“Life is to be Enjoyed, not just Endured.”

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Santa Baby

Our little Angel Girl, 7 months old.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Jaxson's Third Birthday!

For Jaxson's Birthday we had a low key party with my family. It was nothing really exciting but, Jaxson had fun. We videotaped most of the party so I didn't get many pictures. He had a great time playing balloons, opening presents, and eating cake.

My brothers playing an exciting game of chess.

I made Jaxson a Fire Truck cake which he was thrilled about. I have ruled out a career in Cake Decorating that's for sure! I'm just glad he liked it.

It's About Time!

I've been really busy and blogging has sadly been put on the back burner for a while now. I've been Christmas shopping, catching up with old friends, hanging out with new friends, spending time with family, organizing and cleaning the house, and doing lots of extra laundry and dishes. Last weekend was Stake Conference and Elder Nelson came! It was wonderful! We got a babysitter for the Adult session Saturday Night and went to Denny's afterward with my parents and my brother, Neil, who is in town. Sunday morning Steve got called into Surgery so I took the kids to Conference myself. It wasn't so bad because I sat with my dad and Neil. (Mom and Carl sang in the choir.) It was very uplifting and I'm so glad we had the opportunity to listen to an Apostle of the Lord.
Steve is in his Surgery rotation and is gone quite a bit. This weekend was his first weekend on call and he was gone Saturday and Sunday morning and he missed Jaxson's birthday party Sunday evening. On Monday he was called in at 4am and didn't get home until 9pm. It's a bummer he gone a lot but it helps us to appreciate each other. We both can't wait until there's a pay check for all the hours he puts in!
Jaxson loves to play outside! He has the luxury of a playground right in our front yard! I think he's finally settling in. He doesn't handle change very well, but he's getting better. He loves his Uncles and playing School. I'm trying to get him ready for Primary in January so we play school a couple times a week. He's learning to sit in his chair and raise his hand. If he does well he gets a stamp on his hand. He's getting better and better each time.

Ehlana loves eating baby food and wishes she could eat everything we're eating. She now sits at the table with us for Breakfast and Dinner. She wants to crawl but is still pretty far from it. She rolls onto her stomach and then yells at whatever it is she can't reach. It's pretty funny how worked up she gets when she doesn't get her way! She's been sleeping though the night again which has been wonderful! She goes to bed at 7:30 or 8pm and sleeps until 7 or 8 the next morning. She's growing so fast!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Life on the Farm

Our house is coming together and it's finally starting to feel like home! Jaxson loves living by Grandma, Papa, and Uncle Carl. He asks to go to Grandma's house all the time. On the way home the other day he asked and I said yes. Then he said, "No not our house, Grandma's house!" He could stay there all day if I let him. He's starting to adjust more and more. He does miss his friends though. Today he asked where his friends were. I felt bad for him! He loves to play outside and he loves the animals on the farm. Last Saturday Steve helped my dad and my brother build a new fence for the pigs. Steve's learning very quickly how much work it takes to run a farm. I think he's starting to understand how much I worked as a child! Here's some pictures I took from our back window. Jaxson loves eating breakfast and lunch while watching the pigs and cows. And I'm getting used to the extra laundry from him getting so dirty every time he goes outside.


I'm a little late in posting about Halloween! We've been really busy getting things unpacked and organized....

For Halloween Jaxson was a Fireman the first night at our ward party and a Doctor on Halloween night. Elle was a Ballerina. My friend, Tabatha, came over and saw her cat costume and asked if I wanted a too too to go with it. She made it and brought it to me and it was so cute I made a costume out of it. On Halloween we went to our friend's ward party for trick or treating around the church. Jaxson was really grumpy so we just called it a night. I wasn't too bummed that we didn't really go trick or treating, but, I can't wait until he's a little older and came really enjoy it.

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