaorg

Nur Muhammad Abrar bin Mahmud.
27 May, 2010. Mansoura, Egypt.

These are taken from Maktabah Fajr.

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Ok, then I compiled all those that I've posted before here.

Physiology : http://dentsonline.blogspot.com/2009/11/physiology-past-year-question-by.html
Anatomy : http://dentsonline.blogspot.com/2009/11/anatomy-past-year-question-by-chapters.html
Oral Histology : http://dentsonline.blogspot.com/2009/12/oral-histology-past-year-question-by.html
Oral Morphology : http://dentsonline.blogspot.com/2010/05/oral-morphology-past-year-question-by.html
BioDental Material : You are here. XD
Histology : -

Btw, for those who didn't read yet Bro Affan's article in akademikpcm.blogspot.com, you should!
Link : http://akademikpcm.blogspot.com/2010/04/temuramah-bersama_30.html

Bittaufiq wannajah.

These are past year question by chapters. Note that the list wasn't updated, so I uploaded last years questions instead. Click for larger view.

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Bittaufiq wannajah.

Sekadar bacaan ringan.

Sering terjadi apabila seseorang mengalami kecederaan pada gigi, dia tidak tahu apakah yang sepatutnya dilakukan untuk merawat kecederaan tersebut, seperti yang beberapa kali terjadi ke atas mahasiswa semasa bersukan di istad(stadium).

Jadi apakah yang sepatutnya dilakukan sekiranya gigi kacip kekal tercabut?

Gigi kacip (incisors) atau gigi hadapan (anterior teeth) sering tercedera ketika terjatuh, bersukan, dalam kemalangan jalan raya dan sebagainya. Tindakan yang cepat dan betul dapat menyelamatkan gigi tersebut dan mengelakkan rawatan yang lebih rumit.





Tindakan yang sepatutnya diambil sekiranya gigi cedera atau tercabut adalah:

  • Gigit kain yang bersih seperti sapu tangan atau kain kasa jika berlaku pendarahan pada gusi.
  • Pegang gigi yang tercabut pada bahagian korona (bahagian gigi yang kelihatan dalam mulut).
  • Jika gigi yang tercabut itu tidak tercemar, masukkan semula ke tempat asalnya.
  • Jika gigi itu tercemar, bilas gigi itu dengan air mengalir terlebih dahulu.
  • Apabila gigi telah dimasukkan ke tempat asalnya, letakkan sapu tangan atau kain kasa di atasnya dan gigit.
  • Sekiranya gigi tersebut tidak dapat dimasukkan ke tempat asalnya, rendamkan gigi tersebut ke dalam bekas bersih berisi susu segar atau air liur sendiri, ataupun masukkan ke dalam beg plastik bersih supaya gigi itu tidak kering.

Kemudian, segera ke klinik pergigian atau hospital untuk rawatan lanjut. Antara precaution yang anda perlu tahu:

  • Jangan pegang bahagian akar gigi yang tercabut.
  • Jangan berus permukaan gigi dan akarnya.
  • Jangan guna bahan cucian seperti sabun, bahan peluntur ataupun dettol.
  • Jangan balut gigi tersebut dengan kertas tisu atau sapu tangan.

Apa kesan jika gigi anda tidak diurus dengan baik sekiranya tercedera?

  • Kesakitan pada gusi dan oral cavity anda.
  • Paras rupa (esthetic) kerana gigi hadapan patah, hilang, atau bertukar warna.
  • Sukar nak mengunyah dan bertutur.
  • Jika gigi tersebut adalah gi gi susu, kemungkinan tumbesaran gigi kekal akan terjejas.

Jadi bagi anda yang bermain sukan lasak, bagaimana ingin mengurangkan risiko kecederaan gigi?

Risiko kecederaan gigi boleh dikurangkan dengan memakai alat pelindung mulut semasa mengambil bahagian dalam sukan lasak tersebut.

Alat pelindung mulut biasanya diperbuat daripada getah dan disarungkan pada gigi. Ia boleh diperolehi di kedai sukan, farmasi, atau ditempah di klinik pergigian (size sesuai). Pilihlah alat pelindung yang boleh lentur, tahan koyak, selesa dipakai, sesuai dengan mulut dan tidak mengganggu percakapan atau pernafasan.



Selamat bersukan.

These are photos of some of the jars. The important part here is to get used with the structure so you can easily determine the structure without having to take a long time as the practical exam has more than a dozen question and about 1-2 minutes allowed per question.


Between, it is favorable to borrow the medical student practical book - Mansoura Atlas Part 2. And I personally think the Simplified Practical Anatomy Part 2 also helps a lot.

Download the photos here:


Berikut jadual exam final kita setakat ini. Alert dengan sebarang update dari kuliyah. thanks.






Selamat study.
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