“Life is to be Enjoyed, not just Endured.”

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Minivan Mom

The day has finally arrived! After 5 years of marriage and 2 kids we finally purchased a second car! It hasn't always been easy having one car. (Especially when I would get the kids out of bed before 7am and drive for 1 1/2 to take Steve to whatever hospital he was doing his rotation at.) But, it was a sacrifice we were willing to make while Steve was in school. Yesterday we bought a 2006 Nissan Quest. It's dark grey and has a DVD player, power doors, seats that fold down completely into the floor, and an alarm system. We really liked the body style of the Nissan Quest and we know a couple people who have them and love them. Since we are planning on having more kids (eventually) a minivan seemed like the best car for our family. We are really happy with it and the kids love riding in it. Does this mean I'm a "soccer mom"???

Independence Day

The kids and I flew home from Boise on the afternoon of the Fourth of July. My parents were still gone and I was pretty exhausted from traveling so we had a very low-key holiday. We went out to dinner which was nice because no one was at the restaurant. We then stopped and bought a few fire works and some cookies for dessert. Steve was amazed at all the fireworks that are legal here. (The neighbors put on quite the show!) The kids loved the fireworks. Ehlana was so mesmerized that she stopped eating her cookie. (Which is a big deal, you should see this girl eat!) Jaxson liked the sparklers and pop its. The best part of the day was that the kids were in bed by 8:30. I was a nice and quiet evening with just our little family.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Till We Meet Again

My dear Aunt Shirley passed away from Cancer one week ago. She was 55 years old, has 11 surviving children, and 19 grandchildren. I was still in Utah visiting Steve's family when I heard the news. I arranged to stay with my In-laws a couple more days and ride with my sister and her family up to Boise, ID for the funeral. Unfortunately Steve couldn't go with me, it would have been nice to have him there to meet my Aunts, Uncles, and Cousins. We arrived at our friend's the Wallace's house on Thursday afternoon and went to the Viewing that evening. Shirley looked so much like my Grandmother. It was great to see all her children. Everyone was so upbeat and welcoming, just like Shirley. Her husband, Alvin, told my sister and I the funny story of how he had proposed to her and there was a slide show playing of her life. We left the Viewing and went to Shirley's house to help my Mom watch all her grandkids. I was pushing a couple of them on the swing and I started to cry. I couldn't help but think of how much she would miss her little grandkids. The next morning was the funeral. It was wonderful. I was so touched by her life and her dedication to the Gospel and her family. I always loved my Aunt Shirley she was so fun and outgoing. I always enjoyed it when we got together with her family. She will be missed.

Shirley Ricks Lines December 26, 1953 - June 29, 2009

"Wherefore, be not weary in well-doing, for ye are laying the foundation of a great work. And out of small and simple things proceedth that which is great."
~Doctrine and Covenants 64:33

Fun With the Family

More Pictures of the Cox Family Reunion

Fart Face

The Mosquitoes loved Jaxson

Cute Cousins Ehlana and Chelsea

Water Fun

My Sister's House

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