Friday, June 10, 2011

Brooks is 6 Months Old!!

I can't believe he is 6 months old already. Its pretty crazy. He is getting to be so fun. Here is what Brooks is up to these days.

Morning Nap 10am for about 1-2 hours
Afternoon Nap 2 for about 2-3 hours (depending on morning nap)
Night from about 8:30-7ish.

27 inches long - 80%
15 lbs 13oz - 25%
He is a long skinny one.

He can army crawl pretty well now.
He has no interest in sitting. He wants to be down and moving so its hard to get him to practice sitting.
He can swing in the baby swing outside. He loves it.
He loves reading books with me. He laughs when I make the bear noise when I read "We're going on a bear hunt"

Here is Brooks at 5 months.

Here is Brooks at 6 months. (He is a cheese ball. He smiles and laughs all the time now.

Brooks having A LOT of Firsts

Brooks has had a lot of firsts this last month. I should be better about staying up with the blog now that we have started doing a lot of things with Brooks. But for now I will just play quick catch-up. His first MLB game. He did so well. Slept a few innings at the end, but all and all he really liked it. Just sat and watched (although, I'm not sure his eyes can see that far).
His first time trying rice cereal. He loved it. Since this picture, he has tried bananas, avacados, and sweet potatoes. He does NOT like green beans. When I tried to give him some he started spitting it out and turning his head away, so I guess I'll try again when he is older.
His (and mom and dad's) first time at the Golden Gate Park. We went into San Fran to celebrate Nate's birthday. Nate is the big 26 now. We spent time walking around Golden Gate Park, then went the Ocean beach, and after that, went to eat at was very very good.
We couldn't resist. This is basically the best picture in the world. I love it.
Brooks first time watching fireworks. He LOVED them. This is what he was like the whole fireworks show. Very interesting. This was after the As game we went to (picture above).
This was Nate's happy birthday dessert. Unfortunately, Nate looks like a creeper right here, but he is actually is way more photogenic than this picture...oh well.
Ocean Beach in San Fran. It was SO SO SO windy. I had a blanket wrapped up over my head and around me. The locals said it was way more windy than usual. We will just have to go back and see if that's true.
Here we are spending a day at Stanford University. It is a beautiful campus.
The main quad of Stanford. There is a big Catholic church in the middle. It is really pretty and there were about 4 weddings we saw that Saturday we were there.
Brooks first time trying ice cream. He was staring and reaching for my spoon, so I decided he could have a little taste.