Sunday, December 19, 2010


As Salam

Setelah beberapa artikel kebelakangan ini saya lebih selesa menulis di dalam bahasa inggeris, kali ini say ingin menulisnya dalam bahasa kebangsaan kita sendiri. Walaupun sumber maklumat saya kebanyakannya di dalam bahasa pengantara kedua negara kita tetapi bukanlah satu masalah untuk menulisnya di dalam bahasa Malaysia.

Kali ini seperti biasanya saya tidaklah berminat untuk menyebut mana-mana nama atau di mana ianya berlaku kerana bukan orangnya yang menjadi masalah kepada saya tetapi isu di sebalik kejadian-kejadian tersebut. Mungkin ramai yang masih ingat beberapa minggu lalu negara kita 'digemparkan' dengan 'kejadian' sepasang suami isteri yang baru berkahwin. 'Masalah' dan 'dosa besar' yang mereka lakukan adalah berkahwin dalam usia yang 'terlalu' muda iaitu suaminya berumur 23 tahun dan isterinya berusia 'baru' 14 tahun. Hampir setiap hari isu ini keluar di dada-dada akhbar kerana 'besarnya' dosa yang mereka lakukan sehingga menteri kita yang menjaga berkenaan hak-hak wanita dan NGO-NGO berlumba-lumba mengeluarkan kenyataan tidak menyokong 'tindakan' yang diambil oleh pasangan muda ini.

Walaupun mereka berkahwin dalam keadaan yang memenuhi semua syarat yang diperlukan oleh undang-undang negara ini tetapi kerana 14 tahun itu dikira kanak-kanak oleh mereka, perkahwinan ini menjadi satu dosa besar yang tidak boleh dibenarkan berlaku lagi. Sehingga pada satu ketika, pihak menteri ini memberi 'nasihat' kepada pihak mahkamah agar tidak menjadikan perkara ini menjadi kebiasaan di negara kita. Secara peribadi saya tidak nampak pun masalah di sebalik perkara ini kerana semua pihak yang terlibat di dalam perkahwinan ini sudahpun memberi restu mereka dan bukankah itu juga dikira sebagai hak peribadi mereka?

Ke depan sedikit beberapa minggu dan negara kita sekali lagi gempar dengan penemuan video aksi lucah di antara dua kanak-kanak bawah umur di mana si lelaki dalam lingkungan 9 tahun dan perempuannya 11 tahun. Gemparnya bukan dari segi masalah kebejatan akhlak mereka ini tetapi orang gempar kerana ada yang berjaya memiliki video ini dan 'seronok' menontonnya. Kemudian satu lagi kes berlaku di mana seorang ibu muda yang mengandung dalam lingkungan 24 minggu ditikam bertubi-tubi oleh kekasihnya (diulang: kekasihnya) di rumah perempuan tersebut dan sedang tenat di ICU.

Kemudiannya, seorang gadis 14 tahun mati disyaki dibunuh oleh dua orang remaja lelaki yang juga lebih kurang sebaya dengan gadis itu. Dan jangan lupa kes GRO yang sudi menjual anaknya yang masih di dalam kandungan kepada pembida tertinggi. Ke semua kes-kes di atas boleh dikelaskan dalam satu kumpulan yang sama: isu jenayah seksual dan ketirisan akhlak. Yang tidak memeranjatkan ialah, menteri yang beria-ia mengeluarkan kenyataan berkenaan pasangan kahwin muda di atas tidak pula berkata apa-apa tentang kes-kes yang lain.

Apakah masalahnya? Saya melihat bahawa masyarakat kita kelihatannya lebih 'selesa' dengan kisah mungkar sehingga responnya tidak seberapa tetapi menjadi 'ketakutan' bila ada orang cuba untuk melakukannya dengan cara yang betul. Apakah beza akhlak di antara pasangan cilik beraksi lucah, remaja 17 tahun mengandung luar nikah atau kanak-kanak lelaki yang disyaki membunuh dengan seorang kanak-kanak yang juga lebih kurang mereka yang mahu terus berkahwin?

Kesilapan besar bagi kita jika kita mengadaptasi akhlak dan norma masyarakat yang berseronok dengan seks bebas dengan nilai agama kita. Namun begitu, melalui isu-isu yang terbaru ini, seolah-olah kita sudahpun berada dalam lubang-lubang dosa itu. Masyarakat kita perlu ada jati diri. Menteri kita perlu ada jati diri. Jangan mudah tunduk dan patuh kepada desakan norma luar yang bagi kita nilainya lebih buruk dari binatang. Biarlah mereka menganggap kita apa sekalipun selagi mana apa yang dibuat selari dengan kehendak agama. Saya tidak terkejut sekiranya pasangan yang berkahwin di atas tidak berkahwin dan beranak luar nikah, tiada siapa pun yang akan kisah kerana perkara itu bukanlah dosa dari mata norma jahiliyah yang diadaptasi kebanyakkan masyarakat kita.

Dan sekiranya ada pihak yang beria-ia mempertahankan norma-norma agama ini, pastinya ada bergerombolan manusia pula yang menyalak kebebasan dan hak asasi manusia untuk masuk neraka dan menjahanamkan diri mereka. Jadi bukankah orang-orang yang memilih untuk mengikut agamanya juga ada hak kebebasan itu? Atau hak kebebasan ini hanya terpakai untuk pengikut jahiliyah untuk mempertahankan diri mereka dari agama dan Tuhan mereka. Agaknya mampukah mereka menjerit hak kebebasan bersuara bila mereka di depan Tuhan mereka? Sememangnya saya pun tiada hak untuk menahan sesiapa untuk memilih jalan yang mereka suka dan bersuara tetapi mereka perlu faham juga yang orang-orang seperti saya juga berhak untuk berkata-kata

Termangu saya memikirkannya dan tiba-tiba terasa lucu.

Monday, December 13, 2010



Almost every day for the past few weeks, we have been bombarded with multiple surprises from the revelation by the Wikileaks. Even though I don't have the opportunity to read the site by my self but I do read multiple reports about it. Multiple countries have condemn in a strongest way and the biggest is of course our so called world police: USA.

I am not in the position to say whether whatever they said about our country are true or not but I do concern with all the revelations. To borrow the words from Wikileaks: our state is in a very confuse and dangerous state due to incompetent politician in power. In which ever side you are currently, all of us should be very concern with the very negative assessment about our country. Something must be very wrong in our country and obviously we can generally say that our leader is the mirror of the rakyat.

Are we so incompetent that we end up having incompetent leaders? Are we so naive that we are easily preyed upon again and again for the men in power? Or are we an ignorant lot that just swallow anything that anyone up there says? Are all the intelligent people in this country is not so intelligent in assessing the best for the country? Something must be very wrong here that we end up being mocked by our neighbor again. I am not talking that we need to exert our power (I even doubt we have the power) against our small neighbor but till when we keep on left behind to our industrious neighbor?

Once again the selective ways of reporting by the mainstream news line will do the trick for the government and multiplied the damage against the opposition. Fairness will never prevail in our system of information. It is our turn as the rakyat to really go and find as many information that we can get in order to have the comprehensive info.

By the way, do anyone know what is the different between penal code vs corruption or criminal breach of trust in Dr Khir Toyo's case? Why penal code not the other one? Any guest?

Saturday, December 11, 2010



On thursday noon, few of the staff in the our department talking excitedly about an UMNO program at Stadium Sultan Abdul Halim. They are talking about all UMNO members were instructed to come down and joint the program as there are thousands of goodies for flood victim that they are also entitled too. A bit surprise because either I am so oblivious about the program or it is specially arranged for those selected group. I can also be consider as one of the flood victims and my neighbours too.

Less that I care about a gas stove or another new mattress as I don't need both. The reason, my gas stove is totally not affected by the floods as there is nothing electronic about it. Just a good wash and it is ready to be use again. Maybe thousands of people in Kedah are previously using electronic kind of gas stove, I have no idea. For me, it can be consider as an obsolete gift. Mattres: maybe cause 2 of my mattress 'perished' with the flood. Still, I don't need it as I think it is better to give to others that are really in need.

I am a bit disturb as when I ask around, many of us don't know about it and I wonder what happen. The next day, the paper tell all about it. The picture tells thousands words. Our beloved PM came down to past the aid to the flood victims and announcing the intensity of the aid at the same time. I wonder where is the state leaders? Where is the MB or his EXCOs. Aren't they are the one that should be there together with Perlis MB, Datuk Johari Baharom, Datuk Seri Mahdzir Khalid and all the UMNO bigwigs?

Aren't they invited to the program for their rakyat or there are two sets of rakyat in federal's point of view? Aren't 1Malaysia slogan is for all Malaysian? Why the discrimination? Is this program only for UMNO members? So why bother using the government money?

With my thought still bothered with the news, the DPM came out with another statement that can be seen as the current government policy about this. He said that development funds is only allocated to Barisan MPs and not others. It is not for Opposition MPs. Once again the discrimination and blatant use of power and no regards about fairness or whatsoever.

Is this the way to treat people as a whole? Are they dealing with kafir Harbi or a communist group or a militant? All the people are the Malaysian citizen too so why the discrimination?

Still wondering.

Friday, December 3, 2010



Quite sometime not writing anything in the blog. So much things happen but unfortunately i have no chance to comment about it. Foreign workers are always make headlines in Malaysia from the cheapest labor available in the country that can be 'bullied' to do anything in order to get maximum profits or runaway maids that giving headaches and heartache to thousands of Malaysian yearly. To like it or not, foreign workers are almost always at the disadvantage side of the society even though we try to rubbish it. We can't even give the best for the local workers (read: maternity leave) what can we offer to the outsiders. It must be worst especially the coolies and lower end workers.

Recently, someone up there talking about an idea to introduce compulsary insurance to protect the foreign workers in Malaysia. Eventhough the main reason is to reduce the high uncollected hospital bills from those workers due to unscrupulous, unethical and irresponsible taukes outside there but for me it is time now to really make this a reality.

It is high time now for the worker to be protected in this way as most of them are working in generally higher risk indutries in Malaysia. It is actually not a big deal for the bosses as it only takes another 200+ ringgit for every workers as to compare with the continuous profit that they can get from those very cheap and ever willing labours.

I read with disgust when one of the report in the newspaper talking about the objection from the bosses fraternity about extra burden that they need to carry that can erode into their profit. Those selfish lad outside there really make me crinch in shame. don't they care about their subordinates' wellbeing? Is this too much for them? I really think that they should act more humane and think about others too.

I am quite sure if we care about the welfare of those workers, the general view of our country will become better and left no bitter taste when all this guys left our country later.