“Life is to be Enjoyed, not just Endured.”

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Love at First Sight

Jakob Spencer Cox

7lbs 7oz and 20in long

Everything went well with my c-section. They had me in and out of the OR with in 40 minutes! I thought that since this was my third baby that when he came it would feel some what ordinary. But, the minute he came out I began to cry. I couldn't believe he was actually here. Steve and I spent the rest of the day in awe over this little person we created. Steve held him most of the day and kept saying, "I can't believe we have another baby!" He had a hard time leaving the hospital last night. Jaxson and Ehlana think Baby Jakob is "so cute" and they can't wait for us to come home. I just can't get enough of this cute little guy. I could just snuggle him all day. It truly was Love at First Sight.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Just a Few More Days

This last week has been long and pretty miserable... heartburn, leg cramps, throwing up, contractions, loss of bladder control, insomnia, achy sore muscles....
I am not going to miss pregnancy.
But, as of Tuesday morning there are some things I will miss. The freedom of only having two kids who are almost 3 and 5 1/2! Some perks are putting them to bed at 7 pm and sometimes sleeping in until 9am. Not changing diapers (Ehlana has been potty trained for a while now.) Going out to eat and not having them cry through dinner. Having them climb into the car all by themselves. Not having to carry around a diaper bag. Leaving them with a baby sitter and knowing they won't cry the whole time. Giving them balloons and having them entertained for hours. I love having two kids. I actually find it to be easy. Sometimes I wonder what I am getting myself into! But, we are so excited to have another child and we already love him so much. We have just one more weekend of being a family of four. I'm trying to enjoy it. (As much as I can enjoy being 39 weeks pregnant!) Right now Steve is gone helping someone in the ward move, I am blogging in my pajamas, Ehlana is watching TV, and Jaxson is playing a game on the computer in his underwear. We will miss quiet Saturday Mornings!

The kids are getting more and more excited about the baby coming. I explained the c-section process to Jaxson and he said, "I really want to see that!" He was pretty disappointed when I said he was going to stay with Grandma when we went to the Hospital to have the baby.
Maybe when he's older Steve will let him see a real surgery. I personally don't have any interest in seeing a surgery. Ever. I guess he's his father's son.
Today Ehlana said, "I know how I can get baby Jakob out of your belly. I can use my strong hands! And then a rope!"
Hmmm... tempting. But, I think I will leave the delivery up to the professionals.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Counting Down

Exactly two weeks from now I will have a new one of these...

I can't wait.

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